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    Finding Ways

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    In 2008 I was commissioned to write a poem which was subsequently set into a 700m ribbon of steel that meanders throughout the interior and exterior spaces of the development. The project was designated the title ‘Finding Ways’, which I used loosely to explore the notion of discovery and getting back on track with one’s life. I began this challenging project with a view to achieving three key aims: to produce a poem, or series of poems, that would enliven the new medical facility of Roseberry Park by commenting on the area’s heritage and the journeys that form a part of the medical facility’s purpose; to promote positive interaction and reflection within the residents and users of the facility through the poem; to produce a poem that adhered to the severe restrictions imposed by the building plans, at the same time as it appeared seamless and unforced

    Finding Franklin

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    Finding Law

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    That the judge\u27s task is to find the law, not to make it, was once a commonplace of our legal culture. Today, decades after Erie, the idea of a common law discovered by judges is commonly dismissed -- as a fallacy, an illusion, a brooding omnipresence in the sky. That dismissive view is wrong. Expecting judges to find unwritten law is no childish fiction of the benighted past, but a real and plausible option for a modern legal system. This Essay seeks to restore the respectability of finding law, in part by responding to two criticisms made by Erie and its progeny. The first, positive criticism is that law has to come from somewhere: judges can\u27t discover norms that no one ever made. But this claim blinks reality. We routinely identify and apply social norms that no one deliberately made, including norms of fashion, etiquette, or natural language. Law is no different. Judges might declare a customary law the same way copy editors and dictionary authors declare standard English -- with a certain kind of reliability, but with no power to revise at will. The second, realist criticism is that this law leaves too many questions open: when judges can\u27t find the law, they have to make it instead. But uncertain cases force judges to make decisions, not to make law. Different societies can give different roles to precedent (and to judges). And judicial decisions can have many different kinds of legal force -- as law of the circuit, law of the case, and so on -- without altering the underlying law on which they\u27re based. This Essay claims only that it\u27s plausible for a legal system to have its judges find law. It doesn\u27t try to identify legal systems that actually do this in practice. Yet too many discussions of judge-made law, including the famous ones in Erie, rest on the false premise that judge-made law is inevitable -- that judges simply can\u27t do otherwise. In fact, judges can do otherwise: they can act as the law\u27s servants rather than its masters. The fact that they can forces us to confront, rather than avoid, the question of whether they should. Finding law is no fallacy or illusion; the brooding omnipresence broods on

    Finding Balance

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    Tylor Edison ’14 has a head for numbers and a heart for service

    Finding Agreed Plans

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    Finding the corkscrew

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    Project: Screenplay Finding Andy

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    This paper is about my screenplay entitled Finding Andy which I use as my final project. The screenplay itself is a story about a teenage girl who wants to improve her family's poor communication. For my theory, I use John Gottman's “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Model” about family conflict. The theory helps me to shape my characters' behavior towards each others. Since my characters has better relationship even though the brother dies in the end, I tend to use the worst level of family conflict in the beginning of the story and it gradually changes into successful communication which leads to good relationship. The theory helps me to give example of family's poor communication to the audiences. I also do an observation on some families with poor communications and Rangkah Rejo neighborhood in Eastern Surabaya to build the setting's circumstances. From this creative work, I expect that it is made into films, like what screenplay is for, so that the audiences realize that this kind of family exists