68,441 research outputs found

    Why Firms Outsource Their Human Resources Activities: An Empirical Analysis

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    In this paper, we develop and estimate an explanatory model of Human Resources Outsourcing. Six HR activities are analyzed: Payroll, Benefits, Recruiting, Training, Labor Relations, and Human Resources Information Systems. The determinants of outsourcing are drawn from two fields: the field of organizational analysis and strategy formulation, and that from transaction-cost theory. Our results indicate that the drivers of HRO are rather specific to each type of activity. The transaction-cost determinants appear to play a particularly important role in the HRO decisions. In particular, the prior experience of the organization with outsourcing of other functions, the uncertainty of the transaction, and the presence of a union have a commanding influence. Ce mémoire développe et estime un modèle causal de l'impartition des ressources humaines. Six grandes activités ressources humaines sont analysées: la paie, les avantages sociaux, la dotation, la formation, les relations de travail et les systèmes d'information de ressources humaines. Les déterminants de l'impartition proviennent de deux littératures scientifiques : celle de la théorie des organisations et de la formulation de la stratégie d'une part, et celle de la théorie économique des coûts de transaction d'autre part. Nos résultats montrent que les déterminants de l'impartition varient d'activité à activité. Les déterminants suggérés par l'approche des coûts de transaction semblent jouer un rôle particulièrement important. L'expérience qu'ont les organisations avec l'impatition de d'autres fonctions, l'incertitude de la transaction et la présence d'un syndicat ont une influence prépondérante sur la décision d'impartir les activités ressources humaines.Outsourcing, human resources management, Impartition, gestion des ressources humaines

    Gravel pits support waterbird diversity in an urban landscape

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    We assessed the benefit of 11 gravel pits for the settlement of waterbird communities in an urbanized area lacking natural wetlands. Gravel pits captured 57% of the regional species pool of aquatic birds. We identified 39 species, among which five were regionally rare. We used the Self Organizing Map algorithm to calculate the probabilities of presence of species, and to bring out habitat conditions that predict assemblage patterns. The age of the pits did not correlate with assemblage composition and species richness. There was a positive influence of macrophyte cover on waterbird species richness. Larger pits did not support more species, but species richness increased with connectivity. As alternative wetland habitats, gravel pits are attractive to waterbirds, when they act as stepping stones that ensure connectivity between larger natural and/or artificial wetlands separated in space

    Bulletin scientifique

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    The internationalization Strategies of French Companies in Romania

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    Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) are currently attracting important flows of direct investments, after being closed to inflows of foreign capital before 1990. The governments of these countries have been multiplying measures and incentives for encouraging the presence of Multinational Companies (MNCs), during the past years. They are doing it because they consider this fact to represent an important growth vector. This current article will be focusing on Romanian situation. Statistical data indicate that Romania has attracted less foreign investments per inhabitant compared to the other countries in the region. Therefore, the article is aiming to analyze some of the strategies that are followed by companies intending to invest in foreign countries. We will analyze the strategic variables that have determined 62 French companies to invest and implant in Romania, based on the results of a specific survey we have conducted. The main conclusion is that the large majority of them were pursuing a “market seeking” strategy, and only a minority was pursuing a “search for resources” strategy.entry strategy, multinational company, Central and Eastern European countries, Romania

    Effects of environmental, living space and climate variability on the utilization of impregnated bed nets in west Cameroon: A community based survey for policy implementation

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    Background: Despite the fact that Long Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Net (LLIN) represents one of the most effective tools in fighting malaria, its use remains limited. Our study aimed at determining how environmental, household characteristics and climate affect bed net use. Methodology: A cross sectional descriptive and analytic study was carried out from January to April 2014 in Mifi health district. Data collected were collected in households during a face to face interview with standard household questionnaires, entered and analyzed using Epi Info software version 3.5.3. Graphics and tables were obtained using MS Excel and Word. Results: Of the 317 participants interviewed, average age was 33.23 years (SD = 10.80) and female sex predominant (85.2%). Most participants had attended secondary education 53.6% (n= 170), married marital status was most represented (58.1%; n= 185).75.4% (n=239) of households had at least 1 LLIN and average district coverage estimated to 1 LLIN for 3.3 persons. 78% of occupants in households with at least one LLIN had slept under the night before the survey. The presence of a ceiling in a house reduced net usage by 2.5% (p = 0.67) compared to house lacking ceiling. Standing waters around the compound increased net utilization rate to 16.6% (p = 0.03), whereas the presence of a covered well decreased the rate by 1.4% (p = 0.86). The dry season was identified as the period during which 86.8% (n= 239) of respondents sleep less under a net. Heat (57.60% n = 138/239), increased choking (2.5%), reduction in vector breeding sites (39.90%; n = 95) were cited as main reasons. Conclusion: Although classified as zone of continuous transmission, our findings indicate that bed net usage by our study population depends on environmental, household characteristics and climate. There is therefore an urgent need to develop strategic communication and sensitization campaigns coupled to environmental management to help scale up and optimize malaria burden reductio

    Analyse de déterminants de l'action de maîtres-formateurs en sciences du vivant

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    International audienceDans le cadre de cet article, nous approchons certains des déterminants de l'action de deux professeurs maîtres-formateurs quand ils enseignent des savoirs particuliers, ceux de la circulation du sang dans des classes de cycle 3 de l'école élémentaire. Nous produisons les analyses dans le cadre de la théorie de l'action conjointe en didactique (Sensevy et Mercier, 2007) et par une méthodologie, de type ascendant, inspirée des travaux de l'école genevoise (Leutenegger, 2008) nous inférons des pratiques in situ des déterminants professoraux. Les résultats permettent d'entrevoir la grande complexité des déterminants de l'action professorale et questionnent sur les modalités de formation des professeurs
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