20,344 research outputs found

    Altered Achilles Tendon Morphology in Individuals With Chronic Post-Stroke Hemiparesis: A Case Report

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    Background: Individuals post-stroke walk slowly and with more effort, which puts them at higher risks for falls. The slow walking speed results from insufficient propulsive forces generated by the paretic leg. Current rehabilitative efforts to improve walking function target increasing propulsive forces, but overlook the muscle-tendon unit. Case presentations: Two individuals with chronic post-stroke hemiparesis are presented. In both individuals post-stroke, paretic ankle plantarflexors presented with increased muscle tone. Gait kinetics revealed asymmetric propulsive forces, specifically, insufficient propulsive forces by the paretic legs, consistent with previous literature. Sonography revealed increased thickness of paretic Achilles tendon at the calcaneal insertion, in both stroke cases, in contrast to comparable Achilles tendon thickness between limbs in the non-neurologically impaired controls. Conclusion: Tendon unit integrity should be considered in individuals post-stroke who demonstrate abnormal muscle tone and insufficient propulsion during gait

    Impaired H-Reflex Adaptations Following Slope Walking in Individuals With Post-stroke Hemiparesis

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    Background and Purpose: Short term adaptations in the Ia afferent-motoneuron pathway, as measured using the H-reflex, in response to altered ground reaction forces (GRFs) applied at the feet during slope walking have been observed in the non-impaired nervous system. The ability of the stroke-impaired nervous system to adapt to altered GRFs have not been examined. The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of altered propulsive and braking forces applied at the feet, which naturally occurs when walking on different slopes, on adaptations of the H-reflex pathway in individuals with chronic post-stroke hemiparesis

    Motor imagery training improves precision of an upper limb movement in patients with hemiparesis

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    BACKGROUND: In healthy participants, beneficial effects of motor imagery training on movement execution have been shown for precision, strength, and speed. In the clinical context, it is still debated whether motor imagery provides an effective rehabilitation technique in patients with motor deficits.OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of two different types of movement training: motor imagery vs. motor execution.METHODS: Twenty-five patients with hemiparesis were assigned to one of two training groups: the imagery or the execution-training group. Both groups completed a baseline test before they received six training sessions, each of which was followed by a test session. Using a novel and precisely quantifiable test, we assessed how accurately patients performed an upper limb movement. RESULTS: Both training groups improved performance over the six test sessions but the improvement was significantly larger in the imagery group. That is, the imagery group was able to perform more precise movements than the execution group after the sixth training session while there was no difference at the beginning of the training.CONCLUSIONS: The results provide evidence for the benefit of motor imagery training in patients with hemiparesis and thus suggest the integration of cognitive training in conventional physiotherapy practice

    Motor fluency shapes abstract concepts

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    People with different types of bodies tend to think differently in predictable ways, even about abstract ideas that seem far removed from bodily experience. Right- and left-handers implicitly associate positive ideas like goodness and honesty more strongly with their dominant side of space, the side on which they can interact with their environment more fluently, and negative ideas with their non-dominant side. This suggests a role for motor experience in shaping abstract thoughts. Yet, previous evidence is also consistent with an experience-independent account. Here we show that right-handers' tendency to associate 'good' with right and 'bad' with left can be reversed due to both long- and short-term changes in motor fluency. Among stroke patients who were right-handed prior to unilateral cerebrovascular accident (CVA), those with left-hemiparesis (following right CVA) associated good with right, but those with right-hemiparesis (following left CVA) associated good with left, like natural left-handers. A similar pattern was found in healthy right-handers whose right or left hand was temporarily handicapped in a laboratory training task. Motor experience influences judgments of good and bad, overriding any predispositions due to natural handedness. Even highly abstract ideas depend, in part, on how people interact with the physical world

    Lower Extremity Passive Range of Motion in Community-Ambulating Stroke Survivors

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    Background: Physical therapists may prescribe stretching exercises for individuals with stroke to improve joint integrity and to reduce the risk of secondary musculoskeletal impairment. While deficits in passive range of motion (PROM) exist in stroke survivors with severe hemiparesis and spasticity, the extent to which impaired lower extremity PROM occurs in community-ambulating stroke survivors remains unclear. This study compared lower extremity PROM in able-bodied individuals and independent community-ambulatory stroke survivors with residual stroke-related neuromuscular impairments. Our hypothesis was that the stroke group would show decreased lower extremity PROM in the paretic but not the nonparetic side and that decreased PROM would be associated with increased muscle stiffness and decreased muscle length. Methods: Individuals with chronic poststroke hemiparesis who reported the ability to ambulate independently in the community (n = 17) and age-matched control subjects (n = 15) participated. PROM during slow (5 degrees/sec) hip extension, hip flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion was examined bilaterally using a dynamometer that measured joint position and torque. The maximum angular position of the joint (ANGmax), torque required to achieve ANGmax (Tmax), and mean joint stiffness (K) were measured. Comparisons were made between able-bodied and paretic and able-bodied and nonparetic limbs. Results: Contrary to our expectations, between-group differences in ANGmax were observed only during hip extension in which ANGmax was greater bilaterally in people post-stroke compared to control subjects (P ≤ 0.05; stroke = 13 degrees, able-bodied = −1 degree). Tmax, but not K, was also significantly higher during passive hip extension in paretic and nonparetic limbs compared to control limbs (P ≤ 0.05; stroke = 40 Nm, able-bodied = 29 Nm). Compared to the control group, Tmax was increased during hip flexion in the paretic and nonparetic limbs of post-stroke subjects (P ≤ 0.05, stroke = 25 Nm, able-bodied = 18 Nm). K in the nonparetic leg was also increased during hip flexion (P ≤ 0.05, nonparetic = 0.52 Nm/degree, able-bodied = 0.37 Nm/degree.) Conclusion: This study demonstrates that community-ambulating stroke survivors with residual neuromuscular impairments do not have decreased lower extremity PROM caused by increased muscle stiffness or decreased muscle length. In fact, the population of stroke survivors examined here appears to have more hip extension PROM than age-matched able-bodied individuals. The clinical implications of these data are important and suggest that lower extremity PROM may not interfere with mobility in community-ambulating stroke survivors. Hence, physical therapists may choose to recommend activities other than stretching exercises for stroke survivors who are or will become independent community ambulators

    Rare presentation of an atrial myxoma in an adolescent patient: A case report and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac tumors are uncommon in the pediatric population. When present, cardiac manifestations stem from the tumor causing inflow or outflow obstruction. While common in adults, cardiac myxomas presenting with generalized systemic illness or peripheral emboli especially with no cardiac or neurological symptoms are rare in children. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of a previously healthy adolescent girl who presented with a 6-month history of constitutional symptoms and a purpuric rash with no cardiac or neurologic symptoms, found to have a cardiac myxoma. CONCLUSIONS: A vasculopathic rash in the setting of atrial myxomas has been shown be a precursor to significant morbidity and mortality. Due to the rarity of this entity, the time elapsed from onset of non-cardiac symptoms until diagnosis of a myxoma is usually prolonged with interval development of irreversible neurological sequelae and death reported in the literature. Therefore, we highlight the importance of including cardiac myxomas and paraneoplastic vasculitis early in the differential diagnosis for patients presenting with a purpuric rash and systemic symptoms

    Elastic, Viscous, and Mass Load Effects on Poststroke Muscle Recruitment and Co-contraction During Reaching: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Resistive exercise after stroke can improve strength (force-generating capacity) without increasing spasticity (velocity-dependent hypertonicity). However, the effect of resistive load type on muscle activation and co-contraction after stroke is not clear. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of load type (elastic, viscous, or mass) on muscle activation and co-contraction during resisted forward reaching in the paretic and nonparetic arms after stroke. Design: This investigation was a single-session, mixed repeated-measures pilot study. Methods: Twenty participants (10 with hemiplegia and 10 without neurologic involvement) reached forward with each arm against equivalent elastic, viscous, and mass loads. Normalized shoulder and elbow electromyography impulses were analyzed to determine agonist muscle recruitment and agonist-antagonist muscle co-contraction. Results: Muscle activation and co-contraction levels were significantly higher on virtually all outcome measures for the paretic and nonparetic arms of the participants with stroke than for the matched control participants. Only the nonparetic shoulder responded to load type with similar activation levels but variable co-contraction responses relative to those of the control shoulder. Elastic and viscous loads were associated with strong activation; mass and viscous loads were associated with minimal co-contraction. Limitations: A reasonable, but limited, range of loads was available. Conclusions: Motor control deficits were evident in both the paretic and the nonparetic arms after stroke when forward reaching was resisted with viscous, elastic, or mass loads. The paretic arm responded with higher muscle activation and co-contraction levels across all load conditions than the matched control arm. Smaller increases in muscle activation and co-contraction levels that varied with load type were observed in the nonparetic arm. On the basis of the response of the nonparetic arm, this study provides preliminary evidence suggesting that viscous loads elicited strong muscle activation with minimal co-contraction. Further intervention studies are needed to determine whether viscous loads are preferable for poststroke resistive exercise programs

    Mirror therapy and self-care autonomy after stroke: an intervention program

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    Background: In patients with middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke, changes in upper limb function lead to dependence on others for self-care. In the process of recovering autonomy/independence, there is evidence on the effectiveness of sensory stimulation techniques in the motor recovery after stroke. Objective: To assess the effect of mirror therapy on the self-care autonomy of patients with hemiplegia/hemiparesis due to MCA stroke. Methodology: Cross-sectional and quasi-experimental study with a quantitative approach, a before-and-after design, and a non-equivalent control group. A nonprobability sample of 30 participants was selected. Results: Gains in grip strength, joint range of motion, and manual dexterity of the upper limb were more significant in the experimental group but without statistically significant differences between groups. Conclusion: Despite the more significant evolution of the experimental group, mirror therapy was not effective in the motor recovery of the upper limb. Further studies are needed in this area using randomized designs, larger samples, and focused on self-care
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