192,896 research outputs found

    Metal etching composition

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    The present invention is directed to a chemical etching composition for etching metals or metallic alloys. The composition includes a solution of hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, ethylene glycol, and an oxidizing agent. The etching composition is particularly useful for etching metal surfaces in preparation for subsequent fluorescent penetrant inspection

    Ultrasonic metal etching for metallographic analysis

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    Ultrasonic etching delineates microstructural features not discernible in specimens prepared for metallographic analysis by standard chemical etching procedures. Cavitation bubbles in ultrasonically excited water produce preferential damage /etching/ of metallurgical phases or grain boundaries, depending on hardness of metal specimens

    Toward reliable morphology assessment of thermosets via physical etching: Vinyl ester resin as an example

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    The morphology of peroxide-cured, styrene crosslinked, bisphenol A-based vinyl ester (VE) resin was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) after ‘physical’ etching with different methods. Etching was achieved by laser ablation, atmospheric plasma treatment and argon ion bombardment. Parameters of the etching were varied to get AFM scans of high topography resolution. VE exhibited a nanoscaled nodular structure the formation of which was ascribed to complex intra- and intermolecular reactions during crosslinking. The microstructure resolved after all the above physical etching techniques was similar provided that optimized etching and suitable AFM scanning conditions were selected. Nevertheless, with respect to the ‘morphology visualization’ these methods follow the power ranking: argon bombardment > plasma treatment > laser ablation

    Multi-silicon ridge nanofabrication by repeated edge lithography

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    We present a multi-Si nanoridge fabrication scheme and its application in nanoimprint\ud lithography (NIL). Triple Si nanoridges approximately 120 nm high and 40 nm wide separated\ud by 40 nm spacing are fabricated and successfully applied as a stamp in nanoimprint lithography.\ud The fabrication scheme, using a full-wet etching procedure in combination with repeated edge\ud lithography, consists of hot H3PO4 acid SiNx retraction etching, 20% KOH Si etching, 50% HF\ud SiNx retraction etching and LOCal Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS). Si nanoridges with smooth\ud vertical sidewalls are fabricated by using Si 110 substrates and KOH etching. The presented\ud technology utilizes a conventional photolithography technique, and the fabrication of multi-Si\ud nanoridges on a full wafer scale has been demonstrated

    A Two-Step Etching Method to Fabricate Nanopores in Silicon

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    A cost effectively method to fabricate nanopores in silicon by only using the conventional wet-etching technique is developed in this research. The main concept of the proposed method is a two-step etching process, including a premier double-sided wet etching and a succeeding track-etching. A special fixture is designed to hold the pre-etched silicon wafer inside it such that the track-etching can be effectively carried out. An electrochemical system is employed to detect and record the ion diffusion current once the pre-etched cavities are etched into a through nanopore. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can cost effectively fabricate nanopores in silicon.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Numerical and experimental studies of the carbon etching in EUV-induced plasma

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    We have used a combination of numerical modeling and experiments to study carbon etching in the presence of a hydrogen plasma. We model the evolution of a low density EUV-induced plasma during and after the EUV pulse to obtain the energy resolved ion fluxes from the plasma to the surface. By relating the computed ion fluxes to the experimentally observed etching rate at various pressures and ion energies, we show that at low pressure and energy, carbon etching is due to chemical sputtering, while at high pressure and energy a reactive ion etching process is likely to dominate

    Photoelectrochemical fabrication of spectroscopic diffraction gratings, phase 2

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    This program was directed toward the production of Echelle diffraction gratings by a light-driven, electrochemical etching technique (photoelectrochemical etching). Etching is carried out in single crystal materials, and the differential rate of etching of the different crystallographic planes used to define the groove profiles. Etching of V-groove profiles was first discovered by us during the first phase of this project, which was initially conceived as a general exploration of photoelectrochemical etching techniques for grating fabrication. This highly controllable V-groove etching process was considered to be of high significance for producing low pitch Echelles, and provided the basis for a more extensive Phase 2 investigation