156,790 research outputs found

    First-Principles Studies of Local Order in Relaxor Ferroelectrics

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    A key to optimizing the growth of the new single-crystal relaxor ferroelectrics is resolving basic questions concerning their structural properties and energetics. We report on initial first-principles total energy and force calculations, examining the energetics of local order in PZN type relaxors.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX (aipproc), three eps figure

    Type 2 diabetes, but not obesity, prevalence is positively associated with ambient temperature

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    Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB13030000), the National Science foundation of China (microevolution program NSFC91431102) and the 1000 talents program. We are grateful to members of the Molecular Energetics group in Beijing and the Energetics group in Aberdeen, UK for valuable discussion of the data and analysis. All data analysed in this paper are already available in the public domain.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Variations on a theme of AGN-driven outflows: luminosity evolution and ambient density distribution

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    Galactic outflows are now commonly observed in starburst and active galactic nuclei (AGN) host galaxies. Yet, there is no clear consensus on their physical driving mechanism(s). We have previously shown that AGN radiative feedback, driven by radiation pressure on dust, can account for the observed dynamics and energetics of galactic outflows, provided that radiation trapping is taken into account. Here we generalise our model results by explicitly considering the temporal evolution of the central AGN luminosity, and the shell mass evolution in different ambient density distributions. In the case of fixed-mass shells, the high observed values of the momentum ratio (ζ=p˙/(L/c)\zeta = \dot{p}/(L/c)) and energy ratio (ϵk=E˙k/L\epsilon_k = \dot{E}_{k}/L) may be attributed to either radiation trapping or AGN luminosity decay. In contrast, for expanding shells sweeping up mass from the surrounding environment, a decay in AGN luminosity cannot account for the observed high energetics, and radiation trapping is necessarily required. Indeed, strong radiation trapping, e.g. due to high dust-to-gas ratios, can considerably boost the outflow energetics. We obtain a distinct radial dependence for the outflow energetics (ζ(r)\zeta(r), ϵk(r)\epsilon_k(r)) in the case of radiation trapping and luminosity decay, which may help discriminate between the two scenarios. In this framework, the recently discovered `fossil' outflows, with anomalously high values of the energetics, may be interpreted as relics of past AGN activity. The observed outflow properties may therefore provide useful constraints on the past history of AGN activity and/or the physical conditions of the outflow launch region.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    A magnetically driven origin for the low luminosity GRB 170817A associated with GW170817

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    The gamma-ray burst GRB 170817A associated with GW170817 is subluminous and subenergetic compared with other typical short GRBs. It may be due to a relativistic jet viewed off-axis, or a structured jet, or cocoon emission. Giant flares from magnetars may possibly be ruled out. However, the luminosity and energetics of GRB 170817A is coincident with that of magnetar giant flares. After the coalescence of the binary neutron star, a hypermassive neutron star may be formed. The hypermassive neutron star may have magnetar-strength magnetic field. During the collapse of the hypermassive neutron star, the magnetic field energy will also be released. This giant-flare-like event may explain the the luminosity and energetics of GRB 170817A. Bursts with similar luminosity and energetics are expected in future neutron star-neutron star or neutron star-black hole mergers.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Breakdown of the static picture of defect energetics in halide perovskites: the case of the Br vacancy in CsPbBr3

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    We consider the Br vacancy in CsPbBr3 as a prototype for the impact of structural dynamics on defect energetics in halide perovskites (HaPs). Using first-principles molecular dynamics based on density functional theory, we find that the static picture of defect energetics breaks down; the energy of the Br vacancy level is found to be intrinsically dynamic, oscillating by as much as 1 eV on the ps time scale at room temperature. These significant energy fluctuations are correlated with the distance between the neighboring Pb atoms across the vacancy and with the electrostatic potential at these Pb atomic sites. We expect this unusually strong coupling of structural dynamics and defect energetics to bear important implications for both experimental and theoretical analysis of defect characteristics in HaPs. It may also hold significant ramifications for carrier transport and defect tolerance in this class of photovoltaic materials.Comment: 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Energetics of the AK13 Semi-Local Kohn-Sham Exchange Energy Functional

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    The recent non-empirical semi-local exchange functional of Armiento and K\"ummel, the AK13 [PRL 111, 036402 (2013)] incorporates a number of features reproduced by higher-order theory. The AK13 potential behaves analogously with the discontinuous jump associated with the derivative discontinuity at integer particle numbers. Recent works have established that AK13 gives a qualitatively improved orbital description compared to other semi-local methods, and reproduces a band structure closer to higher-order theory. However, its energies and energetics are inaccurate. The present work further investigates the deficiency in energetics. In addition to AK13 results, we find that applying the local-density approximation (LDA) non-self-consistently on the converged AK13 density gives very reasonable energetics with equilibrium lattice constants and bulk moduli well described across 14 systems. We also confirm that the attractive orbital features of AK13 are retained even after full structural relaxation. Hence, the deficient energetics cannot be a result of the AK13 orbitals having adversely affected the quality of the electron density compared to that of usual semi-local functionals; an improved orbital description and good energetics are not in opposition. We also prove that the non-self-consistent scheme is equivalent to using a single external-potential dependent functional in an otherwise consistent KS-DFT scheme. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that, while an internally consistent KS functional is presently missing, non-self-consistent LDA on AK13 orbitals works as a practical non-empirical computational scheme to predict geometries, bulk moduli, while retaining the band structure features of AK13 at the computational cost of semi-local DFT.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Numerical studies of baroclinic instability at small Richardson number

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    Baroclinic instability at small Richardson number consists of competition between symmetric (Solberg) modes, zonal (Eady) modes, and possibly other modes whose orientation is neither symmetric nor zonal. In FY-84, a study of the fully nonlinear development and energetics of the symmetric modes was completed. The nonlinear effects were quite strong and, in some senses, unexpected. Secondly, a study of the dependency of the energetics of the symmetric modes upon the physical parameters was completed

    Flare energetics

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    In this investigation of flare energetics, researchers sought to establish a comprehensive and self-consistent picture of the sources and transport of energy within a flare. To achieve this goal, they chose five flares in 1980 that were well observed with instruments on the Solar Maximum Mission, and with other space-borne and ground-based instruments. The events were chosen to represent various types of flares. Details of the observations available for them and the corresponding physical parameters derived from these data are presented. The flares were studied from two perspectives, the impulsive and gradual phases, and then the results were compared to obtain the overall picture of the energics of these flares. The role that modeling can play in estimating the total energy of a flare when the observationally determined parameters are used as the input to a numerical model is discussed. Finally, a critique of the current understanding of flare energetics and the methods used to determine various energetics terms is outlined, and possible future directions of research in this area are suggested