1,253 research outputs found

    The Globalization Strategy of Vietnamese IT Enterprises in the Context of ASEAN Economic Community Via the Case Study of Fpt Corporation Hoang Van Cuong, (Director of International Mobility Department, Fpt University Vietnam)

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    Vietnam IT Industry has been growing rapidly duringthe past 15 years. It has been considered as the mainshort cut to develop the Vietnamese economy from a lowincome to a middle income country (MIC). From 2002to 2013, the revenue of software industry increased 52times to reach nearly 3 USbillion;andtherevenueofhardwareindustryincreased70.5timestoreach36.8US billion; and the revenue ofhardware industry increased 70.5 times to reach 36.8US billion. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City – the twobiggest cities in Vietnam have been ranked in the Top100 outsourcing destinations by Tholons (an advisoryfirm for global outsourcing and investment).ASEAN is one of the key markets for Vietnam'sIT industry. The region also provides a high potentiallabor force market to solve the human resourceproblems of the IT enterprises. In this context, ASEANEconomic Community will have a significant influenceto the development of Vietnam's IT enterprises.This paper will discuss the globalizationstrategy of Vietnamese IT enterprises in the context ofASEAN Economic community via the case of FPTCorporation – the leading IT Company in Vietnamwhich currently has its office in Singapore, Malaysia,Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia andthe Philippines

    Globalization Strategy of Emerging Chinese MNCs - A Case Study of Haier Group

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    Abstract In recent years, the rise of emerging market multinational corporations (MNCs) has captured much attention in the field of international business. After entering into the World Trade Organization (WTO), Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs) are trying to build their globalization strategies to meet the challenges. This paper is summarized as follows. The first chapter gives an overview of the paper including the purpose and the methodology used in the paper. This paper aims at analyzing the globalization strategies taken by emerging Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs), especially the global branding strategy. Haier Group, China's largest home appliance brand and one of the world's leading white goods home appliance manufacturers, is taken as the case study. The second chapter firstly shows the rise of Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs) in the world marketplace. Taking the chance of entering the World Trade Organization (WTO), more and more Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs) are making their way on the world stage. Then the motive and development models of globalization strategy for Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs) are analyzed. New market, raw material and advanced technology are the main motive of globalization for Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs). The original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/ joint venture (JV), acquisition and green-field investment are the main globalization routes taken by Chinese firms. The third chapter analyzing the globalization strategy of Haier Group is the main part of this paper. In this part, Haier's four strategic phases basing on analyzing its development situation and the changes of market is shown in the first. Then the internal and external forces driving Haier Group puts its globalization strategy into operation are shown. At last we can see the core international marketing strategies of Haier Group including its brand management, global Research and Development (R&D) and foreign investment overseas. Haier, Casarte and Leader are the three big brand of Haier Group, which expand its brand influence and spread its brand belief and value all over the world. To take its global Research and Development (R&D) into practice, Haier Group builds up a global technical cooperation network including wholly independent labs, Research and Development(R&D) unit and cooperative Research and Development(R&D) with universities and research institutes. Establishing joint venture (JV) and merger & acquisition (M&A) overseas is the representative way of Haier Group's foreign investment. In the forth chapter, through analyzing the strength , weakness, opportunity and threats (SWOT) of Haier Group, what the tendency of Haier’s globalization strategy will be is discussed. The last part is the conclusion of this paper. Globalization phase will be full of challenges for Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs). Haier's globalization strategy has achieved global recognition and sustainable development. Chinese firms having a willing to go abroad will get enlightenment from it.Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 3 1.1 The background and purpose 3 1.1.1 The background 3 1.1.2 The purpose 3 1.2 Methodology 3 Chapter 2: Development of Chinese MNCs 4 2.1 The rise of Chinese MNCs in the global marketplace. 4 2.2 Motive of globalization for Chinese MNCs. 8 2.3 Modes of globalization of Chinese MNCs. 11 Chapter 3 : Globalization strategy of Haier 13 3.1 Haier's strategic phases . 13 3.2 Motive of Haier's globalization strategy. 17 3.3 International marketing of Haier 18 3.3.1 Brand management 19 3.3.2 Global R&D 23 3.3.3 Foreign investment overseas 33 Chapter 4: Challenges and prospects for Haier 36 4.1 SWOT analysis of Haier 36 4.2 Tendency of Haier's globalization strategy 39 Chapter 5: Conclusion 40 References: 4


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    In the present world having connections across borders becomes a competitive advantage. The easy access to a constant stream of information is making the opportunities countless, adding to the equation that the Internet and supplementary techniques such as different types of software are still very young, the opportunities will keep on emerge. There are still great gaps in terms of technology between countries, which enables fast growing companies to fill a niche and gain new market shares due to their technological lead and managerial practices. This research has put the emphasis on creating a guiding discussion on how an international expansion strategy could be formulated.tour operator, risk, globalization, strategy

    Competitiveness, productivity and externalization: Food versus autos in Catalonia

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    This paper re-examines the innovation-productivity nexus on the basis of a paired comparison between Catalonia's food and auto sectors. The sectoral studies expose a set of productivity enhancement mechanisms that do not involve innovation in the sense of anything new to the world, that are grouped under the rubric of renovation and comprise: - Reaching efficient scale - Rectifying (other) obvious internal deficiencies - Replicating or imitating innovations, techniques, etc., developed by others - Replacement of inefficient incumbents by more efficient entrants - Redeployment of resources across sectors The paper also discusses the implications of this broader perspective for industrial policy, and for internationalization.Productivity; Innovation; Industrial Policy; Internationalization; Globalization; Strategy;


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    Factors That Influence a Jewelry Brand\u27s Globalization Process

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    Local retail jewelry leaders of Saudi Arabian (S.A.) small to medium enterprises (SMEs) have struggled to survive through declining profits and increasing business foreclosures, thus threatening the sustainability of the Saudi retail sector and the Saudi economy. A globalization strategy to enhance profitability for jewelry retail SMEs in S.A. is needed, given the limited options for improving profitability. Despite this acknowledged need, leaders in S.A. have refrained from such a strategy because they lack knowledge of economic attraction features to target in the globalization process. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study using discriminant analysis was to examine specific countries\u27 economic attraction features in the historical globalization strategy of a leading U.S. global jewelry company that could facilitate the implementation of a successful globalization strategy for a local Saudi jewelry SME retail company. The study addressed the effects of 6 independent predictor variables of 25 target countries\u27 economic attractions on the dependent grouping variable, which distinguished among 3 order-of-entry groups according to the U.S. company\u27s date of entry in each country between 1972 and 2009. Results indicated that except for the Hofstede index, no other variable had a significant role in the classification of the target countries. Because there was a scarcity of research on this topic, the study is beneficial for its theoretical and academic value, and may be practical for the derivative benefits of catalyzing business growth by empowering leaders of local, successful luxury brands in S.A. to implement their own globalization expansion process and increase employment in the Middle East

    Developing Strategies for Islamic Banks to Face the Future Challenges of Financial Globalization

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    Developing Strategies for Islamic Banks to Face the Future Challenges of Financial Globalization Ahmed Al-Ajlouni Abstract This study aims at forming strategic response to assess the ability of Islamic banks in benefiting from the opportunities that may be provided by financial globalization and limits its threats, through assessing the capability of Islamic banks to meet the requirements and challenges of financial globalization, then suggests the suitable strategies that may be adopted by Islamic banks to maximize and limit the expected opportunities and threats respectivelyIslamic Financial Institutions, Islamic Banking, Financial Liberalization, financial globalization,

    ТЕРОРИЗМ ЯК ПРОЯВ КОНФЛІКТУ СТРАТЕГІЙ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ (Terrorism like a cultural identity strategies conflict manifestation)

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    Стаття аналізує дві різні стратегії культурної ідентичності - глобалізацію та автентизацію. Мета статті - розглянути процес культурної ідентифікації як один з найбільш значущих чинників сучасної політики. Досліджується феномен конфлікту між різними культурами та цивілізаціями. Аналізується структура смислових полів культури як основа людської діяльності. У сучасному світі конфлікт стратегій культурної ідентифікації набуває рис терористичного протистояння. (The present paper analyzes two different cultural identity strategies - globalization strategy and striking root strategy. The main manifestation of globalization strategy is the politics of globalization. The main manifestation of striking root strategy is extremism. The author thoughts, that modern shooting wars and political conflicts are caused by the encounter between two main culture identity strategies. The purpose of the paper is to consider the cultural identity process like one of the most significant factor of modern policy. Interactions between cultures and nations build up current internal and foreign policy andpolicy of peace in the whole world. Investigated here is the phenomenon of the conflict between different cultures and civilizations. The most difficult conflicts are conflicts produced by opposition between supporters of globalization strategy and supporters of striking root strategy. Deleuze\ Ricker^s and Huntington's conceptions lie on the theoretical base of this investigation for describing the place ofman and culture in the time ofpostmodernism. The author analyzes the structure of grounds of meaning like a basis of human activity. There are fundamental ideas of national or/and cultural identity strategies underlie in that grounds of meaning. Cultural grounds of meaning are the conglomerations of traditions, religion and political convictions and historical memory of cultures and nations. They determine the space of man cultural identity strategies realization as a part of a social organism. To conclude it should be noted that conflict of the cultural identity strategies take the form of ethno-religious contradictions and became the terrorist conflict and even terrorist war in modern world.

    Random field sampling for a simplified model of melt-blowing considering turbulent velocity fluctuations

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    In melt-blowing very thin liquid fiber jets are spun due to high-velocity air streams. In literature there is a clear, unsolved discrepancy between the measured and computed jet attenuation. In this paper we will verify numerically that the turbulent velocity fluctuations causing a random aerodynamic drag on the fiber jets -- that has been neglected so far -- are the crucial effect to close this gap. For this purpose, we model the velocity fluctuations as vector Gaussian random fields on top of a k-epsilon turbulence description and develop an efficient sampling procedure. Taking advantage of the special covariance structure the effort of the sampling is linear in the discretization and makes the realization possible