1,636 research outputs found

    Étude ethnobotanique des plantes mĂ©dicinales commercialisĂ©es dans les marchĂ©s de la ville de Douala, Cameroun

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    Objectif: L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’inventorier et d’identifier les vertus thĂ©rapeutiques des plantes mĂ©dicinales commercialisĂ©es dans la ville de Douala (Cameroun).MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats: Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques ont Ă©tĂ© conduites de juillet Ă  aoĂ»t 2012, auprĂšs de 54 herboristes dans cinq marchĂ©s en utilisant des interviews directes et semi-structurĂ©es. L’étude a permis d’identifier 84 espĂšces rĂ©parties en 78 genres et 50 familles dont les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© les Asteraceae (9 espĂšces), Fabaceae (6 espĂšces) et Lamiaceae (4 espĂšces). Les troubles infectieux (66,7 %) et gynĂ©coobstĂ©triques et urologiques ont Ă©tĂ© majoritairement reprĂ©sentĂ©s. La recherche du degrĂ© de consensus (ICF) rĂ©vĂšle que 3 catĂ©gories ont atteint des valeurs Ă©levĂ©es : les troubles asthĂ©niques (0,8), dermatologiques (0,6), gynĂ©co-obstĂ©triques et urologiques (0,5).Conclusion et application des rĂ©sultats: Cette Ă©tude montre l’importance des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques dans la phytothĂ©rapie et les limites des herboristes de la pharmacopĂ©e traditionnelle.Mots clĂ©s: Ethnobotanique, plantes mĂ©dicinales commercialisĂ©es, maladiesEnglish AbstractObjective: The objective of this study was to make an inventory and to identify therapeutic properties of medicinal plants sold in the city of Douala (Cameroon).Methodology and Results: Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted from July to August 2012 beside 54 herbalists in five markets using direct and semi-structured interviews. The study identified 84 species distributed in 78 genera and 50 families, the most represented were Asteraceae (9 species), Fabaceae (6 species) and Lamiaceae (4 species). Infectious disorders (66.7%) and gyneco-obstetrical and urological disorders were mostly represented. Research on the degree of consensus (ICF) reveals that three categories reached high values: asthenic (0.8), skin (0.6), gyneco-obstetrical and urological (0.5) disorders.Conclusion and applications of results: This study shows the importance of ethnobotanical surveys in herbal medicine and limitations of herbalists of traditional medicine.Keys: Ethnobotany, sold medicinal plants, disease

    Étude ethnobotanique des plantes mĂ©dicinales utilisĂ©es dans le traitement du diabĂšte dans le DĂ©partement de ZouĂ©noula (CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    Objectif : Le but de cette Ă©tude est de contribuer Ă  une meilleure connaissance des plantes mĂ©dicinales antidiabĂ©tiques utilisĂ©es dans le DĂ©partement de ZouĂ©noula.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’aide de questionnaires auprĂšs des guĂ©risseurs du DĂ©partement. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont permis d’inventorier dix-sept espĂšces de plantes mĂ©dicinales appartenant Ă  quatorze familles botaniques et rĂ©parties en seize genres. Parmi ces espĂšces, Ageratum conyzoides (Herbe aux sorciers), Anthocleista djalonensis (Arbre chou) et Bidens pilosa (Piquant noir) sont les plus recommandĂ©es. Les feuilles sont les organes les plus utilisĂ©s. La dĂ©coction est le mode de prĂ©paration le plus sollicitĂ© et l’administration se fait majoritairement par voie orale.Conclusion et application des rĂ©sultats: Ce travail constitue une source d’informations pouvant servir de base pour des Ă©tudes pharmacologiques afin d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© thĂ©rapeutique et l’innocuitĂ© de ces trois plantes Ă  effet antidiabĂ©tique traditionnel.Mots- clĂ©s : Ethnobotanique, plantes mĂ©dicinales, diabĂšte, ZouĂ©noul


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    This article focuses on the use and the vocabulary of 323 specimens representing 52 species woody species that were collected from three ethnosocio-linguistic groups (Shi, Tembo and Pygmies) living in the ecological corridor of Kahuzi -Biega National Park (KBNP). This area consists of a transitional forest between the vegetation of the plains and the mountains. The study has shown that the food and, pharmacological knowledge are almost detained by the pygmies. The analyses carried out show that this population takes interest to the forestry species they consider to be useful though they are found in a protected area. The total ethno botanical value of species is not really significantly to different ethno-socio-linguistic group to another (p-value = 0.514; F = 1.08 and df = 3). The Kruskal-Wallis test shows that the different organs do not have the same importance for the use of the population. (F = 1.08 and df = 3). The correlation between the ethno botanical use value in relation to the number of species use is significant (RÂČ = 0.084%). Specific vocabularies ethnonymical in Mashi and Kitembo express the same common meanings of species on the formal and semantic plans. These three tribes share several ethnonymical concepts, which could be a symbol indication of the subsistence of a pygmy original language, forgotten to the Bantu languages that have borrowed them. Despite the importance of trees in the hall of the Park, we suggest conservative actions or reforestation could protect

    EnquĂȘte ethnobotanique sur les Euphorbiaceae mĂ©dicinales utilisĂ©es chez les BaoulĂ© du District de Yamoussoukro (CĂŽte d'Ivoire)

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    Objectif: Une enquĂȘte ethnobotanique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans la District de Yamoussoukro dans le but de connaitre les Euphorbiaceae utilisĂ©es traditionnellement par les BaoulĂ© pour leurs soins de santĂ©..MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats: Une Ă©tude ethnobotanique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de quarante (40) tradipraticiens de santĂ© du District. Douze (12) espĂšces rĂ©parties en huit (8) genres ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©es. Les feuilles (y compris rameaux feuillĂ©s) constituent les organes les plus utilisĂ©s (59%). La dĂ©coction (34%) est le mode de prĂ©paration le plus frĂ©quemment employĂ© pour la majoritĂ© des recettes mĂ©dicamenteuses. La voie orale est la plus sollicitĂ©e avec 44% des recettes. Par ailleurs, l’étude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les maladies de la peau (34%) ainsi que les affections du tube digestif (29%) sont les plus traitĂ©es avec les Euphorbiaceae suivi par le traitement des troubles respiratoires (14%) et celui des affections ostĂ©o- articulaires (11%).Conclusion et application des rĂ©sultats: Ces rĂ©sultats peuvent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme une source d’information pour les recherches scientifiques dans le domaine de la phytochimie et de la pharmacologie.Mots clĂ©s: Ethnobotanique, Euphorbiaceae, BaoulĂ©, District de YamoussoukroEnglish AbstractObjective: An ethnobotanical study was conducted in the District of Yamoussoukro in order to know the Euphobiaceae traditionally used by the BaoulĂ© for health careMethodology and results: Ethnobotanical surveys were carried out from forty (40) traditional healers of the District. Twelve (12) species of medicinal plants divided into eight (08) genera were listed. Leafs (including small branches of leafs) constitute the most used organs (59%).The decoction (34%) is the mode ofpreparation the most frequently employed for the majority of the medicamentous formula. The oral way is requested with 44% of the formula. In addition, the study revealed that the skin diseases (34) as well as the affections of the digestive tract (29%) are treated with Euphorbiaceae followed by the treatment of the respiratory disorders (14%) and that of the ostĂ©o-articular affections (11%).Conclusion and application of results: These results can be considered as source of information for phytochemical and pharmacological researches..Keywords: Ethnobotanique, Euphorbiaceae, Baoule, District of Yamoussoukr

    Ressources alimentaires non conventionnelles

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    Unconventional Food Resources. Concepts of ethnobotany, ethnozoology and ethnoecology are defined and their respective development recounted. The geographic frame is afterwards specified: Tropical Africa. Diversity of wild edible vegetable products is illustrated by some examples: cyanobacteria from Chad, mushroom consumption in the Zambezian region and pteridophagy. Upper plants are approached according to six ensembles, namely starchy fruits and seeds, oilseeds and nuts, fleshy fruits, reserve organs, flowers and vegetable species. After recalling the diversity of insects eating at world scale, four orders are briefly presented: coleoptera, isoptera (termites), lepidoptera (mainly caterpillars or campeophagy) and orthoptera. Finally the nutritional input of unconventional foods is underlined as well as the urgent need of their further studies

    Étude ethnobotanique des plantes mĂ©dicinales vendues sur les marchĂ©s du centre ouest du Niger

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    Objectif : L’étude ethnobotanique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e Ă  l’échelle de la rĂ©gion de Tahoua avec pour objectif la capitalisation des connaissances endogĂšnes des tradipraticiens sur les diffĂ©rentes utilisations des espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales vendues dans les marchĂ©s.MĂ©thodologie : Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques Ă  l’aide d’interviews individuelles sur la vente des plantes mĂ©dicinales ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es de juin 2017 Ă  avril 2018 auprĂšs de 44 vendeurs et vendeuses installĂ©s dans44 marchĂ©s ruraux hebdomadaires du centre ouest du Niger (RĂ©gion de Tahoua).RĂ©sultats : L’étude a permis de recenser au total, 49 espĂšces rĂ©parties en 40 genres et 28 familles. Sur les 49 espĂšces recensĂ©es dans les marchĂ©s, 28 peuvent ĂȘtre rencontrĂ©es dans la zone d’étude soit 57,14%. Aussi, 15 espĂšces sur ces 28 sont les plus vendues et 18 de plus en plus rares selon les tradipraticiens enquĂȘtĂ©s. Aussi, les rĂ©sultats de l'Ă©tude ont montrĂ© que l’écorce chez les ligneux et la plante entiĂšre chez les herbacĂ©es sont les plus utilisĂ©es. Pour la plupart, les remĂšdes sont prĂ©parĂ©s sous forme de dĂ©coction.Conclusion et applicabilitĂ© des rĂ©sultats : Le recours quasi exclusif des populations locales aux espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales mĂ©dicinales dans leurs soins quotidiens accentue la pression sur les ressources mĂ©dicinales pouvant conduire Ă  la disparition de certaines espĂšces. Il est donc nĂ©cessaire et urgent d’envisager la substitution de certaines plantes mĂ©dicinales par la mĂ©decine moderne en vue de sauver les plus vulnĂ©rables.Mots clĂ©s : Capitalisation, plantes mĂ©dicinales, dĂ©coction, Ă©tude ethnobotanique, Tahoua, NigerEthnobotanical study of medicinal plants sold in the markets of central western NigerObjective : This ethnobotanical study was conducted at the Tahoua region with the aim of capitalizing endogenous knowledge of traditional healers on the different uses of plant species sold in markets.Methodology: Ethnobotanical surveys using individual interviews on the sale of medicinal plants were conducted from June 2017 to April 2018 among 44 vendors and vendors in 44 weekly rural markets in west-central Niger (Tahoua Region).Results: The study identified a total of 49 species in 40 genera and 28 families. Of the 49 species identified in the markets, 28 can be found in the study area or 57.14%. Also, 15 of these 28 species are the most sold and 18 are increasingly rare according to the traditional healers surveyed. Also, the results of the study showed that the bark in the woody and the whole plant in the herbaceous are the most used. For the most part, the remedies are prepared as a decoction.Conclusion and application of results: The almost exclusive use of local populations to medicinal plant species in their daily care increases the pressure on medicinal resources that can lead to the disappearance of certain species. It is therefore necessary and urgent to consider the substitution of certain parts of the plant and the planting of exploited species.Keywords: Capitalization, medicinal plants, decoction, ethnobotanical study, Tahoua, Nige

    Impact Des CaractĂ©ristiques De La VĂ©gĂ©tation Sur La DiversitĂ© D’usages Des Plantes Autour De Deux Grandes ForĂȘts ClassĂ©es Et D’une RĂ©serve Botanique Au Sud-BĂ©nin

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    Southern-Benin has a mosaic of ecological conditions that have contributed to the development of its vast forest heritage. The combination of a number of parameters or indices (use value, diversity index, and equitability and citation frequency) is an effective way of identifying the most important plants for preservation. The objective was to carry out the checklist of the plants used around the classified forests of Ahozon and Lama and the botanical reserve of PobĂš in Southern-Benin, with information on their use, threats and relations between the targeted habitats and the listed plants on the one hand and the knowledge associated with them and the socio-professional characteristics of the populations on the other. The data (user identity, plants used, plant organs collected, uses, plant threats) were collected from 113 individuals interviewed individually during an ethnobotanical study in 20 villages distributed around the three vegetation formations. The results showed that 59 plant species are useful for the populations surrounding the formations. The most important in terms of use value are Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (VUT = 7.86), Irvingia gabonensis (VUT = 7.84), Dialium guineense (VUT = 7.69), Khaya senegalensis (VUT = 7.46), Prosopis africana (VUT = 7.06), Ceiba pentandra (VUT = 7.01), and Synsepalum dulcificum (VUT = 6.98). The indices of Diversity and Equitability of the respondents reveal that knowledge on plant species is not homogeneously distributed (ID = 0.430, IE = 0.451 <0.5) and maximum information on species is held by a part of the population. Pruning (40%) is the main source of species threats. Plantation, agrosystems, sensitizing populations on good methods of harvest could help to preserve the main plants useful for the populations of Southern Benin

    Ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales anti hémorroïdaires des marchés et villages du Centre et du Littoral Cameroun

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    Objectif: TrĂšs peu de donnĂ©es sont disponibles sur les plantes anti hĂ©morroĂŻdaires en Afrique. Le but est de valoriser la mĂ©decine Ă  base des plantes dans le traitement des pathologies hĂ©morroĂŻdaires.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats: Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs des guĂ©risseurs des villages et des marchĂ©s des RĂ©gions du Centre et du Littoral. Un dendrogramme évaluant la similitude des connaissances des informateurs a Ă©tĂ© produit et les FrĂ©quences Relatives (FRs) ainsi que les Facteurs de Consensus d’Utilisation des espĂšces (ICFs) ont Ă©té calculĂ©s. Au total, 60 espĂšces mĂ©dicinales ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es parmi lesquelles 45 ligneux et 15 herbacĂ©es. Elles sont reparties dans 41 familles dont la plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e est celle des Fabaceae. Ces espĂšces, endĂ©miques pour la plupart sont riches en composĂ©s phĂ©noliques et sont utilisĂ©es en association pour la prĂ©paration de 42 recettes dans lesquelles les Ă©corces sont les organes vĂ©gĂ©taux les plus sollicitĂ©s. La dĂ©coction Ă  l’eau et la boisson prise deux fois par jour plus le bain de siĂšge pris une fois par jour sont les modes de prĂ©paration et d’administration des dites recettes. Aucune espĂšce n’a atteint la valeur moyenne de consensus (0,5) ainsi que la FR moyenne (50%). Piper umbellatum, Baillonella toxisperma, Antrocaryon klaineanum, Irvingia gabonensis, Cylicodiscus gabonensis, Mangifera indica, Pycnanthus angolensis, Morinda lucida, Capsicum frutescens, Myrianthus arboreus et Elaeis guineensis sont les espĂšces ayant atteint un ICF B 0,10 et une FR B 10%.Conclusion et application des rĂ©sultats: La flore camerounaise est riche en espĂšces de plantes mĂ©dicinales anti hĂ©morroĂŻdaires et le coĂ»t rĂ©duit des recettes serait pour les populations dĂ©munies, une alternative dans la lutte contre la pauvretĂ©.Mots clĂ©s: ComposĂ©s phĂ©noliques, HĂ©morroĂŻdes, ICF et FR, Plantes mĂ©dicinales, RecettesEnglish AbstractObjective: There is very little data available on anti-hemorrhoidal plants in Africa. The aim is to promote the use of herbal medicine plants in the treatment of hemorrhoidal diseases.Methodology and results: Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted with traditional healers in villages and markets of the Centre and Littoral regions. A dendrogram was produced using the Relative Frequencies (RFs) and the Informants Consensus Factors (ICFs) of species. A total of 60 medicinal plant species were recorded including 45 woody and 15 herbaceous. They are distributed in 41 families and the most represented is that of Fabaceae. These species, most of which are endemic, are rich in phenolic compounds and are used in association for the preparation of 42 recipes in which barks are the most requested plant organs. A water decoction and a drink taken twice a day added to a sit bath once a day were the preparation and administration modes of these receipts respectively. No species has reached the average value of consensus (0.5) and the average RF (50%). Piper umbellatum, Baillonella toxisperma, Antrocaryon klaineanum, Irvingia gabonensis, Cylicodiscus gabonensis, Mangifera indica, Pycnanthus angolensis, Morinda lucida, Capsicum frutescens, Myrianthus arboreus and Elaeis guineensis are the species that have achieved an ICF B 0.10 and a RF B 10%.Conclusion and application of results: The Cameroonian flora is rich in anti hemorrhoidal medicinal plant species and their reduced cost could be an alternative in the fight against poverty.Keywords: Hemorrhoids, ICFs and FRs, Medicinal plants, Phenolic compound

    EnquĂȘte Ethnobotanique Sur les Usages de Euphorbia heterophylla L. (Euphorbiaceae) Dans le Nord de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Euphorbia heterophylla est une herbe envahissante dans la RĂ©gion nord de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Elle est connue par les Ă©leveurs, les agriculteurs et les herboristes. Le but de ce travail est d’identifier les diffĂ©rents usages de cette plante. A cet effet, une enquĂȘte ethnobotanique basĂ©e sur la mĂ©thode d'Ă©chantillonnage stratifiĂ©e probabiliste a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans la rĂ©gion du Poro, la BagouĂ© et du Tchologo. En Ă©levage, Euphorbia heterophylla est utilisĂ©e comme fourrage pour le lapin (46,5%), le cobaye (34,9%) et le porc (18,6%). Chez les Hommes, elle est utilisĂ©e pour la production de lait maternel chez la femme (28,6%), le traitement des plaies (25,7%), les infections gastriques (25,70%), l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© du sperme (11,4%) le traitement des rougeurs des bĂ©bĂ©s (8,6%). Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient constituĂ©s une source d’informations non nĂ©gligeables pour les recherches scientifiques sur Euphorbia heterophylla.   Euphorbia heterophylla is an invasive plant in the northern region of CĂŽte d'Ivoire. It is known by breeders, farmers and herbalists. The aim of this work is to identify the different uses of this plant. To this end, an ethnobotanical survey based on the stratified probability sampling method was conducted in the Poro, BagouĂ© and Tchologo regions. In breeding, Euphorbia heterophylla is used as fodder for rabbits (46.5%), guinea pigs (34.9%) and pigs (18.6%). In men, it is used for the production of breast milk in women (28.6%), the treatment of wounds (25.7%), gastric infections (25.70%), the improvement of the quality semen (11.4%) the treatment of rashes in babies (8.6%). These results could constitute a significant source of information for scientific research on Euphorbia heterophylla

    Étude ethnobotanique des plantes alimentaires utilisĂ©es en mĂ©decine traditionnelle dans la rĂ©gion Maritime du Togo

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    Les plantes alimentaires contiennent des principes actifs douĂ©s de diverses propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©dicinales pouvant intervenir dans le traitement de nombreuses maladies. Cette Ă©tude est consacrĂ©e au recensement des plantes ayant des potentiels nutritionnel et thĂ©rapeutique dans la rĂ©gion Maritime du Togo, dans le but de la valorisation de ces plantes. De juin Ă  septembre 2017, une enquĂȘte ethnobotanique, basĂ©e sur l’utilisation des interviews individuelles Ă  l'aide d'un questionnaire semi-structurĂ©, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de 101 Praticiens de la MĂ©decine Traditionnelle. Au total 86 espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales appartenant Ă  72 genres et 36 familles ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es. Les Fabaceae et les Solanaceae (7 espĂšces chacune) ont Ă©tĂ© les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©es. Les espĂšces les plus citĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© Ocimum gratissimum L. (10,48%), Vernonia amygdalina Delile (6,71%), Lactuca taraxacifolia (Willd.) Schum. (6,08%) et Heliotropium indicum L. (5,66%). Les feuilles (77,85%), les fruits (5,63%) et les racines (4,26%) sont les organes les plus utilisĂ©es sur 799 recettes inventoriĂ©es. La principale forme galĂ©nique reste la sauce (51,19%) et le mode principal d’administration est la voie orale (90,74%). Concernant les maladies traitĂ©es, les affections du tube digestif sont au premier rang (43,80%) suivies par des affections cardiovasculaires (13,52%). Cette Ă©tude fournie une base de donnĂ©es sur des plantes ayant des potentiels nutritionnel et thĂ©rapeutique au Togo.Mots clĂ©s : Alicaments, potentiels nutritionnel et thĂ©rapeutique, sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, Togo.   English title: Ethnobotanical study of some food plants used in traditional medicine in the Maritime region of TogoFood plants contain active substances with various medicinal properties that can be used to treat many diseases. This study is devoted to the inventory of plants with nutritional and therapeutic potential in Maritime region of Togo, with the aim of promoting these plants. From June to September 2017, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted among 101 Traditional Medicine Practitioners through individual interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. A total of 86 plants species belonging to 72 genera and 36 families were identified. Fabaceae and Solanaceae (7 species each) were the most represented. The most cited species were Ocimum gratissimum L. (10.48%), Vernonia amygdalina Delile (6.71%), Lactuca taraxacifolia (Willd.) Schum. (6.08%) and Heliotropium indicum L. (5.66%). The leaves (77.85%), fruits (5.63%) and roots (4.26%) were the most plant parts used out of 799 inventoried recipes. The main dosage form remains the sauce (51.19%) and the main mode of administration is the oral route (90.74%). Regarding the treated diseases, the digestive disorders are in first place (43.80%), followed by cardiovascular diseases (13.52%). This study provides a database of plants with nutritional and therapeutic potential in Togo.Keywords: Food plants, nutritional and therapeutic potentials, food security, Togo
