14,299 research outputs found

    Modeling the early stages of a user-centered process in architectural design through adaptation of the methodologies of New Product Design

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    In order to reach a degree of quality in architectural buildings that is likely to lead to user satisfaction, architectural design relies on integrating user-related information even before generation of building concepts. However, integrating such information may be seen as a hindrance to architectural creation. It therefore seems necessary to propose a methodological approach that allows integration of a user-centred point of view as well as generation of creative architectural concepts. Our research proposes to apply a collaborative process of New Product Design (NPD) in order to further enrich the traditional process of architectural design. We will present some experimental work carried out as part of an architectural project for the design of emergency shelters, as an alternative to more usual habitats. We will then discuss the possibility of adapting NPD methodology to architectural design, and what potential this offers to improve the integration of user-related information within architectural creativity

    Natural Virtual Reality User Interface to Define Assembly Sequences for Digital Human Models

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    Digital human models (DHMs) are virtual representations of human beings. They are used to conduct, among other things, ergonomic assessments in factory layout planning. DHM software tools are challenging in their use and thus require a high amount of training for engineers. In this paper, we present a virtual reality (VR) application that enables engineers to work with DHMs easily. Since VR systems with head-mounted displays (HMDs) are less expensive than CAVE systems, HMDs can be integrated more extensively into the product development process. Our application provides a reality-based interface and allows users to conduct an assembly task in VR and thus to manipulate the virtual scene with their real hands. These manipulations are used as input for the DHM to simulate, on that basis, human ergonomics. Therefore, we introduce a software and hardware architecture, the VATS (virtual action tracking system). This paper furthermore presents the results of a user study in which the VATS was compared to the existing WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer) interface. The results show that the VATS system enables users to conduct tasks in a significantly faster way

    Linking Ergonomics with the Human Resources Management

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    During the last years, ergonomics became one of the reference domains in the managerial theory and practice. Ergonomics is a major component of the human resources management and also, it is an important factor of performances. Ergonomics is the link between efficiency, effectiveness, security and heath and in this context it is necessary to approach the ergonomics and its impact on the process of the organizational development and on the employees. The links between ergonomics and Human Resources Management are important not just from the methodological perspective; it is necessary to analyze its impact on the organization. So, in this context we could say that ergonomics contributes to the development of Human Resources Management in many ways. Therefore, ergonomics must become one of the major interests of the managers.management; human resources management; ergonomics; performance; quality management.

    An assessment system for rating scientific journals in the field of ergonomics and human factors

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    A method for selecting and rating scientific and professional journals representing the discipline of ergonomics and human factors is proposed. The method is based upon the journal list, impact factors and citations provided by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), and the journal list published in the Ergonomics Abstracts. Three groups of journals were distinguished. The "ergonomics journals" focus exclusively on ergonomics or human factors. The "related journals" focus on other disciplines than ergonomics or human factors, but regularly publish ergonomics/human factors papers. The "basic journals" focus on other technical, medical or social sciences than ergonomics, but are important for the development of ergonomics/human factors. Journal quality was rated using a maximum of four categories: top quality (A-level), high quality (B-level), good quality (C-level)) and professional (P-level). The above methods were applied to develop journal ratings for the year 2003. A total of 24 'ergonomics journals', 58 'related journals' and 142 'basic journals' were classified.impact factor;rating;scientific journals

    Watch out for the preview: The effects of a preview on the usability of a Content Management System and on the user's confidence level

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    As time moves on, a trend crystallizes that sets new requirements on content management systems. The circle of users shifts from a small technically experienced group to a large network of inexperienced editors. Literature stresses that a higher need for usability is present if personnel with a low grade of human computer interaction expertise is using a system. But how can system designers accomplish a high level of usability? This study suggests a preview as an important factor for strengthening the usability (effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction) of a content management system. The findings of this study support the hypothesis: the results showed that a preview enhances the userspsila satisfaction with the system. Moreover, the study shows that the userspsila confidence to be able to work with the system is an important factor; the results showed positive correlations between confidence and satisfaction and between confidence and effectiveness

    Ergonomska analiza informatičke opreme

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    Ergonomie analysis of video display units (VDUs) was carried out in an institution in Zagreb. Altogether 39 ergonomie features were analysed according to the Swedish programme Screen Checker. The VDU operators were administered a questionnaire on subjective complaints in connection with work conditions. Six ergonomie features were found to be inappropriate. Also, a high occurrence of related subjective complaints was observed. Active health protection of VDU operators according to the current international standards is recommended.U radu su prikazani i komentirani rezultati ergonomske analize informatičke opreme u jednoj instituciji u Zagrebu. Analizirano je 39 ergonomskih značajki prema programu Saeen Checker. Osim ergonomskih osobina opreme, ispitani su vrsta i učestalost subjektivnih smetnji vezanih uz rad s računalima. Šest značajki nije odgovaralo ergonomskim zahtjevima. Također je ustanovljena visoka učestalost smetnji vida, psiholoških problema i simptoma od strane mišičino-koštanog sustava. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu aktivne zdravstvene zaštite korisnika informatičke opreme u skladu s postojećim zaštitnim standardima u svijetu

    Marketing Strategy Proposal for Organizational Ergonomics Counseling

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    Tato bakalářská práce je věnována podpoře rozvinutí oboru organizační ergonomie do podvědomí firem. V teoretické části bude vysvětleno, co znamená pojem organizační ergonomie a jaké druhy marketingových strategií se dají použít pro zviditelnění služeb ergonomického poradce. Závěrem jsou uvedeny návrhy na marketingovou strategii potřebnou k dosažení cíle této práce.This bachelor’s thesis is devoted to developing the field of organizational ergonomics into the subconscious companies. The theoretical part will explain what is meant by organizational ergonomics and what kinds of marketing strategies can be used to visualize services ergonomic consultant. Finally, suggestions are given on the marketing strategy needed to achieve the objectives of this work.

    Common illness backache : new ways of looking at

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    Ziel des Seminars war es, für die "Volkskrankheit Rückenschmerz" vom sportorthopädisch-traumatologisch-sportmedizinischen, vom internistischen, vom schmerztherapeutisch-neurochirurgischen und vom physiotherapeutischen Standpunkt aus neue, auf physiologisch-pathophysiologischen Kenntnissen basierende Sichtweisen mit Relevanz für Prävention und Therapie des verbreiteten Problems Rückenschmerz zu präsentieren. Der Rückenschmerz als Folge der biomechanischen Besonderheit des "Zweibeiners" im Zeitalter der Hypomobilisation und Hyperalimentation - Lendenwirbelsäulen- und Halswirbelsäulen-Beschwerden (Dr. med. Udo Schreiber, Frankfurt am Main): Der Rückenschmerz - besonders der tiefe Rückenschmerz - des Menschen ist wahrscheinlich meist durch eine Fehlstatik verursacht. In Deutschland beträgt die Inzidenz von Rückenschmerzen während des Lebens fast 80%. Dr. Schreiber legte dar, dass die anatomische Längendifferenz der Beine zu verschiedenen Pathologien im Halte- und Bewegungsapparat führt. Die pathologischen Veränderungen - z.B. transversaler Schub auf das Ileosakralgelenk - treten meistens auf der längeren Beinseite mit einer Skoliose der Wirbelsäule mit erhöhten Druckbelastungen auf der Konkavseite der Skoliose in den Bandscheiben und mit typischen Blockaden in den verschiedenen Wirbelsäulensegmenten auf. Sinnvolle Diagnostik beinhaltet Anamnese und umfangreiche klinische Untersuchung zum Erkennen von Funktionsdefiziten anstelle von nur bildgebender Diagnostik. Sinnvolle Therapien sind - neben analgetischen Therapien, wie manueller Therapie, Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie, wassergefiltertem Infrarot A (wIRA), Ohrakupunktur, Magnetfeldresonanztherapie, Mikrostromtherapie, Injektionstherapie - vor allem die therapeutisch-präventiven Maßnahmen Dehnen verkürzter Muskulatur und partieller Ausgleich von Beinlängendifferenzen. Wirtschaftlich gesehen verursacht die Fehlstatik immense indirekte und direkte Krankheitskosten, wobei die aufgezeigten sinnvollen Therapien zielführend und zugleich kostengünstig sind. Ein ganzheitliches Therapiekonzept mit Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie, Hyperthermie, Sauerstoff und Entsäuerung - Therapie von muskulo-skelettalen Beschwerden (Dr. med. Bernhard Dickreiter, Nordrach): Die Kosten zur Behandlung von Rückenschmerzen belasten in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend die Krankenkassen durch Diagnose- und Therapiekosten sowie die Betriebe durch Ausfallzeiten. Rückenschulkonzepte der vergangenen Jahre zeigen aus Sicht von Dr. Dickreiter nicht den gewünschten Effekt. Vielversprechende neue Sichtweisen für den Umgang mit diesem Krankheitsbild ergeben sich aus den aktuellen Ergebnissen der zellbiologischen Grundlagenforschungen und dem daraus resultierenden neuen "Matrix-Therapie-Konzept": Die Ursache der muskulo-skelettalen Beschwerden im Sinne eines myofaszialen, myo-ischämisch-azidotischen und myotendinitischen Schmerzsyndroms wird in der Verspannung der Muskulatur mit einer Energiekrise auf zellulärer Ebene gesehen. Beim neuen Therapiekonzept steht nicht eine Therapiefülle wie bisher im Vordergrund, sondern ein auf Effektivität ausgerichtetes modulares Konzept, welches die zellbiologischen Prozesse auf extrazellulärer Matrixebene gezielt beeinflusst. Wesentliche Bestandteile des Konzepts sind die Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie als tiefenwirksame Mikroextensionstechnik, die lokale Wärme mit wassergefiltertem Infrarot A (wIRA) bzw. die Infrarot-Ganzkörperhyperthermie, die körperliche Bewegung zur lokalen Verbesserung der Sauerstoffversorgung, die Sauerstofftherapie einschließlich Hyperbarer Oxygenation (HBO) und die orthomolekulare Substitution und "gesunde" Ernährung. Konservative, interventionelle und operative Verfahren aus der Sicht des Schmerztherapeuten und Neurochirurgen: Stellenwert im Hinblick auf ein integriertes Behandlungskonzept (Dr. med. Volker Ritzel, Offenbach am Main): Mit einem interdisziplinären Therapiekonzept (Hausarzt; Orthopädie, Neurochirurgie, Schmerztherapie, Krankengymnastik/Physiotherapie, Psychotherapie) multimodal mit Nutzung konservativer, interventioneller und operativer Verfahren können heute Rückenschmerzen erfolgreich behandelt werden. Dabei ist besonders auf eine rechtzeitige suffiziente Therapie Wert zu legen (u.a. protektive, antizipierende Analgesie), um die Ausbildung eines Schmerzgedächtnisses mit Chronifizierung und Verselbstständigung des Schmerzes zu vermeiden. Zu den konservativen Therapiemöglichkeiten gehören neben einer medikamentösen Schmerztherapie nach dem WHO-Stufenschema die Transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation (TENS), Physiotherapie, Psychotherapie, übende Verfahren (Progressive Muskelentspannung nach Jakobsen, Autogenes Training, Göttinger Rücken-Aktiv-Programm GRAP), Ergotherapie, Akupunktur und Balneotherapie. Weitere schmerztherapeutisch-neurochirurgische Verfahren sind die therapeutische Lokalanästhesie, CT-gesteuerte Verfahren, die perkutane Laser-Diskus-Dekompression, denervierende Verfahren, die endoskopische Sequestrektomie, die Vertebroplastie, offen-operative Verfahren, die mikrochirurgische Dekompression sowie Implantatverfahren wie die minimal-invasive zervikale und lumbale Spondylodese. Ambulante/Praxisklinische Operationen können heute in einer neurochirurgischen Praxisklinik im Rahmen des modernen Konzepts der Integrationsversorgung erfolgen. Rückenschule zur primären, sekundären und tertiären Prävention - Lebensstiländerung, Krankengymnastik/Physiotherapie - im Zeitalter integrierter ambulanter Versorgung (Monika Kremer, Frankfurt am Main): Moderne Therapiestrategien bevorzugen - soweit möglich - ein konservatives gegenüber einem operativen Vorgehen, ein aktives gegenüber einem passiven, ein multimodales gegenüber einem monotherapeutischen Vorgehen. Bewegungs- und trainingstherapeutische Maßnahmen (z.B. Erweiterte Ambulante Physiotherapie EAP als Komplextherapie mit den Bestandteilen Krankengymnastik/Physiotherapie, Physikalische Therapie und Medizinische Trainingstherapie MTT) sind wichtige Bestandteile moderner Rückenkonzepte. Die Arbeitsplatzsituation wird besonders berücksichtigt mit zunehmender Integration von Ergonomie-Trainingsprogrammen. Der Begriff "Präventive Rückenschule" umfasst die Vermittlung und Anwendung wirkungsvoller Alltagsstrategien zur Vermeidung hoher Rückenbelastungen, um der Entwicklung funktioneller und degenerativer Krankheiten vornehmlich im Bereich der Wirbelsäule einschließlich muskulärer Dysbalancen vorzubeugen. Hierzu gehört ein rückengerechtes Alltagsverhalten (z.B. richtiges körpernahes Heben und Tragen). Besonders effektiv sind aktive Trainingsformen zum Muskelaufbau und zur Verbesserung der Ausdauer in Kombination mit verhaltensorientierten Trainingsprogrammen mit dem Ziel der Steigerung von Wohlbefinden und Lebensqualität. Erläutert werden das Konzept des Forschungs- und Präventionszentrums Köln (FPZ), das Kieser-Training, das Baunataler Rücken-Konzept (BRK) und das tergumed®-Rückenkonzept. Häufig können Rückenschmerzen durch rückengerechte Verhaltensweisen sowie präventives und rehabilitatives Rückentraining vermieden werden oder es kann nach ihrem Auftreten rehabilitativ wieder ein schmerzfreier stabiler Gesundheitszustand erreicht werden.Objective of the seminar was to present for the common illness backache from the sports orthopaedic, traumatologic, sports medical, from the internal, from the pain therapeutic, neurosurgical and from the physiotherapeutic point of view new ways of looking at, based on physiologic, pathophysiologic knowledge, with relevance for prevention and therapy of the common problem backache. The low back pain as a result of the special quality of the "biped" in the time of hypomobilization and hyperalimentation - lumbar and cervical spine complaints (Udo Schreiber, MD, Frankfurt/Main): The back pain - especially the low back pain - is probably mostly caused by static disorders. In Germany the incidence of back pain within a lifetime is nearly 80 %. Dr. Schreiber explained that the anatomical length difference of the legs leads to a variety of pathological situations in the musculo-sceletal system. The pathologic changes - for instance transversal push to the ileosacral joint - mostly appear at the side of the longer leg with a scoliosis of the spinal column with increased pressure loads on the concave side of the scoliosis in the intervertebral disks and with typical blockings in different vertebral segments. Adequate diagnosis includes anamnesis and extensive clinical examination to recognize functional deficits instead of only imaging diagnostics. Useful therapies are - besides analgetic therapies, like manual therapy, matrix rhythm therapy, water-filtered infrared A (wIRA), ear acupuncture, magnetic field resonance therapy, micro current therapy, injection therapy - primarily the therapeutic preventive procedures stretching of shortened musculature and partial compensation of leg length differences. From an economical point of view static disorders cause immense indirect and direct disease costs, whereas the described adequate therapies are effective as well as economical. A holistic therapy concept with matrix rhythm therapy, hyperthermia, oxygen and anti-acidification - therapy of musculo-sceletal disorders (Bernhard Dickreiter, MD, Nordrach): The costs for the treatment of back pain burden the health insurance companies by diagnostic and therapy costs as well as the companies by sick-times increasingly in the past years. From the point of view of Dr. Dickreiter back school concepts of the past years have not shown the desired effects. Promising new aspects of handling of this clinical picture arise from the current results of the cellbiological basic researches and the new "matrix therapy concept" derived from it: The cause of the musculo-sceletal complaints in the sense of a myo-fascial, myo-ischemic-acidotic and myo-tendinitic pain syndrome is seen in the hardening of the musculature with an energy crisis at a cellular level. Within the new therapy concept there is not an abundance of treatments in the center of attention as before, but a modular concept in line with effectiveness, which affects the cellbiological processes especially at the extracellular matrix level. Essential parts of the concept are the matrix rhythm therapy as depth effective micro extension method, the local warming by water-filtered infrared A (wIRA) or the infrared whole body hyperthermia, the physical activity for the local improvement of oxygen supply, the oxygen therapy including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) and the orthomolecular substitution and "healthy" nutrition. Conservative, interventional and operative procedures from the point of view of the pain therapist and neurosurgeon: Place value with regard to an integrated medical treatment concept (Volker Ritzel, MD, Offenbach/Main): Backache can be treated successfully with an interdisciplinary therapy concept (general practitioner; orthopedics, neurosurgery, analgesic therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy) multimodal with use of conservative, interventional and operative procedures today. Special emphasis has to be laid on a sufficient therapy on time (among others protective, anticipating analgesia) to avoid the development of a pain memory with chronification of the pain and becoming independent from causes. Besides a drug based analgesic therapy in accordance with the WHO step scheme the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), physiotherapy, psychotherapy, practicing procedures (progressive muscle relaxation by Jakobsen, autogenous training, Göttingen active back program GRAP), ergotherapy, acupuncture and balneotherapy belong to the conservative therapy possibilities. Further pain therapeutic, neurosurgical procedures are the therapeutic regional anesthesia, computed tomography controlled procedures, the percutaneous laser disk decompression, denervational procedures, the endoscopic sequestrectomy, the vertebroplasty, open operative procedures, the microsurgical decompression as well as implant procedures as the minimal-invasive cervical and lumbar spondylodesis. Today, outpatient procedures can be carried out in neurosurgical clinics in the context of a modern integrated care program. Back school for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention - lifestyle change, physiotherapy - in the age of integrated ambulatory care (Monika Kremer, Frankfurt am Main): Modern therapy strategies prefer - as far as possible - a conservative instead of an operative procedure, an active instead of a passive, a multimodal instead of a monotherapeutic procedure. Activities of motion and training therapy (e.g. extended ambulatory physiotherapy EAP as a complex therapy with the components physiotherapy, physical therapy and medical training therapy MTT) are important parts of modern back concepts. The working place conditions are taken into account particularly with an increasing integration of ergonomics training programs. The concept "preventive back school" covers the arrangement and application of effective everyday strategies to avoid great strain on the back to prevent the development of functional and degenerative diseases especially in the area of the spinal column including muscular dysbalances. An everyday behavior suitable for the back (e.g. correct lifting and carrying near the body) is included. Particularly effective are active training programs for the improvement of musculature and endurance in combination with behavior oriented training programs with the objective to improve well-being and quality of life. The concept of the Research and Prevention Center Cologne (FPZ), the Kieser-training, the Baunatal back concept (BRK) and the tergumed® back concept are explained. Frequently backache can be avoided by behaviors suitable for the back and by preventive and rehabilitative back training or a painless stable health status can be reached again in a rehabilitative sense after its occurrence

    The Design Study to Improve Production Processes Focusing on Lean Processes Including OHS

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá studiem návrhů na zlepšení výrobních procesů se zaměřením na štíhlé procesy včetně BOZP v podniku Continental Automotive Czech Republic, s. r. o., který se zabývá výrobou komponentů pro automobilový průmysl. První kapitola obsahuje základní informace o společnosti. Teoretická část se zabývá pojmy z oblasti bezpečnosti práce, štíhlé výroby a výrobního procesu. Na základě analýzy jsou zjištěny nedostatky výrobního procesu. Ve vlastním návrhu řešení aplikuji nápravná opatření pro zamezení nedostatků.This bachelor’s thesis deals with a study of suggestions leading to improvement of industrial processes focused on lean processes including Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) in company Continental Automotive Czech Republic, s.r.o. - producer of components for automotive industry. The first chapter covers basic information about the company. The theoretical part describes the determination of key words from the field of Occupational Safety and Health, the lean process and the production process. Based on analysis drawbacks of the production process are found. My own solution proposal contains corrective actions to avoid such drawbacks.

    Ergonomy and Material Handling in the Grinding Faces Workplace

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    V této diplomové práci se ve světové firmě na výrobu ložisek Koyo Bearings Česká Republika, s.r.o. zabývám ergonomií, pracovními polohami a manipulací s materiálem na pracovišti broušení čel kroužků ložisek, konkrétně na stroji s označením A0. Nejprve jsem se seznámil s daným strojem, poté jsem provedl pozorování stroje a pohybů operátora při celkové manipulaci s polotovary. Největší důraz jsem kladl na momenty vynaložení nejvyšší svalové zátěže při vykládání polotovaru do zásobníku (vstupu) stroje a odebírání polotovarů ze stroje (výstupu). Snímky jsem vyhodnotil pomocí čtyř ergonomických metod, které jsem porovnal mezi sebou a z výsledných grafů určil místa (pohyby) kritické pro operátora. Na základě tohoto výstupu byl proveden návrh odlehčovacích zařízení, jejich finanční náročnost a následná instalace ke stroji. Následně proběhlo nové pozorování pracoviště a vyhodnocení ergonomie. V závěru hodnotím kompletní ergonomickou situaci před a po instalaci odlehčovacích zařízení.The thesis deals with ergonomics, work settings and operation of the material used at the workplace of grinding of bearing ring´s fronts, particularly on the machine marked A0, in the world company for manufacture of bearings Koyo Bearings Czech Republic, s.r.o. Firstly, I acquainted myself with the given machine, then I observed the machine as well as motions of operator during the complete manipulation with semi-finished products. The greatest emphasis was put on moments of the highest muscular effort when semi-finished products were put into storage units (input) of the machine and subsequently taken away (output). Pictures of the process were evaluated according to four ergonomic methods, which I compared to each other and thanks to the resultant graphs I stated critical places (motions) for the operator. Based on this output, a project of relief devices as well as their financial demands and following installation was made. Subsequently, a new observation of a workplace was done and moreover, an evaluation of ergonomics. In the conclusion, I thoroughly studied the complete ergonomic situation before and after the installation of relief devices.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievelmi dobř