1,529 research outputs found

    Hyperacusis in tinnitus patients relates to enlarged subcortical and cortical responses to sound except at the tinnitus frequency

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    Hyperacusis, a hypersensitivity to sounds of mild to moderate intensity, has been related to increased neural gain along the auditory pathway. To date, there is still uncertainty on the neural correlates of hyperacusis. Since hyperacusis often co-occurs with hearing loss and tinnitus, the effects of the three conditions on cortical and subcortical structures are often hard to separate. In this fMRI study, two groups of hearing loss and tinnitus participants, with and without hyperacusis, were compared to specifically investigate the effect of the latter in a group that often reports hyperacusis. In 35 participants with hearing loss and tinnitus, with and without hyperacusis as indicated by a cut-off score of 22 on the Hyperacusis Questionnaire (HQ), subcortical and cortical responses to sound stimulation were investigated. In addition, the frequency tuning of cortical voxels was investigated in the primary auditory cortex. In cortical and subcortical auditory structures, sound-evoked activity was higher in the group with hyperacusis. This effect was not restricted to frequencies affected by hearing loss but extended to intact frequencies. The higher subcortical and cortical activity in response to sound thus appears to be a marker of hyperacusis. In contrast, the response to the tinnitus frequency was reduced in the group with hyperacusis. This increase in subcortical and cortical activity in hyperacusis can be related to an increase in neural gain along the auditory pathway, and the reduced response to the tinnitus frequency to differences in attentional resources allocated to the tinnitus sound. (c) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Dissociation of Detection and Discrimination of Pure Tones following Bilateral Lesions of Auditory Cortex

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    It is well known that damage to the peripheral auditory system causes deficits in tone detection as well as pitch and loudness perception across a wide range of frequencies. However, the extent to which to which the auditory cortex plays a critical role in these basic aspects of spectral processing, especially with regard to speech, music, and environmental sound perception, remains unclear. Recent experiments indicate that primary auditory cortex is necessary for the normally-high perceptual acuity exhibited by humans in pure-tone frequency discrimination. The present study assessed whether the auditory cortex plays a similar role in the intensity domain and contrasted its contribution to sensory versus discriminative aspects of intensity processing. We measured intensity thresholds for pure-tone detection and pure-tone loudness discrimination in a population of healthy adults and a middle-aged man with complete or near-complete lesions of the auditory cortex bilaterally. Detection thresholds in his left and right ears were 16 and 7 dB HL, respectively, within clinically-defined normal limits. In contrast, the intensity threshold for monaural loudness discrimination at 1 kHz was 6.5±2.1 dB in the left ear and 6.5±1.9 dB in the right ear at 40 dB sensation level, well above the means of the control population (left ear: 1.6±0.22 dB; right ear: 1.7±0.19 dB). The results indicate that auditory cortex lowers just-noticeable differences for loudness discrimination by approximately 5 dB but is not necessary for tone detection in quiet. Previous human and Old-world monkey experiments employing lesion-effect, neurophysiology, and neuroimaging methods to investigate the role of auditory cortex in intensity processing are reviewed.United States. National Institutes of Health (DC03328)United States. National Institutes of Health (DC006353)United States. National Institutes of Health (DC00117)United States. National Institutes of Health (T32-DC00038

    The mechanisms of tinnitus: perspectives from human functional neuroimaging

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    In this review, we highlight the contribution of advances in human neuroimaging to the current understanding of central mechanisms underpinning tinnitus and explain how interpretations of neuroimaging data have been guided by animal models. The primary motivation for studying the neural substrates of tinnitus in humans has been to demonstrate objectively its representation in the central auditory system and to develop a better understanding of its diverse pathophysiology and of the functional interplay between sensory, cognitive and affective systems. The ultimate goal of neuroimaging is to identify subtypes of tinnitus in order to better inform treatment strategies. The three neural mechanisms considered in this review may provide a basis for TI classification. While human neuroimaging evidence strongly implicates the central auditory system and emotional centres in TI, evidence for the precise contribution from the three mechanisms is unclear because the data are somewhat inconsistent. We consider a number of methodological issues limiting the field of human neuroimaging and recommend approaches to overcome potential inconsistency in results arising from poorly matched participants, lack of appropriate controls and low statistical power
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