332,077 research outputs found

    Acoustic signatures of the seafloor: Tools for predicting grouper habitat

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    Groupers are important components of commercial and recreational fisheries. Current methods of diver-based grouper census surveys could potentially benefit from development of remotely sensed methods of seabed classification. The goal of the present study was to determine if areas of high grouper abundance have characteristic acoustic signatures. A commercial acoustic seabed mapping system, QTC View Series V, was used to survey an area near Carysfort Reef, Florida Keys. Acoustic data were clustered using QTC IMPACT software, resulting in three main acoustic classes covering 94% of the area surveyed. Diver-based data indicate that one of the acoustic classes corresponded to hard substrate and the other two represented sediment. A new measurement of seabed heterogeneity, designated acoustic variability, was also computed from the acoustic survey data in order to more fully characterize the acoustic response (i.e., the signature) of the seafloor. When compared with diver-based grouper census data, both acoustic classification and acoustic variability were significantly different at sites with and without groupers. Sites with groupers were characterized by hard bottom substrate and high acoustic variability. Thus, the acoustic signature of a site, as measured by acoustic classification or acoustic variability, is a potentially useful tool for stratifying diver sampling effort for grouper census

    Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) spawning aggregations: hydroacoustic surveys and geostatistical analysis

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    With the near extinction of many spawning aggregations of large grouper and snapper throughout the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and tropical Atlantic, we need to provide baselines for their conservation. Thus, there is a critical need to develop techniques for rapidly assessing the remaining known (and unknown) aggregations. To this end we used mobile hydroacoustic surveys to estimate the density, spatial extent, and total abundance of a Nassau grouper spawning aggregation at Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, BWI. Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance, density, and spatial extent were similar on two sampling occasions. The location and approximate spatial extent of the Nassau grouper spawning aggregation near the shelf-break was corroborated by diver visual observations. Hydroacoustic density estimates were, overall, three-times higher than the average density observed by divers; however, we note that in some instances diver-estimated densities in localized areas were similar to hydroacoustic density estimates. The resolution of the hydroacoustic transects and geostatistical interpolation may have resulted in over-estimates in fish abundance, but still provided reasonable estimates of total spatial extent of the aggregation. Limitations in bottom time for scuba and visibility resulted in poor coverage of the entire Nassau grouper aggregation and low estimates of abundance when compared to hydroacoustic estimates. Although the majority of fish in the aggregation were well off bottom, fish that were sometimes in close proximity to the seafloor were not detected by the hydroacoustic survey. We conclude that diver observations of fish spawning aggregations are critical to interpretations of hydroacoustic surveys, and that hydroacoustic surveys provide a more accurate estimate of overall fish abundance and spatial extent than diver observations. Thus, hydroacoustics is an emerging technology that, when coupled with diver observations, provides a comprehensive survey method for monitoring spawning aggregations of fish

    Estimating the abundance of clustered and cryptic marine macro-invertebrates in the Galápagos with particular reference to sea cucumbers

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    Estimating the abundance of marine macro-invertebrates is complicated by a variety of factors: 1) human factors, such as diver efficiency and diver error; and 2) biological factors, such as aggregation of organisms, crypsis, and nocturnal emergence behavior. Diver efficiency varied according to the detectability of an organism causing under-estimation of density by up to 50% in some species. All common species were aggregated at scales from 10-50 m. Transects need to be long enough to transcend the scale of patchiness to improve accuracy. Some species of sea urchins and sea cucumbers (pepinos) which are cryptic by day emerged at night so that daytime censuses underestimated their abundance by up to 10 times. In the sea cucumber fishery, estimates of abundance need to be made at the scale of the population, i.e. at hundreds of km. A strategy for this is proposed

    Construction and Operation of a Two-place Diver's Sled

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    Fisheries gear researchers have employed scuba diver-operated sleds to evaluate towed fishing systems since the early 1950's. One of the earliest sled designs was a converted Stokes litter in which two divers sat tandem with the forward diver operating the diving controls (Sand, 1956). The litter was relatively easy to maneuver and provided a comfortable platform for observing operational fishing gear. However, the use of underwater photographic equipment to document gear performance was difficult due to the limited mobility of the observer-cameraman

    A stationary visual census technique for quantitatively assessing community structure of coral reef fishes

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    A new method is described and evaluated for visually sampling reef fish community structure in environments with highly diverse and abundant reef fish populations. The method is based on censuses of reef fishes taken within a cylinder of 7.5 m radius by a diver at randomly selected, stationary points. The method provides quantitative data on frequency of occnrrence, fish length, abundance, and community composition, and is simple, fast, objective, and repeatable. Species are accumulated rapidly for listing purposes, and large numbers of samples are easily obtained for statistical treatment. The method provides an alternative to traditional visual sampling methods. Observations showed that there were no significant differences in total numbers of species or individuals censused when visibility ranged between 8 and 30 m. The reefs and habitats sampled were significant sources of variation in number of species and individuals censused, but the diver was not a significant influence. Community similarity indices were influenced significantly by the specific sampling site and the reef sampled, but were not significantly affected by the habitat or diver (PDF file contains 21 pages.

    A Comparison of Lung Function Values Among a SCUBA Diver Population and in Comparison to a Non-diver Population

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate possible correlations between lung function values (PEF, IRV, ERV, and FVC) among a diver population, as well as in comparison to a non-diver population. Independent variables for both populations were biological sex, age, and weekly physical activity. Independent variables for the diver population were dive tenure, number of logged dives, certification level, and gas mixture used. A spirometry test was conducted to collect lung function values of both populations. Data from this study suggest a statistically significant relationship between diver and non-diver sex and FVC, diver age and ERV, diver sex and ERV, and non-diver FVC and weekly physical activity

    Scale-lengths and instabilities in magnetized classical and relativistic plasma fluid models

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    The validity of the traditional plasma continuum is predicated on a hierarchy of scale-lengths, with the Debye length being considered to be effectively unresolvable in the continuum limit. In this article, we revisit the strong magnetic field case in which the Larmor radius is comparable or smaller than the Debye length in the classical plasma, and also for a relativistic plasma. Fresh insight into the validity of the continuum assumption in each case is offered, including a fluid limit on the Alfven speed that may impose restrictions on the validity of MHD in some solar and fusion contexts. Additional implications concerning the role of the firehose instability are also explored

    On damped Bernstein modes in a weakly relativistic pair plasma

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    Relativistic Bernstein modes are not totally undamped, but have a small, negative definite imaginary frequency component which peaks where the frequency is closest to the rest cyclotron harmonic
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