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    Agrowisata Development Strategy In Tourist Village Kembangarum, Donokerto Village, Turi, Sleman District

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    :Agrowisata in tourist village Kembangarum have different tourism resources, hence the qualitative study aims to (1) know factors affecting development agrowisata in tourist village kembangarum, (2) know the role of each stakeholders, (3) strategy implemented in the development of agrowisata in tourist village Kembangarum, (4) priority strategy applied in the development of agrowisata in tourist village Kembangarum. The methods used is a method of descriptive. The sample collection use purposive sample were the ones who related in development. The result of this research is, factor that influences development agrowisata in tourist village Kembangarum consisting of potential natural resources and fresh typical traditional, potential human resources derived from the aboriginal peoples of Donokerto having productive age, tourism potential offer a choice variety of education tourism, potential geographical at the location strategic, potential demographic this city tinged the dynamics of students and college students who coming from many areas, potential psikografis the number of visitors come of the city, outside of cities and foreign. Agrowisata tourist village Kembangarum managed by manager involving the public role Donokerto, the government and partner. Strategy implemented in the development of agrowisata tourist village Kembangarum based on the analysis of interactive as follows: improve the quality of packaging salak, community empowerment aimed at increasing public welfare, reflect typicality and maintain tradition as well as to create potential new tour

    Development Strategy of Microtakaful Institutions: Case Study Working Group Indonesia

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    Indonesia is becoming one of potential countries in microtakaful institutions development. One of the expert in microtakaful is Takmin Working Group. TWG is a group of initiators who have commitment to develop micro takaful in Indonesia. Its members consist ofexperts in Islamic insurance, micro finance and accounting. The research objectives of this study are to identify and analyze the problems faced by TWG in developing of microtakaful institutions and identify the solutions to solve those kinds of problems, by using AnalticHierarchy Process (AHP) method. The finding of this study shows the most priority solutions that can be undertake by Takmin Working Group to solve these both internal and external problem is information system development, and then followed by innovative product development. Communication & visitation to Islamic micro finance institutions and socialization about micro takaful product to society are being less priority on this matter.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v16i2.526

    Development Strategy of Pedagogical Competence to Improve Professionalism of Islamic Education Teacher

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the pedagogical competence of PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam/ Islamic education) teachers, the school's strategies to develop PAI teacher's pedagogical competence, the factors that inhibit school strategies, and the evaluation conducted by SMAN 3 (Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri /Senior High School) 3 Tasikmalaya, Indonesia toward the implementation of the strategies. The research method used is qualitative descriptive which reveals phenomenon holistically and contextually. Data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Qualitative descriptive data were analyzed by arranging and classifying the data, thus providing a real picture to the reader. The study conclude that the teachers had already good pedagogical competence, like the ability to understand the diversity of learners, to prepare lesson plans and strategies, to create active, creative, effective, and fun learning, and to evaluate students' learning outcomes. The school had employed strategy to develop PAI teacher's pedagogical competence such as developing teachers regularly every month, involving teachers in various scientific activities, improving the welfare of teachers and educational facilities, supervising, monitoring and evaluating the performance of teachers by providing guidance, giving rewards to outstanding teachers. Thus, the factors inhibited the teachers' pedagogical competence development were two kinds, internal and external factor


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    The aim of this research was to analyze the reproduction performances, potency and development strategy of Torajans spotted buffalo. This research was done from July to September 2010 in Sanggalangi subdistrict, North Toraja district, South Sulawesi. Purposive sampling was applied to observe data. The primary data were taken by purposive sampling method and collected by interview of 90 farmers. Results showed that sex ratio of male-female was 3:2. The first estrus was 2.48 years old, the estrus period was 23 hours and the oestrus cycle was 19 days. The first mating was 2.87 years old with the conception period about 387 days. Furthermore, the first partus was at 3.74 years old, calving interval was 2 years. Calving rate and calf crops were relatively high. Calf crops were 77%, pre weaning mortality was 2.35%. Service per conception (S/C) was 1.85 and conception rate (CR) was 86.5%. The most livelihoods in North Toraja is farmer. Spotted Buffalo population declined 24.31 % per year. SWOT analysis showed that score for internal factor was -0.25, whereas external factor was 2.25. It was showed that the sub-district Sanggalangi is in turnaround condition, so the development strategy of Torajans spotted buffalo has to minimize the weakness and reached the opportunities

    Development Strategy of Modern People Shipping Paotere Unit as Area of Makassar Tourism City

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    The tourism sector plays an important role in the development of a nation, especially the state economy because tourism is one of the most potential sources of income. This study aims to analyze the strategy of developing modern people's shipping Paotere unit to support the tourism of Makassar City based on the mapping of internal and external conditions. This research is designed with a quantitative form. Data analysis used in this research is SWOT analysis to formulate strategy of development of modern people voyage in PT.Pelindo IV (Persero) Makassar Makassar Paotere Unit in order to support tourism in Makassar City. This analysis is based on logic that can maximize strength and opportunity, but simultaneously and can minimize weakness and threats. The results of this study indicate the development strategy of modern people's shipping PT. Pelindo IV (Persero) Makassar Branch Paotere Unit in supporting the tourism city of Makassar based on the mapping of internal factors and external factors is an aggressive strategy that seeks to improve the internal conditions of weakness and external threats by utilizing a number of internal strengths owned and external opportunities available

    South Sudan urban development strategy

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    Southern Sudan - the ten southern provinces of Sudan - has attained autonomy and may soon achieve total independence from Sudan. Yet decades of civil war not only prevented development but destroyed the infrastructure left over from the colonial period. While Southern Sudan is fortunate to have oil resources that can finance building up the new nation, the task is enormous - there are no cities, there is no established industrial base, there are no means of transport, agriculture is incipient and cattle raising still follows ancient nomadic traditions. To aggravate the situation, millions of returning refugees and internally displaced persons are returning to their homelands and need to be settled. This paper, by outlining a simple, pragmatic strategy to setup the 10 state capitals, is a response to the effort of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) in solving these issues. The establishment of a basic urban system - even with minimal services and infrastructure - is critical to support the establishment of initial economic activities, provide a base for the provincial administrations, supply basic human needs to the existing population and organize the resettlement effort. This effort would complement the works to recover the national road system and the development of Juba as the national capital and main base of operations of GOSS. After discussing the current issues and conditions, available resources and expected demand, a three phase urban development strategy is suggested to jump start the transformation of the existing settlements into operational urban centres. The development proposal is completed by a brief discussion on urban standards and design recommendations to be adopted.urban; regional; development; planning; strategy; sudan; africa

    USAID Water and Development Strategy, 2013-2018

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    The first global Water and Development Strategy released by the US Agency for International Development outlines the approach that will guide USAID's water programming through 2018. The Strategy emphasizes sustainability, working through host country systems, using emerging science and technology, and learning from past efforts