10,895 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Goal Programming untuk Mengoptimalkan Produksi Teh (Studi Kasus: PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV – Pabrik Teh Bah Butong)

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    PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perkebunan dengan komoditas antara lain sawit, teh, kakao, karet, dan kina. Dalam hal ini penulis mengkhususkan penelitian pada hasil produksi teh olahan di salah satu pabrik teh yang berlokasi di Bah Butong. Penelitian ini membahas pengoptimalan produksi teh dengan menggunakan metode goal programming. Ada 15 jenis produk yang dihasilkan oleh Pabrik Teh Bah Butong, tetapi hanya 13 yang diproduksi pada tahun 2011 dan yang dipilih sebanyak 8 produk yang bersaing di pasar sebagai objek penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian dengan penerapan metode goal programming ini diperoleh deviasi total pendapatan langsung sebesar Rp 435.845.776,00 atau 0,74 % melebihi target yang diramalkan, jumlah produksi untuk 7 produk, antara lain BOP, BOP.F, PF, DUST, BT.II, FAN.II, RBO sesuai dengan target dan satu produk tipe PF.II yang mengalami penyimpangan, dan jumlah waktu kerja melampaui target yang ditetapkan sehingga perlu menambah jam kerja

    Pendekatan Goal Programming untuk Penentuan Rute Kendaraan pada Kegiatan Distribusi

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    Jaringan transportasi memegang peranan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu yang terpenting adalah pada industri pengadaan barang dan jasa. Setiap Perusahaan telah memiliki aturan tersendiri dalam melayani kebutuhan para pelanggan dalam hal pendistribusian barang dan jasa tersebut. Permasalahannya adalah apakah sistem yang dilakukan Perusahaan selama ini adalah sistem yang terbaik atau tidak. Permasalahan penentuan rute kendaraan meliputi bagaimana merancang beberapa rute kendaraan berdasarkan satu pusat depot yang melayani beberapa pelanggan yang tersebar secara geografis, sementara dengan meminimumkan total jarak perjalanan, total waktu, dan total biaya distribusi. Permasalahan ini ditemui pada kasus pendistribusian bahan bakar minyak ke SPBU oleh ISG PT. Pertamina Surabaya. Pada tugas akhir ini yang dibahas adalah bagaimana menerapkan metode goal programming untuk membuat model penentuan rute dengan kendala-kendala yang dimiliki Perusahaan sehingga diperoleh hasil yang lebih optimal. Dengan mengembangkan model penentuan rute yang sudah ada sebelumnya dan dengan menggunakan bantuan program LINGO 11.0, penentuan rute dengan metode goal programming dapat diselesaikan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa rute terbentuk dengan jarak, waktu, dan biaya paling minimum

    Two Weighted Fuzzy Goal Programming Methods to Solve Multiobjective Goal Programming Problem

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    We propose two new methods to find the solution of fuzzy goal programming (FGP) problem by weighting method. Here, the relative weights represent the relative importance of the objective functions. The proposed methods involve one additional goal constraint by introducing only underdeviation variables to the fuzzy operator λ (resp., 1-λ), which is more efficient than some well-known existing methods such as those proposed by Zimmermann, Hannan, Tiwari, and Mohamed. Mohamed proposed that every fuzzy linear program has an equivalent weighted linear goal program where the weights are restricted as the reciprocals of the admissible violation constants. But the above proposition of Mohamed is not always true. Furthermore, the proposed methods are easy to apply in real-life situations which give better solution in the sense that the objective values are sufficiently closer to their aspiration levels. Finally, for illustration, two real examples are used to demonstrate the correctness and usefulness of the proposed methods


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    "Maximizing Conservation and In-Kind Cost Share: Applying Goal Programming to Forest Protection"

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    This research evaluates the potential gains in benefits from using Goal Programming to preserve forestland. Two- and three-dimensional Goal Programming models are developed and applied to data from applicants to the U.S. Forest Service’s Forest Legacy Program, the largest forest protection program in the United States. Results suggest that not only do these model yield substantial increases in benefits, but by being able to account for both environmental benefits and in-kind partner cost share, Goal Programming may be flexible enough to facilitate adoption by program managers needing to account for both ecological and political factors.Goal programming, multi-objective programming, conservation optimization, forest conservation, environmental services, in-kind cost sharing, matching grants

    A goal programming methodology for multiobjective optimization of distributed energy hubs operation

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimal energy flow management in multicarrier energy networks in the presence of interconnected energy hubs. The overall problem is here formalized by a nonlinear constrained multiobjective optimization problem and solved by a goal attainment based methodology. The application of this solution approach allows the analyst to identify the optimal operation state of the distributed energy hubs which ensures an effective and reliable operation of the multicarrier energy network in spite of large variations of load demands and energy prices. Simulation results obtained on the 30 bus IEEE test network are presented and discussed in order to demonstrate the significance and the validity of the proposed method

    Operational budgeting using fuzzy goal programming

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    Having an efficient budget normally has different advantages such as measuring the performance of various organizations, setting appropriate targets and promoting managers based on their achievements. However, any budgeting planning requires prediction of different cost components. There are various methods for budgeting planning such as incremental budgeting, program budgeting, zero based budgeting and performance budgeting. In this paper, we present a fuzzy goal programming to estimate operational budget. The proposed model uses fuzzy triangular as well as interval number to estimate budgeting expenses. The proposed study of this paper is implemented for a real-world case study in province of Qom, Iran and the results are analyzed
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