16,938,407 research outputs found

    Isospectral deformations of the Dirac operator

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    We give more details about an integrable system in which the Dirac operator D=d+d^* on a finite simple graph G or Riemannian manifold M is deformed using a Hamiltonian system D'=[B,h(D)] with B=d-d^* + i b. The deformed operator D(t) = d(t) + b(t) + d(t)^* defines a new exterior derivative d(t) and a new Dirac operator C(t) = d(t) + d(t)^* and Laplacian M(t) = d(t) d(t)^* + d(t)* d(t) and so a new distance on G or a new metric on M.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figure

    Ramond-Ramond Cohomology and O(D,D) T-duality

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    In the name of supersymmetric double field theory, superstring effective actions can be reformulated into simple forms. They feature a pair of vielbeins corresponding to the same spacetime metric, and hence enjoy double local Lorentz symmetries. In a manifestly covariant manner --with regard to O(D,D) T-duality, diffeomorphism, B-field gauge symmetry and the pair of local Lorentz symmetries-- we incorporate R-R potentials into double field theory. We take them as a single object which is in a bi-fundamental spinorial representation of the double Lorentz groups. We identify cohomological structure relevant to the field strength. A priori, the R-R sector as well as all the fermions are O(D,D) singlet. Yet, gauge fixing the two vielbeins equal to each other modifies the O(D,D) transformation rule to call for a compensating local Lorentz rotation, such that the R-R potential may turn into an O(D,D) spinor and T-duality can flip the chirality exchanging type IIA and IIB supergravities.Comment: 1+37 pages, no figure; Structure reorganized, References added, To appear in JHEP. cf. Gong Show of Strings 2012 (http://wwwth.mpp.mpg.de/members/strings/strings2012/strings_files/program/Talks/Thursday/Gongshow/Lee.pdf

    Number of Common Sites Visited by N Random Walkers

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    We compute analytically the mean number of common sites, W_N(t), visited by N independent random walkers each of length t and all starting at the origin at t=0 in d dimensions. We show that in the (N-d) plane, there are three distinct regimes for the asymptotic large t growth of W_N(t). These three regimes are separated by two critical lines d=2 and d=d_c(N)=2N/(N-1) in the (N-d) plane. For d<2, W_N(t)\sim t^{d/2} for large t (the N dependence is only in the prefactor). For 2<d<d_c(N), W_N(t)\sim t^{\nu} where the exponent \nu= N-d(N-1)/2 varies with N and d. For d>d_c(N), W_N(t) approaches a constant as t\to \infty. Exactly at the critical dimensions there are logaritmic corrections: for d=2, we get W_N(t)\sim t/[\ln t]^N, while for d=d_c(N), W_N(t)\sim \ln t for large t. Our analytical predictions are verified in numerical simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 .eps figures include

    D-branes and T-duality

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    We show how the TT--duality between DD--branes is realized (i) on pp--brane solutions (p=0,,9)(p=0,\cdots ,9) of IIA/IIB supergravity and (ii) on the DD--brane actions (p=0,,3)p=0,\cdots ,3) that act as source terms for the pp--brane solutions. We point out that the presence of a cosmological constant in the IIA theory leads, by the requirement of gauge invariance, to a topological mass term for the worldvolume gauge field in the 2--brane case.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Lifetime asymptotics of iterated Brownian motion in R^{n}

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    Let τD(Z)\tau_{D}(Z) be the first exit time of iterated Brownian motion from a domain D \subset \RR{R}^{n} started at zDz\in D and let Pz[τD(Z)>t]P_{z}[\tau_{D}(Z) >t] be its distribution. In this paper we establish the exact asymptotics of Pz[τD(Z)>t]P_{z}[\tau_{D}(Z) >t] over bounded domains as an improvement of the results in \cite{deblassie, nane2}, for zDz\in D \begin{eqnarray} \lim_{t\to\infty} t^{-1/2}\exp({3/2}\pi^{2/3}\lambda_{D}^{2/3}t^{1/3}) P_{z}[\tau_{D}(Z)>t]= C(z),\nonumber \end{eqnarray} where C(z)=(λD27/2)/3π(ψ(z)Dψ(y)dy)2C(z)=(\lambda_{D}2^{7/2})/\sqrt{3 \pi}(\psi(z)\int_{D}\psi(y)dy) ^{2}. Here λD\lambda_{D} is the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian 1/2Δ{1/2}\Delta in DD, and ψ\psi is the eigenfunction corresponding to λD\lambda_{D} . We also study lifetime asymptotics of Brownian-time Brownian motion (BTBM), Zt1=z+X(Y(t))Z^{1}_{t}=z+X(|Y(t)|), where XtX_{t} and YtY_{t} are independent one-dimensional Brownian motions

    On Keller's conjecture in dimension seven

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    A cube tiling of Rd\mathbb{R}^d is a family of pairwise disjoint cubes [0,1)d+T={[0,1)d+t:tT}[0,1)^d+T=\{[0,1)^d+t:t\in T\} such that tT([0,1)d+t)=Rd\bigcup_{t\in T}([0,1)^d+t)=\mathbb{R}^d. Two cubes [0,1)d+t[0,1)^d+t, [0,1)d+s[0,1)^d+s are called a twin pair if tjsj=1|t_j-s_j|=1 for some j[d]={1,,d}j\in [d]=\{1,\ldots, d\} and ti=sit_i=s_i for every i[d]{j}i\in [d]\setminus \{j\}. In 19301930, Keller conjectured that in every cube tiling of Rd\mathbb{R}^d there is a twin pair. Keller's conjecture is true for dimensions d6d\leq 6 and false for all dimensions d8d\geq 8. For d=7d=7 the conjecture is still open. Let xRdx\in \mathbb{R}^d, i[d]i\in [d], and let L(T,x,i)L(T,x,i) be the set of all iith coordinates tit_i of vectors tTt\in T such that ([0,1)d+t)([0,1]d+x)([0,1)^d+t)\cap ([0,1]^d+x)\neq \emptyset and tixit_i\leq x_i. It is known that if L(T,x,i)2|L(T,x,i)|\leq 2 for some xR7x\in \mathbb{R}^7 and every i[7]i\in [7] or L(T,x,i)6|L(T,x,i)|\geq 6 for some xR7x\in \mathbb{R}^7 and i[7]i\in [7], then Keller's conjecture is true for d=7d=7. In the present paper we show that it is also true for d=7d=7 if L(T,x,i)=5|L(T,x,i)|=5 for some xR7x\in \mathbb{R}^7 and i[7]i\in [7]. Thus, if there is a counterexample to Keller's conjecture in dimension seven, then L(T,x,i){3,4}|L(T,x,i)|\in \{3,4\} for some xR7x\in \mathbb{R}^7 and i[7]i\in [7].Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.163