384,434 research outputs found

    Marginalization for rare event simulation in switching diffusions

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    In this paper we use splitting technique to estimate the probability of hitting a rare but critical set by the continuous component of a switching diffusion. Instead of following classical approach we use Wonham filter to achieve multiple goals including reduction of asymptotic variance and exemption from sampling the discrete components

    Exact Analysis of TTL Cache Networks: The Case of Caching Policies driven by Stopping Times

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    TTL caching models have recently regained significant research interest, largely due to their ability to fit popular caching policies such as LRU. This paper advances the state-of-the-art analysis of TTL-based cache networks by developing two exact methods with orthogonal generality and computational complexity. The first method generalizes existing results for line networks under renewal requests to the broad class of caching policies whereby evictions are driven by stopping times. The obtained results are further generalized, using the second method, to feedforward networks with Markov arrival processes (MAP) requests. MAPs are particularly suitable for non-line networks because they are closed not only under superposition and splitting, as known, but also under input-output caching operations as proven herein for phase-type TTL distributions. The crucial benefit of the two closure properties is that they jointly enable the first exact analysis of feedforward networks of TTL caches in great generality


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana fungsi sertifikat hak atas tanah bagi pemilik sertifikat dan bagaimana tanggung jawab pelaku dalam tindak pidana penggelapan dan penipuan sertifikat hak atas tanah, di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. sebagai surat tanah bukti hak atas tanah yang memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang hak atas tanah yang bersangkutan. Fungsi sertifikat hak atas tanah adalah sebagai alat bukti yang kuat dan sebagai tanda bukti yang bersifat mutlak. 2. Tanggung jawab pelaku tindak pidana penggelapan dan penipuan sertifikat hak atas tanah didasarkan pada ketentuan Pasal 63 KUHP pelaku telah melakukan gabungan tindak pidana. Berdasarkan Pasal 63 ayat (1) KUHP, maka tanggungjawab pelaku adalah pidana penjara selama–lamanya empat tahun, karena tindak pidana penggelapan diancam dengan pidana penjara selama–lamanya empat tahun dan tindak pidana penipuan diancam dengan pidana penjara selama–lamanya empat tahun.Kata kunci: penggelapan; sertifikat

    High-resolution DCE-MRI of the pituitary gland using radial k-space acquisition with compressed sensing reconstruction

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The pituitary gland is located outside of the blood-brain barrier. Dynamic T1 weighted contrast enhanced sequence is considered to be the gold standard to evaluate this region. However, it does not allow assessment of intrinsic permeability properties of the gland. Our aim was to demonstrate the utility of radial volumetric interpolated brain examination with the golden-angle radial sparse parallel technique to evaluate permeability characteristics of the individual components (anterior and posterior gland and the median eminence) of the pituitary gland and areas of differential enhancement and to optimize the study acquisition time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in 52 patients (group 1, 25 patients with normal pituitary glands; and group 2, 27 patients with a known diagnosis of microadenoma). Radial volumetric interpolated brain examination sequences with goldenangle radial sparse parallel technique were evaluated with an ROI-based method to obtain signal-time curves and permeability measures of individual normal structures within the pituitary gland and areas of differential enhancement. Statistical analyses were performed to assess differences in the permeability parameters of these individual regions and optimize the study acquisition time. RESULTS: Signal-time curves from the posterior pituitary gland and median eminence demonstrated a faster wash-in and time of maximum enhancement with a lower peak of enhancement compared with the anterior pituitary gland (P .005). Time-optimization analysis demonstrated that 120 seconds is ideal for dynamic pituitary gland evaluation. In the absence of a clinical history, differences in the signal-time curves allow easy distinction between a simple cyst and a microadenoma. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study confirms the ability of the golden-angle radial sparse parallel technique to evaluate the permeability characteristics of the pituitary gland and establishes 120 seconds as the ideal acquisition time for dynamic pituitary gland imaging

    Transrectal ultrasonography of the adrenal glands in donkeys (Equus asinus)

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    Little information is available for medical imaging in donkeys and no report about adrenal glands ultrasonography can be found in scientific literature. The feasibility of transrectal ultrasonography of the adrenal glands was tested on 30 healthy donkeys using a 10 MHz linear transducer. Mean age of animals was 10.7 ±4.8 years, mean weight 275.0 ±62.9 Kg and mean height 126.7 ±7.1 cm. The left adrenal gland was visualized in all donkeys. The right gland ultrasonography was not feasible in seven animals with a height less than 116 cm. The left gland was visualized as a linear or slightly curved structure, the right gland was most often S-shaped. In both glands, an hypechoic peripheral zone was identified as the cortex with an inner, hyperechoic medulla. The length was 5.49 ±1.90 cm and 5.15 ±1.10 cm for right and left gland, respectively. Right gland whole and medullary thickness were 0.71 ±0.11 cm and 0.24 ±0.09 cm, 0.65 ±0.13 cm and 0.21 ±0.07 cm, 0.56 ±0.17 cm and 0.25 ±0.07 cm for cranial pole, middle point and caudal pole respectively. Left gland whole and medullary thickness were 0.69 ±0.13 cm and 0.25 ±0.09 cm, 0.66 ±0.13 cm and 0.23 ±0.09 cm, 0.57 ±0.15 cm and 0.26 ±0.09 cm for cranial pole, middle point and caudal pole respectively. There was a significant correlation between height and the entire length of the left gland. Ultrasonography of the adrenal glands is a suitable tool for evaluation of both adrenal glands in most of the donkey. The size is a limiting factor for proper visualization of the right gland

    Metastasis to parotid gland from non Head and Neck tumors

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    Most primary tumors spreading metastasis to the parotid gland are usually located in the head and neck region, nonetheless, rarely, parotid gland can also be the target of metastatic localization site of distant primary tumors. The purpose of this study was to describe a clinical series of metastasis to the parotid gland from distant primary tumors (non Head & Neck)

    Atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 controls branching morphogenesis in the developing mammary gland

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    Macrophages are important regulators of branching morphogenesis during development and postnatally in the mammary gland. Regulation of macrophage dynamics during these processes can therefore have a profound impact on development. We demonstrate here that the developing mammary gland expresses high levels of inflammatory CC-chemokines, which are essential in vivo regulators of macrophage migration. We further demonstrate that the atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2, which scavenges inflammatory CC-chemokines, is differentially expressed during mammary gland development. We have previously shown that ACKR2 regulates macrophage dynamics during lymphatic vessel development. Here, we extend these observations to reveal a novel role for ACKR2 in regulating the postnatal development of the mammary gland. Specifically, we show that Ackr2−/− mice display precocious mammary gland development. This is associated with increased macrophage recruitment to the developing gland and increased density of the ductal epithelial network. These data demonstrate that ACKR2 is an important regulator of branching morphogenesis in diverse biological contexts and provide the first evidence of a role for chemokines and their receptors in postnatal development processes

    Survival of Theileria parva in its nymphal tick vector Rhipicephalus appendiculatus under laboratory and quasi natural conditions

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    Groups of nymphal Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Muguga, having a mean of 1 or 9 Theileria parva Muguga-infected salivary gland acini per tick, were kept under quasi-natural conditions at an altitude of 1950 m or 20°C at a relative humidity of 85% in the laboratory and their survival and infection prevalence and abundance determined over time. Theileria parva infections for both categories of ticks survived in the nymphal ticks for 50 or 26 weeks post salivary gland infection under quasi-natural or laboratory conditions respectively. There was a distinct decline in infections in the more heavily infected nymphae under both conditions of exposure, reflecting an apparent density dependence in parasite survival. Nymphal ticks having an average infection level of 1 infected salivary gland acinus per tick, survived for up to 69 or 65 weeks post-repletion under quasi-natural or the laboratory conditions respectively. Nymphae having an average infection level of 9 infected salivary gland acini per tick survived for a similar duration under each of the 2 conditions. The infection level of 9 infected salivary gland acini per tick did not seem to significantly affect the survival of the tick vector compared to those having an average of 1 infected salivary gland acinus per tick

    A case of primary Hodgkin's lymphoma of the parotid gland. Case report and differentian diagnosis from Kuttner's Syndrom

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    Abstract We report a rare case of primary Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) of the submandibular gland, with initially diagnosis of Kuttner’s Syndrom. A 48 years old man was referred to our hospital foe evaluation of a submandibular mass. Although the initial Fine Needle Aspiration and subsequent cytology was highly suggestive for a cronic sialadenitis with lymphoid cells. After surgical gland removal we obtained a definitive diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in submandibular gland a seat where the most common lymphoma tipe is B