6 research outputs found

    SVG 3D Graphical Presentation for Web-based Applications

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    Due to the rapid developments in the field of computer graphics and computer hardware, web-based applications are becoming more and more powerful, and the performance distance between web-based applications and desktop applications is increasingly closer. The Internet and the WWW have been widely used for delivering, processing, and publishing 3D data. There is increasingly demand for more and easier access to 3D content on the web. The better the browser experience, the more potential revenue that web-based content can generate for providers and others. The main focus of this thesis is on the design, develop and implementation of a new 3D generic modelling method based on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for web-based applications. While the model is initialized using classical 3D graphics, the scene model is extended using SVG. A new algorithm to present 3D graphics with SVG is proposed. This includes the definition of a 3D scene in the framework, integration of 3D objects, cameras, transformations, light models and textures in a 3D scene, and the rendering of 3D objects on the web page, allowing the end-user to interactively manipulate objects on the web page. A new 3D graphics library for 3D geometric transformation and projection in the SVG GL is design and develop. A set of primitives in the SVG GL, including triangle, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc. are designed and developed. A set of complex 3D models in the SVG GL, including extrusion, revolution, Bezier surface, and point clouds are designed and developed. The new Gouraud shading algorithm and new Phong Shading algorithm in the SVG GL are proposed, designed and developed. The algorithms can be used to generate smooth shading and create highlight for 3D models. The new texture mapping algorithms for the SVG GL oriented toward web-based 3D modelling applications are proposed, designed and developed. Texture mapping algorithms for different 3D objects such as triangle, plane, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc. will also be proposed, designed and developed. This constitutes a unique and significant contribution to the disciplines of web-based 3D modelling, as well as to the process of 3D model popularization

    Análisis territorial del Campo de Gibraltar como sistema y red

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    La presente tesis doctoral consiste en la introducción del análisis sistémico y de redes al estudio de los territorios. Este tipo de análisis se ha aplicado a las organizaciones empresariales y ha ayudado a la creación de nuevas estructuras y nuevas formas organizativas que se adaptan mejor al mundo cambiante actual (Churchman, Ackoff y Arnoff, 1973; Katz y Kahn, 1983; Navarro, 2001; Louffat, 2004 y 2009), a la optimización de sus recursos y al aumento de la eficacia y eficiencia de estas organizaciones (Beer, 1982). En este trabajo se ha diseñado una metodología específica para el análisis de un territorio como sistema y red y se ha aplicado a la comarca del Campo de Gibraltar. Se ha partido de un marco teórico que aporta los conocimientos necesarios para integrar las diferentes teorías, enfoques y estudios sobre sistemas y redes y fundamenta las ventajas que este tipo de análisis aporta en el ámbito territorial. Con esa metodología se analiza la estructura, las relaciones y el funcionamiento del Campo de Gibraltar como un sistema integral complejo compuesto por elementos y actores que son claves para el desarrollo sostenible de este territorio. Este análisis sistémico al Campo de Gibraltar ha detectado los fallos estructurales, funcionales y relacionales que presenta como sistema. Esta información puede ayudar a la elaboración de políticas que mejoren su viabilidad, eficiencia y potencien el desarrollo de este territorio. De esa forma, además, de aportar la metodología para el análisis sistémico de los territorios, pretende contribuir a mejorar las posibilidades de desarrollo de una comarca andaluza que cuenta con una ubicación geoestratégica a nivel internacional

    eManaging Ambient Organizations in 3D

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    As we work in different constellations, levels, networks, and sub networks etc., we need to see networking in multiple dimensions, i.e. as ambient organizations. To summarize the problem statement the article is addressing whether or not there is an added value for interpreting the structure of collaboration by managing ambient organizations in 3D. By utilizing a cybernetic structure and combining a set of specific methods, a clear separation between narrative, content, and contexts of organizations can be determined and challenge the old traditional way of scientific and knowledge management. Take Stafford Beer’s methodology of Team Syntegrity which is based on cybernetic system theory where he uses the model of regular polyedra’s to manage knowledge creating and transferring by organizing individuals with a strict cybernetic structure, and see the group of individuals re-arrange themselves in a self-organizing way. This three dimensional approach of eManagement is used as a platform for suggestions of more 3D tools communication, knowledge-sharing and innovation through the use of the theory on Information Space by Max Boisot. This article focuses upon an ICT and organizational approach to show the difficulties in creating a network based on a virtual platform without equal contribution and interest by all parties involved and a common vision that motivate the individuals to be a part of the network. The support of this multi-dimensionality from information and communication technologies (ICT) moves us towards using the dynamics of social technologies as Web 2.0 (ff Web 3.0) and an intelligent semantic web. Both the ambient organization and the social technologies available raise the challenge of changing our mindset in order to be able to manage at all. Finally the paper applies these systems on the challenge of asymmetric information, globalization, and the economics at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), which could be implemented or visualized as an e-business model