4 research outputs found

    Last advances in silicon-based optical biosensors

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    We review the most important achievements published in the last five years in the field of silicon-based optical biosensors. We focus specially on label-free optical biosensors and their implementation into lab-on-a-chip platforms, with an emphasis on developments demonstrating the capability of the devices for real bioanalytical applications. We report on novel transducers and materials, improvements of existing transducers, new and improved biofunctionalization procedures as well as the prospects for near future commercialization of these technologies

    Last Advances In Silicon-based Optical Biosensors

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)We review the most important achievements published in the last five years in the field of silicon-based optical biosensors. We focus specially on label-free optical biosensors and their implementation into lab-on-a-chip platforms, with an emphasis on developments demonstrating the capability of the devices for real bioanalytical applications. We report on novel transducers and materials, improvements of existing transducers, new and improved biofunctionalization procedures as well as the prospects for near future commercialization of these technologies.16Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informacio de la Generalitat de Catalunya [2014 SGR 624]Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence Program of Spanish MINECO [SEV-2013-0295]Brazilian Program Science without Frontiers for International Cooperation-MEC/MCTI/CAPES/CNPq/FAPs [313690/2013-8]Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) [218103-CVU 397275]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Analysis of the feasibility of implementing optical waveguides with polymeric materials for the development of optical biosensors.

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    Análisis de la viabilidad de implementación de guías de onda ópticos con materiales poliméricos para el desarrollo de biosensores ópticos Los biosensores son herramientas muy útiles para la medición de parámetros biológicos o químicos, estos están compuestos por una parte biológica que es el bioreceptor y por un transductor el cual capta la señal bioquímica y la convierte en una señal medible. Existen diferentes tipos de biosensores que cambian dependiendo de su transductor, entre ellos se encuentran los biosensores electroquímicos, termométricos, piezoeléctricos, ópticos, entre otros. En este proyecto se trabajará con los biosensores ópticos. Los biosensores ópticos más comunes son los que están fabricados con silicio, ya que estos presentan una alta sensibilidad, lo que permite mejores resultados en el sensado. Un problema que tienen los biosensores basados en silicio es su alto costo, por ello han surgido diferentes alternativas como lo son los biosensores basados en polímeros los cuales son más baratos de fabricar, pero estos a su vez tienen inconvenientes como una menor sensibilidad Una de las partes más importantes de los biosensores ópticos son las guías de onda ya que por estas es por donde se transporta la luz, existen diferentes tipos de guías de onda, entre los cuales se encuentran los guías de onda slab, circulares y rectangulares, entre los guías de onda rectangulares se encuentran los tipos Rib y Strip, los cuales son los que se usaran para este proyecto. En este trabajo se busca por medio del software COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS simular guías de onda tipo Rib y Strip con silicio y el material polimérico SU-8, realizar su diseño y analizar la propagación de la luz en estos guías de onda, con el fin de ver si un guía de onda de polímero puede alcanzar un rendimiento similar a un guía de onda realizado con silicio.Analysis of the feasibility of implementing optical waveguides with polymeric materials for the development of optical biosensors. development of optical biosensors Biosensors are very useful tools for the measurement of biological or chemical parameters. are composed of a biological part which is the bioreceptor and a transducer which captures the biochemical signal and converts it into a measurable signal. the biochemical signal and converts it into a measurable signal. There are different types of biosensors that change depending on their transducer. transducer, among them are electrochemical, thermometric, piezoelectric, optical biosensors, among others, among others. In this project we will work with optical biosensors. The most common optical biosensors are those made of silicon, since they have a high sensitivity, which allows for better results in sensitivity, which allows for better sensing results. One problem with silicon-based biosensors is their high cost. silicon-based biosensors is their high cost, so different alternatives have emerged, such as biosensors based on polymers, which are less expensive. which are cheaper to manufacture, but these in turn have disadvantages such as a lower sensitivity, which allows better sensing results. sensitivity One of the most important parts of the optical biosensors are the waveguides, since these are the ones through which the light is transported. There are different types of waveguides, among which are the slab, circular and rectangular waveguides. slab, circular and rectangular waveguides, among the rectangular waveguides are the Rib and Strip types, which are the ones that will be used for the which are the ones that will be used for this project. In this work we will use COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software to simulate Rib and Strip waveguides with silicon and polymer material. Strip waveguides with silicon and SU-8 polymeric material, design them and analyze the propagation of light in these waveguides, in order to to see if a polymer waveguide can achieve similar performance to a silicon waveguide. waveguide made of silicon