11,313 research outputs found

    Hybrid-learning-based classification and quantitative inference of driver braking intensity of an electrified vehicle

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    The recognition of driver's braking intensity is of great importance for advanced control and energy management for electric vehicles. In this paper, the braking intensity is classified into three levels based on novel hybrid unsupervised and supervised learning methods. First, instead of selecting threshold for each braking intensity level manually, an unsupervised Gaussian Mixture Model is used to cluster the braking events automatically with brake pressure. Then, a supervised Random Forest model is trained to classify the correct braking intensity levels with the state signals of vehicle and powertrain. To obtain a more efficient classifier, critical features are analyzed and selected. Moreover, beyond the acquisition of discrete braking intensity level, a novel continuous observation method is proposed based on Artificial Neural Networks to quantitative analyze and recognize the brake intensity using the prior determined features of vehicle states. Experimental data are collected in an electric vehicle under real-world driving scenarios. Finally, the classification and regression results of the proposed methods are evaluated and discussed. The results demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed hybrid learning methods for braking intensity classification and quantitative recognition with various deceleration scenarios

    Technology in Hybrid Learning: Improving ScienceEducation at UNLV

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    Our campus has a diverse and unique range of learners. Flipping the classroom offers a greater opportunity for student success. I have converted the Introductory Chemistry course, CHEM 108, into a Hybrid learning format. The driving force behind this pedagogy, is accessibility. Taking the traditional lecture out of the classroom and putting it into an interactive video format gives students more flexibility with their schedules and allows them to learn the content at their own pace. Additionally, by utilizing H5P interactive classroom features, students are able to get meaningful feedback during the video lecture to help gauge their understanding of the content they are learning. Finally, flipping the classroom experience and working through the more challenging concepts in the face-to-face setting reinforces the foundation put in place by the video lecture.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1097/thumbnail.jp


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    This study aims to determine how the implementation of character education in hybrid learning for fifth grade students at MI Khadijah Malang, and to find out the character values formed in hybrid learning, and to determine the impact and constraints of character education on hybrid learning. This type of research is a case study and uses a qualitative approach. How to collect data using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Implementation of character education in hybrid learning for class V students at MI Khadijah Malang 2) Impact of character education on hybrid learning for class V students at MI Khadijah Malang 3) Obstacles in character education in hybrid learning for class V at MI Khadijah Malang. Kata kunci: Implementation, Character Education, Hybrid Learning


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    German hybrid learning model combines two learning methods that consist offline and online. On the other hand, there are still many aspects in this learning model that need further analysis, for instance student’s score acquisition during hybrid learning and student’s perception on German hybrid learning model as a result of empirical data which can be seen and valued. This research is conducted based on previous discussed aspects to identify: 1) 10th grade students learn result during the German hybrid learning at Angkasa Husein Sastranegara High School; 2) 10th grade student’s perception on German hybrid learning at Angkasa Husein Sastranegara High School. This research uses qualitative analysis with descriptive cases study. Result of this research’s analysis determined that 1) Student’s score acquisition during German hybrid learning has no significant difference in overall, rather there’s differences during the offline and online learning; 2) Student’s perception on German hybrid learning conclude that learning goes effectively and reveal another learn environment caused by offline and online learning furthermore hybrid learning model offers a student-focused learning method to help student to explore insight independently. Nonetheless students find F2F learning more effective for foreign language learning, notably German. Overcoming this requires the development of learning methods in hybrid learning


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    Metode Hybrid Learning ialah suatu metode yang mengkombinasikan pembelajaran tatap muka dengan pembelajaran berbasis komputer secara online ataupun offline. Tujuan penelitian ini guna mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh Hybrid Learning terhadap kemampuan belajar statistika mahasiswa PBI STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 23 mahasiswa semester 5 Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random. Desain yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini adalah One shot case study. Variabel X berupa metode Hybrid Learning sedangkan variabel Y nya kemampuan belajar statistika.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali pertemuan dengan tipe Traditional Classes–Real Workshop–Virtual Workshop. Metode Hybrid Learning dinilai dari hasil observasi kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan dosen dan observasi aktivitas belajar mahasiswa. Sedangkan pada kemampuan belajar diperoleh dari hasil ujian/tes matakuliah statistika setelah dosen menerapkan metode Hybrid Learning. Pengujian asumsi klasik dan analisis regresi linier sederhana dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Prosedur pelaksanaan metode Hybrid Learning mengacu pada tipe Traditional Classes – Real Workshop – Virtual Workshop. Dari hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh Hybrid Learning terhadap kemampuan belajar statistika mahasiswa PBI STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo secara signifikan dengan koefisien determinasi dari pengolahan data memberikan hasil sebesar 43,4% yang artinya kontribusi variabel Hybrid Learning terhadap kemampuan belajar statistika mahasiswa sebesar 43,4%, sisanya 56,6% ditentukan oleh variabel lain. Dengan adanya penerapan metode Hybrid Learning ini secara umum dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar mahasiswa serta minat mereka terhadap matakuliah statistika

    Enhancing Classroom Learning through Hybrid Teaching and Learning: Insights from a Four-Session Training Program

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    Hybrid learning, with a focus on facilitating students’ problem-solving skills, is a new and innovative approach which teachers can employ to inculcate higher-level thinking among their students. Accordingly, the purpose of this hybrid training program is to equip teachers with the skills to create hybrid learning instruments that facilitate problem-solving in their classrooms. The training methods include presentations, Q&A sessions, discussions and performances in the form of direct exercises guided by a facilitator (or resource person). Offline teachers from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Muhammadiyah Kramat and online teachers from a primary school, or Sekolah Dasar (SD) MI Muhammadiyah Se-Banyumas attended the training. In general, training activities are structured into 4 stages, namely (1) training on creating instruments and implementing hybrid learning to support problem-solving; (2) assisting in the creation of hybrid learning instruments; 3) monitoring, testing, and implementing hybrid learning in the classroom; and 4) reflecting on the outcomes of implementing hybrid learning. Insights gained from the training program that aims to create hybrid learning instruments, are presented and discussed
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