356 research outputs found

    The First Exhibitions in Marc Chagall’s Creative Biography

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    This article focuses on the early exposition experience of Marc Chagall, on his participation in Russian exhibitions in 1910-12. This experience had influenced his formation as a professional artist. This experience resulted in the recognition, defined his relationship with the artistic environment, critics and collectors. Two letters of M. Chagall to M. Dobuzhynski are published in original language. They are the convincing proof of the fact that at an initial stage of his formation during the first Parisian period when Chagall wasn’t still known and recognized, he continued to enjoy support and care of his Petersburg teachers M. Dobuzhynski and L. Bakst, hoping for their help. In the first half a year of his Parisian life he saw the recognition in a circle of Russian artists of the association “World of Art”. The latest Parisian experience furthered the estrangement of M. Chagall from the “World of Art” and created the rapprochement with the leftist artists oriented on P. Cezanne’s system, the association “Bubnovy Valet” (“Jack of Diamonds”)

    Бонавентура Клембовcький і мистецька освіта

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    This article on the basis of worked out archive (it is putting into scientific usage) and published materials considers such questions: 1. creative biography of the talanted painter and artist B. Klembowsky (1795-1888); brief characteristic of his painting education at Kremenets (Wolynsky) Lycce, Wilensky University, trip abroad. 2. teaching activity of the artist at St. Volodimyr University (1834-1839); 3. Characteristic of the University art collection; 4. Museum and art knowledge activity of B. Klembowsky; 5. teaching at the history-philologycal faculty of the antique art and mythology courses (briefly); 6) project of Kyiv school of painting and art (it supplements the characteristic of the artistic education in 30-th of the XIX-th century at Kyiv University)

    Юрий Николаевич Одинцов (к 70-летию со дня рождения)

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    The creative biography of Yu.N. Odintsov – Microbiology Chair assistant professor of Siberian State Medical University – has been presented.Представлена творческая биография Ю.Н. Одинцова, кандидата медицинских наук, доцента кафедры микробиологии Сибирского государственного медицинского университета (г. Томск)

    Татьяна Сергеевна Фёдорова (к 75-летию со дня рождения)

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    The creative biography of Tat’yana Sergeyevna Fyodorova, famous native scientist, doctor of medicine, professor of Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) is presented.Представлена творческая биография Татьяны Сергеевны Фёдоровой - известного отечественного ученого, доктора медицинских наук, профессора Сибирского государственного медицинского университета (г. Томск)

    Попов Олег Сергеевич

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    The creative biography of an authoritative surgeon of Tomsk, the head of general surgery clinic, a professor of the Siberian State Medical University O.S. Popov has been presented.Представлена творческая биография авторитетного хирурга г. Томска, заведующего клиникой общей хирургии, профессора Сибирского государственного медицинского университета О.С. Попова

    Галина Ивановна Мендрина

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    The creative biography of one of the oldest teacher of Siberian State Medical University – professor G.I.Mendrina, the great specialist in Siberian medicine history – has been presented.Представлена творческая биография одного из старейших преподавателей Сибирского государственного медицинского университета – профессора Г.И. Мендриной – крупного специалиста по истории сибирской медицины