4,168,220 research outputs found

    The effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth in Zimbabwe: a case of Shurugwi district in the Midlands Province

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    This research investigated the effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth in the Shurugwi district in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. Using thematiccontent analysis, the thesis demonstrates that the effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth is a perturbing issue, as most of the youths upon whom the study focused are being marginalised and are not participating in the indigenisation program at all. Lacks of human and social capital and socio-economic environment as well as the unavailability of capital have all been cited as factors hindering the effective empowerment of rural youth through the indigenisation program. Examining the perceptions of the participants led to the conclusion that the program has failed to cater for the needs of rural youth. This conclusion in turn resulted in the assessment that although the indigenisation program attempts to correct past imbalances in the ownership of resources through the equitable redistribution of wealth to those groups which have been marginalised, the problems created by the program‟s lack of success still constitute a domain which requires a great deal of attention from academics and researchers. On the basis of the findings of this research, appropriate recommendations are offered to various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment, policy-makers, researchers and the government.Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 201

    Regulation of Farming Activities: An Evolutionary Approach

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    Farming activity is modeled under an intervention policy regime, combining the environmental requirements of the Council Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) and the compensatory provisions of the second pillar of the Common Agricul- tural Policy. The optimizing behavioural rule along with the evolutionary rule is employed in order to model the individual farmer's decision making, regard- ing compliance or not with regulatory provisions. The impact of these diïżœerent behavioral rules on the selection of monitoring effort and thus on the compli- ance incentives of a population of farmers is examined. Analysis indicated that if monitoring effort is chosen arbitrarily or optimally based on the accustomed full rationality assumption then the population adopts a monomorphic behav- ior in the long-run, involving either full or noncompliance with the Directive's provisions. A polymorphic behavior involving partial compliance of the pop- ulation also arises if the dynamic model of optimal monitoring is constrained by replicator dynamics which represent the imitation rules. It is evident, thus, that the number and the type of the equilibrium steady-states is affected by the assumption regarding the behavioral rule adopted by regulated agents. Fi- nally, the dynamics of the population of compliant farmers is also assessed under accumulation of monitoring capital indicating identical properties.Nitrates Directive, agri-environmental programs, monitoring effford, monitoring capital, rationality, optimal behavioral rule, replicator dynamics, imitation

    The effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth in Zimbabwe: a case of Shurugwi district in the Midlands Province

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    This research investigated the effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth in the Shurugwi district in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. Using thematiccontent analysis, the thesis demonstrates that the effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth is a perturbing issue, as most of the youths upon whom the study focused are being marginalised and are not participating in the indigenisation program at all. Lacks of human and social capital and socio-economic environment as well as the unavailability of capital have all been cited as factors hindering the effective empowerment of rural youth through the indigenisation program. Examining the perceptions of the participants led to the conclusion that the program has failed to cater for the needs of rural youth. This conclusion in turn resulted in the assessment that although the indigenisation program attempts to correct past imbalances in the ownership of resources through the equitable redistribution of wealth to those groups which have been marginalised, the problems created by the program‟s lack of success still constitute a domain which requires a great deal of attention from academics and researchers. On the basis of the findings of this research, appropriate recommendations are offered to various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment, policy-makers, researchers and the government.Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 201

    Dynamic Effort, Sustainability, Myopia, and 110% Effort

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    By definition, giving 100% effort all of the time is sustainable, but begs the question of how to define 100% effort. As a corollary, once a benchmark for defining 100% effort is chosen, it may be possible, even optimal, to give a greater amount of effort for a short period of time, while recognizing that this level of effort is not sustainable. This dynamic effort provision problem is analyzed in the context of effort and performance by National Basketball Association (NBA) players over the course of a season. Within this context, several benchmarks for sustainable effort are considered, but these are rejected by the data. Meanwhile, the data are consistent with the proposition that NBA players put forth optimal effort, even if such effort is not always sustainable.Sports, NBA, effort

    Effort and Achievement

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    Achievements have recently begun to attract increased attention from value theorists. One recurring idea in this budding literature is that one important factor determining the magnitude or value of an achievement is the amount of effort the achiever invested. The aim of this paper is to present the most plausible version of this idea. This advances the current state of debate where authors are invoking substantially different notions of effort and are thus talking past each other. While the concept of effort has been invoked in the philosophical analysis of a number of important concepts such as desert, attention, competence, and distributive justice, it has hardly ever been analyzed itself. This paper makes headway in this regard by discussing three ambiguities in the everyday notion of effort. It continues to develop two accounts of effort and shows how both of them are achievement-enhancing

    Effort: perception of

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    Ubuciko bokwethiwa kwamagama abalingiswa emanovelini abhalwa ngemuva konyaka wezi- 2000: kubhekwa ukwethulwa kwabalingiswa ukuthi kuyafana nokwetha jikelele.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.According to the context of South Africa, a personal name carries a lot of information that speaks to its naming. A personal name carries an identity and a character of the name carrier but other races view personal names as a label that helps to categorise people accordingly. The study of personal names is called ‘Anthroponomy’ and it is regarded as a branch of ‘Onomastics’. The Anthroponomy deals with the study of personal names as opposed to other names. This research aims to discuss names given to characters who are the representation of real people with an aim examine whether naming of characters (in novels) match the naming of people in real life. The critical question of this research is that of looking whether writers do consider the importance of naming as a whole when they are naming their characters and that do they consider the importance of the meaning of those names and the naming shifts in the practice of personal names. This is done by the comparing of meanings of names given to characters (in conjunction with their novelic lives) with the meaning of a name given to a real person in the real world and also the issue of shift and continuities in the naming ptactice. The Socio-Onomastic theory and the literary onomastics theory have been applied to this research with an aim of supporting the objectives of this research. The names used in this research are for: Amasokisi, Ngizigwaze Ngowami and Ngiyabonga novels.Thesis is written is Zulu

    Ubuciko bokwethiwa kwamagama abalingiswa emanovelini abhalwa ngemuva konyaka wezi-2000: kubhekwa ukwethiwa kwabalingiswa ukuthi kuyafana nokwetha jikelele.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.NgokwaseNingizimu Afrika igama liqukethe izinto ezithile ezihambisana nokwethiwa kwalo. Igama liqukethe ubuntu kanye nobunjalo bakhe lowo owethiwe lelo gama kepha ezinye izinhlanga zilibuka njengelebuli esetshenziswa ukwetha ukuze izinto zikwazi ukuhlukaniseka. Isifundo sokwethiwa kwamagama abantu sibizwa nge-anthrophonemi okuyigatsha le-onomastiki. I-anthrophonemi ibhekene nokufundwa kwamagama abantu. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuveza amagama ethiwe abalingiswa abawumfuziselo wabantu abaphilayo ngenhloso yokubheka ukuthi kuyefana yini ukwethiwa kwabalingiswa nokwethiwa kwabantu emhlabeni jikelele okanye okwabantu abaphilayo. Umbuzo oqanda ikhanda wothi ngabe ababhali bamanoveli bayakuqikelela yini ukwetha jikelele uma betha abalingiswa nokuthi bayaziqikelela yini izinguqukokwetha emagameni ethiwa abalingiswa. Lokhu kwenziwa ngokuqhathanisa incazelo enanyatheliswe egameni nempilo yomlingiswa nokuthi kuyahambisana yini nencazelo yegama lomuntu ophila emhlabeni kanye nezinguqukokwetha. Injulalwazi ye-onomastiki yenhlalo neyemibhalo isetshenzisiwe ukuseka izinhloso zalolu cwaningo. Amagama atonyulwe emanovelini amathathu: Amasokisi, Ngizigwaze Ngowami nethi Ngiyabonga.Thesis in isiZulu. Abstract also available in English

    The C++0x "Concepts" Effort

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    C++0x is the working title for the revision of the ISO standard of the C++ programming language that was originally planned for release in 2009 but that was delayed to 2011. The largest language extension in C++0x was "concepts", that is, a collection of features for constraining template parameters. In September of 2008, the C++ standards committee voted the concepts extension into C++0x, but then in July of 2009, the committee voted the concepts extension back out of C++0x. This article is my account of the technical challenges and debates within the "concepts" effort in the years 2003 to 2009. To provide some background, the article also describes the design space for constrained parametric polymorphism, or what is colloquially know as constrained generics. While this article is meant to be generally accessible, the writing is aimed toward readers with background in functional programming and programming language theory. This article grew out of a lecture at the Spring School on Generic and Indexed Programming at the University of Oxford, March 2010

    Reference Points and Effort Provision

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    A key open question for theories of reference-dependent preferences is what determines the reference point. One candidate is expectations: what people expect could affect how they feel about what actually occurs. In a real-effort experiment, we manipulate the rational expectations of subjects and check whether this manipulation influences their effort provision. We find that effort provision is significantly different between treatments in the way predicted by models of expectation-based reference-dependent preferences: if expectations are high, subjects work longer and earn more money than if expectations are low
