38 research outputs found

    1º Congresso Internacional de Geologia de Timor-Leste.

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    Congresso Internacional de Geologia de Timor-Lest

    1º Congresso Internacional de Geologia de Timor-Leste. Livro de resumos

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    Livro de resumos e textos de conferencias convidas do 1CoGeoTiL: 1º Congresso Internacional de Geologia de Timor-Leste

    1º Congresso Internacional de Geologia de Timor-Leste. Livro de resumos

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    Livro de resumos e textos de conferencias convidas do 1CoGeoTiL: 1º Congresso Internacional de Geologia de Timor-Leste

    Estudos etnográficos de Ruy Cinatti em Timor-Leste

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    Vol. III das Atas do colóquio TLSA-PT 2020 Timor-Leste, a ilha e o mundo.2021. O painel “Estudos etnográficos de Ruy Cinatti em Timor“ foi proposto no âmbito do Projeto“Ruy Cinatti: etnógrafo e poeta”, apoiado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (P226421).Centro Nacional Chega! (Timor-Leste), Associação Iberoamericana de Estudos do Sudeste Asiático (AIA-SEAS ) e Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (P226421)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olhares sobre as narrativas de origem de Timor-Leste

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    Obra organizada por: Lúcio Sousa; Keu Apoema e Vicente PaulinoTimor-Leste é um país cuja diversidade etnolinguística tem, entre seus fundamentos, um amplo campo epistemológico de base oral e ancestral, no qual as narrativas de origem se constituem como um de seus elementos fulcrais. Tais narrativas, compreendidas como modos de apreensão do mundo visível e não visível, apresentam-se como dispositivos dinâmicos de interlocução e mediação entre grupos e Casas, tanto internamente, com os de dentro, como com outros, os de fora, colocando-se também, por isso mesmo, como chaves interpretativas para compreender e acessar as realidades locais em suas múltiplas dimensões, inclusive política. Este livro reúne artigos de pesquisadores de Timor-Leste, Brasil, Portugal, Espanha e Ástria com o objetivo de apresentar e discutir tais narrativas a partir de suas dinâmicas de manutenção, circulação e recriação, em diálogo com distintos cenários históricos constitutivos das diversas realidades comunitárias e da Nação. Dividido em quatro grandes temáticas, o livro aborda as narrativas de origem em suas relações com a Casa, suas redes de aliança e o território; as práticas rituais e conceitos de identidade e pertencimento a elas vinculadas; o outro, a alteridade e, por fim; a própria contemporaneidade em movimentos de continuidade e reinvenção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motivasi Peternak Sapi Dalam Adopsi Inovasi Inseminasi Buatan (IB): Studi Kasus Municipio Bobonaro Dan Municipio Covalima, Timor Leste

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    Since 2016, cattle farmers in Municipio Bobonaro and Municipio Covalima have carried out IB for their livestock, although there are still some farmers who do not or cannot do due to lack of access. This is related to the motivation of farmers with artificial insemination programs. The aim of our study was to determine the level of motivation regarding the cattle artificial insemination (IB) program, the level of adoption of IB program and to analyze the relationship between farmer characteristics and motivation regarding the IB program and the level of adoption of IB program innovation in cattle business in the municipality of Bobonaro and Covalima municipality. This research was conducted using a survey method approach and was carried out in the Municipio Bobonaro and Municipio Covalima. A total of 44 farmers participated in the program were included in the sample using a census strategy. Chi squared correlations, Spearman Rho, and quantitative descriptive analysis were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the level of motivation of farmers regarding the artificial insemination program included high criteria, while the level of innovation adoption of artificial insemination programs included medium criteria. Experience of raising cattle had a significant relationship with the motivation of farmers


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    Modern and developed agriculture requires permanent and reliable monitoring of both meteorological/climatic and biological variables in agrometeorological stations. The main objective of the work was to implement a network of agrometeorological stations in Timor-Leste, a developing Southeast Asian country with irregular weather/climate monitoring for the past decades mainly due to political instability (wars, occupations,...) and at that time still devoid of any national network of meteorological stations. For this purpose, we took into account the administrative division of the country and the available agro-climatic zoning, the location of the existing stations and of those with relevant historical records, the agricultural and forestry practices in the country, the existing agricultural research centres as well as the structure and composition of the existing stations (number and type of sensors, communication system, …) and the human resources to ensure a proper stations network management. The implementation of a network composed of 50 weather stations was proposed to cover the entire national territory (299.34 km2/station). A network of agrometeorological stations was purposed by strengthening the equipment in 15 out of these 50 weather stations with sensors that measure agrometeorological parameters and by assuring the ability to maintain it . Flexibility in the composition of each network has been safeguarded for the purpose of responding to any substantial change in financial or technical conditions in an ever-changing country. All methodologies and recommendations were discussed on the basis of a “management concept for weather stations” which requires not only scientific rigor in the choice of locations to be monitored, but also maintenance, human resources training and the involvement of beneficiary populations

    Testemunhos 'geo-mineralógicos' do Império Português no Oriente nas coleções do Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (Lisboa, Portugal)

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    O Museu Mineralógico e Geológico da Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa conservou, até o incêndio de 1978, amostras representativas de diversas unidades geológicas de Timor, coletadas de forma voluntariosa por agentes da administração colonial. O estudo deste acervo, que durante muitos anos foi o único do gênero em museus da metrópole, ajudou a fazer luz sobre a geologia da mais longínqua parcela do Império Colonial Português, apresentada, em traços gerais, ao Congresso Geológico Internacional, reunido em Londres em 1948. A maior parte destas amostras perdeu-se em 1978, conservando-se, contudo, as coleções que foram recolhidas a mando do governador da província, por solicitação do autor da comunicação àquele congresso, antigo naturalista do museu. No presente artigo, alicerçado no estudo da sua documentação científica, revisita-se o conjunto do acervo para esboçar o seu contexto de formação e a composição, destacando-o enquanto marco da soberania e de afirmação da ciência colonial no oriente português

    Initiation and Implementation of a Training Management Package for the East Timor Defence Force

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    This study reviewed the four specific literature areas; the Kings College Study; reviewing the cornerstone of East Timor's national strategy and security requirements, the Army Training System (ATS) and Army Needs Assessment model, the Office of Defence Force Development (ODFD), Force Development Plan (FOP) and the Logistic Contractor's (LC) Concept of Operations. These areas are linked and had an effect on the overall design of the study and its aim to develop an effective methodology for raising, training and sustaining the Logistic Support mechanisms for the East Timor Defence Force (ETDF). Further supplementation was gained from the following civilian sources; The Concept of Program in Adult Education, by A. Thomas, Needs and Needs Assessment in Continuing Professional Education, by B. Brennan, A State of the Art Methodology for Vocational Training by C. Campbell, The Politics of Responsibility: A Theory of Program Planning Practice of Adult Education, by R. Cervero and A. Wilson and the Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Adult Educators' Power and Influence: Tactics in Program Planning Practice, by Yang, B, Cervero, R.M, Valentine, T. and Benson, J. These literature areas revealed similarities within relevant civilian doctrine or areas of study and added balance to this dissertation. The author then deployed on three Tours of Duty (TOD) within East Timor, analyzing, interviewing and collating data. The TOD's fulfilled specific, whilst interrelated, activities; firstly a Reconnaissance TOD, ascertaining the depth and breadth of donor support required, secondly a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) TOD ascertaining the specific trade skill sets required to fulfill donor nation obligations, and lastly, a U.N. TOD with the U.N. Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET) as the Logistic Advisor (LA) within the Office of Defence Force Development (ODFD), developing, initiating and instigating the Logistic Support mechanisms. Three hypotheses were investigated within this dissertation; Hypothesis One, the ETDF does not possess the corporate knowledge or personnel skill-sets required to undertake logistic management and delivery. Hypothesis Two, the ETDF has operated for twenty-five years as a guerilla army and has no formal awareness of the requirements, strategically, tactically, logistically or financially of how to operate as an conventional armed force. Hypothesis Three, the ETDF has no formal training infrastructure and has limited numeracy and literacy skillsets amongst its soldiers. A qualitative, experimental approach involving six case studies was utilized