20,634 research outputs found

    Developing Extensive Reading Material For Semester 2 Students Of YOGYAKARTA University Of Technology

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    This research study was aimed at developing extensive reading material for semester 2 students of Yogyakarta University of Technology. This research was a Research and Development study that included the steps of needs analysis, course grid design, product development, product validation, product revision, try-out, and study of the final product. This research developed ten units of extensive reading material. The extensive reading material was developed according to the needs analysis data.  The need of semester 2 students of Yogyakarta University of Technology is to improve their reading skills. The appropriate extensive reading material are describe the language skills clearly, look nice, give a lot practice, give feedback and let the learners know how to complete the tasks, give examples and tell the learners how to learn best. The needs-related appropriate extensive reading material in terms of their components are: the goal of learning reading is to improve the students' reading skills; the input presents interesting pictures and vocabulary list; the procedure presents interesting and enjoyable activities; the learners' role is as the active reader; the teacher's role is the feedback giver; and the setting is individual work. The needs-related arrangement of the components of appropriate extensive reading material in terms of their organisations are arranged into three stages, namely: introduction, exercises, and evaluatio

    Extending extensive reading

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    Using Extensive Reading to Improve First Year Students Learner Autonomy

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    Extensive Reading (ER) has been a hot topic among the scholars all over the world due to the benefits it brings to studentsrsquo study. It is often argued to improve learner autonomy, vocabulary learning, writing, attitude towards reading and so forth. This paper reviews the literature relevant to the above issues and indicates the challenges of implementing Extensive Reading into the language classrooms

    Authentic Materials in Extensive Reading Class at Stain Ponorogo

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    It is widely believed that English Foreign Language (EFL) learners need to develop their language proficiency by getting so much input. Moreover, students need to be familiarized with the real English us­age where real forms of communication and cultural knowledge are crucially exposed. Teaching through authentic materials will make the learners feel that they are learning a real language which is used by the real native speakers for real communication. incorporating au­thentic materials helps students acquire an effective communicative competence in the language focus. The research intended to describe the implementation of authentic materials in extensive reading class, the problems arise and the students' responses toward the authen­tic materials in extensive reading class. The design of the research was Descriptive Qualitative method and the research subject was the lecturer of Extensive Reading class and 33 students in B class of the fourth semester of STAIN Ponorogo who took Extensive Read­ing subject. The instruments used were in the form of observation sheet, interview guideline and questionnaire. The implementation of authentic materials in extensive reading class covered some procedures into three main phases namely (1) Pre­ Activity, (2) Main­ Activity and (3) Post­Activity. The activities in main activity are as follows: (a) Pre­ Activity; (b) Whilst ­Activity; and (3) The language focus stage. There were problems arose during the implementation in terms of complicated planning, more time allocation and some disinterested students. Finally, the students showed significantly positive attitude toward the implementation of authentic materials in extensive reading class

    Students' Schemata Activation in Extensive Reading at Stain Ponorogo

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    This study was aimed at investigating the extent to which the lecturer employed strategy and occupied effective classroom language to assist students' schemata activation on Extensive Reading class at English Department­STAIN Ponorogo. To meet with the objectives, qualita­tive case study formed the methodological basis of this present research involving an extensive reading lecturer as the research subject with one of her respective classes consisted of 32 students of fourth semester. The data were derived from lecturer's utterances (verbal) and body lan­guage (nonverbal). Those data were obtained from the transcripts of the recorded lecturer's utterances during two periods of meeting, and note­taking taken from observations and interviews. The results revealed that the lecturer used to employ questioning technique to activate students' schemata. Various strategies were predominantly occupied in lecturer's questioning behaviors to engage students in question­answer activities, such as probing, redirecting and reinforcement. Generally, those strate­gies were observed not only to provide motivation and focus students' at­tention towards the topic being discussed, but also to give a wide chance of opportunity for them to recall their prior knowledge and ease them to predict the content of reading texts they were going to read. Besides, the language the lecturer used under this investigation was fairly fulfilled the requirements to be communicative as some communicative features of talks were utilized properly, such as referential questions, content feed­back, and speech modification to optimize students' participation and performance in the process of reading

    Extensive Reading with Guidance

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    A language learning mode called “word-focused extensive reading” has been proposed to facilitate word-usage learning. The user inputs a word in the computer program designed and implemented for reading to find its usage in the context of a sentence. The computer program then searches for the knowledge base for the word and provides guidance to show a summary of the salient features of word collocation. Sentences with the word in question are displayed one at a time. For each sentence the relevant collocating words are highlighted. In this way the reader sees the word collocation so as to recognize the salient features of the word and thus incrementally acquires the knowledge of word usage. The program works with large Chinese and English collections of texts. For Chinese the knowledge of word collocation was built on the basis of the Balanced Corpus of Academia Sinica. The English collocation features were collected from the British National Corpus. The program can also be useful for learning to differentiate near-synonyms

    The Effect of Extensive Reading and Learning Style on Academic Writing Competency of Semester Five Students of STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong

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    The present study aimed at investigating the effect of extensive reading and learning style on students' academic writing competency. This study used population sample, in the sense that all students in the population (60 students) were taken as sample. The experimental group and the control one were determined through a random sampling. The experimental study employed a 2 x 2 factorial post test only control group design. The instruments used to collect the data were an academic writing test and learning style questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using Two-Way ANOVA Statistic and Tukey Test. The study showed that there was no significant difference in academic writing competency between students who are assigned to do extensive reading and those who are not. However, extensive reading and learning style were found to be interactively influence students academic writing competency, revealing that there was a significant difference between the writing competency of independent students taught using extensive reading and those who are not. The implication is that the students with independent learning style effectively improve their writing competency through extensive reading activity