67,125 research outputs found

    Funds Flow Analysis and Determinants of Fixed Assets

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    The core objective of this study is to ascertain a link between the investment in fixed assets and the changing in the patterns of working capital. The relation between the flow of funds and the fixed assets is a central issue of the study. It is concluded in this study that funds from different sources determine the investment in fixed assets by different ways. With the help of this model, corporate planners and financial analysts can quantify the impacts of the flows of various funds on the assets holding patterns. Important conclusion of the model is that “fixed assets and working capital are complements. Working capital of a firm will increase with the enhancement in fixed assets”. The model is based on a single behavioral equation. The study is a mixture of the financial accounting postulates and econometric techniques.Working Capital; Employed Capital; Simulation Analysis; Above the Line; Multiple regression

    Comments on the Fixed Assets Investment Bill (draft)

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    Comments on a draft legislation regarding investment of fixed assets

    New Capital Estimates for China

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    Data on physical capital are an indispensable part of economic growth and efficiency studies. In the case of China, economy-wide fixed asset series are usually derived by aggregating gross fixed capital formation (net of depreciation) over time, and sectoral/ownership-specific series by correcting the limited official fixed asset data available. These procedures, to varying degrees, ignore that (i) gross fixed capital formation does not equal investment, (ii) investment does not equal the value of fixed assets newly created through investment, (iii) depreciation is an accounting measure that bears no necessary relation to changes in the production capacity of fixed assets, (iv) official fixed asset data, where available, incorporate significant revaluations in the 1990s, and (v) “net fixed assets” do not measure the contribution of fixed assets to production. This paper derives economy-wide fixed asset values for 1953-2003, correcting for these shortcomings. It uses both the traditional, cumulative approach and a new, so far unexplored method of combining economy-wide depreciation values and an economy-wide depreciation rate to directly yield economy-wide fixed assets. The derived fixed asset time series are evaluated in a comparison with each other as well as with series in the literature, leading to the recommendation of a specific choice of fixed asset time series.Capital, investment, national income accounting, production function estimations, Chinese statistics, fixed assets, measurement of economic growth

    Comparative Survey on the Records of Fixed Assets of Companies and Public Institutions

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    This paper deals by way of comparison with the theoretical and practical methods to record the output and input of tangible fixed assets (non-current assets) in and from the patrimony of companies, on the one side and of public institutions, on the other side, intending to point out the differences and similarities, in compliance with the national norms and international standards of accounting (IAS and IPSAS, as the case may be).fixed assets, long-term assets, non-current assets, tangible fixed assets, IAS, IPSAS

    Fixed Assets and Depreciations

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce „Dlouhodobý majetek a odpisy“ se zabývá problematikou dlouhodobého majetku a odpisů ve vybrané společnosti. V teoretické části je charakterizován dlouhodobý majetek jak z pohledu účetního, tak z pohledu daňového, dále je zde popsán účel a využití účetních a daňových odpisů. Praktická část je zaměřena na aplikaci teoretických znalostí v praxi přímo ve vybrané společnosti. Charakteristika a analýza účtování a odpisování dlouhodobého majetku, zhodnocení a doporučení do budoucna.Bechelor thesis with the topic „Fixed assets and depreciations“ is about the issue of fixed assets and depreciations in selected company. The theoretical part contains characteristic of long-term assets in term of accounting and also in term of tax. The purpose of accounting and tax depreciations is also described in this part. The practical part is focused on the application of theoretical knowledge in practice in the selected company. This part contains characteristics and analysis of accounting and depreciation of fixed assets, evaluation and recommendation to the future.117 - Katedra účetnictví a danívýborn

    New Capital Estimates for China

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    Data on physical capital are an indispensable part of economic growth and efficiency studies. In the case of China, fixed asset time series are usually derived either by aggregating gross fixed capital formation data over time, net of depreciation, or by correcting the limited official fixed asset data available. These procedures, to varying degrees, ignore that (i) gross fixed capital formation does not equal investment, (ii) investment does not equal the value of fixed assets newly created through investment, (iii) depreciation is an accounting measure that has no impact on changes in the production capacity of fixed assets, (iv) official fixed asset data, where available, incorporate significant revaluations in the 1990s, and (v) the variable 'net fixed assets,' frequently used in the literature, is an inappropriate measure of fixed assets for the purpose of growth or efficiency studies. This paper derives economy-wide fixed asset values for 1954-2002, correcting for these shortcomings. It also uses the so far unexplored method of combining economy-wide depreciation data (in the income approach to the calculation of gross domestic product) with an economy-wide depreciation rate to directly yield economy-wide fixed assets. The fixed asset time series derived here are contrasted with each other as well as with those presented in the literature. The reliability of the different series is evaluated, leading to the recommendation of a specific choice of fixed asset time series.Capital, fixed assets, investment, national income accounting, production function estimations, measurement of economic growth, Chinese statistics

    Food marketing cooperatives of Crete: A financial assessment within the EU context

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    In this paper an estimate is made concerning the correlation between the prosperity and viability of food enterprises and the volume of fixed assets. The amount of investment in fixed assets refers to the volume of the food cooperative activities. Hence, it can be considered as a comprehensive indicator which shows the size and use orientation of enterprises. The financial activity results and efficiency of the cooperatives depend, in many respects, on investments in the floating funds and fixed assets, the size of investment in monetary units and materials and the optimum ratio between them. This paper provides a financial assessment and comparative analysis of the food marketing cooperatives, against the amount of the fixed assets they have. The main purpose of this research is to estimate the viability of food marketing cooperatives under competitive conditions in the agricultural sector and to evaluate the financial aspects of their activities in terms of the size of fixed assets. The research provides a brief overview of the European Union experience from the financial side of cooperative activities. But due to the huge size of the EU and the significant differences between the various countries, it is difficult to estimate the issue on a union scale. Instead, some general features are mentioned briefly with reference to Greek cooperation, with more specific and detailed data and analyses provided for several cooperatives located in Crete. Crete was chosen for this research because it is one of the largest food producing regions in Greece. The comparative analysis was carried out based on the data for four consecutive years (from 2003 to 2006). For the purpose of this study, cooperatives functioning in Crete were chosen. The aim of the current research was to determine the interdependence between the size of the fixed assets and the welfare of the cooperatives and to underline the optimum amount of assets for marketing cooperatives, based on the ranking of the enterprises. Keywords:food marketing cooperatives, fixed assets, financial ratio analysis, multicriteria analysis., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Role of debt maturity on firms´ fixed assets during sudden stop episodes: Evidence from Thailand

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    This paper studies the detrimental effect of sudden stops on the growth of Thai firms’ fixed assets. We focus on the fixed assets adjustment that firms undertake at times of financial constraints. We derive our results from balance sheet data for 284 nonfinancial Thai listed firms. Our data demonstrate that Thai firms faced severe declines in the growth of their fixed assets starting in 1996. Regression results demonstrate, after controlling for firms’ characteristics and lagged dependent variables, that a longer-term debt maturity structure is the factor that works in the firms’ favor during sudden stop episodes, while it is their profitability that matters during tranquil periods.sudden stops, Thailand, debt maturity structure, Asian financial crisis

    Ipteks Perlakuan Aset Tetap Terhadap Dinas Puprd Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Government regulations regarding fixed assets have been stated in Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning PSAP of fixed assets where fixed assets are important things that must be considered in the regional government service in this case the North Sulawesi Regional Public Spatial Planning service. Fixed assets are tangible assets in the form of buildings, equipment, land, machinery, and vehicles. In this case, the accounting treatment for fixed assets will be discussed in the Regional Spatial Planning Public Works Agency. From the existing studies it is used to describe something data or facts that exist or are clearly found. From the theory of previous research, it can be seen that the recognition of fixed assets in the Manado PUPRD Office is appropriate The PUPRD Service has used fixed assets in accordance with applicable government regulations because fixed assets have been repaired by the PUPRD Service by transferring unused fixed assets to other fixed assets posts
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