26,120 research outputs found

    A Longitudinal Study on the Effect of Hypermedia on Learning Dimensions, Culture and Teaching Evaluation

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    Earlier studies have found the effectiveness of hypermedia systems as learning tools heavily depend on their compatibility with the cognitive processes by which students perceive, understand and learn from complex information\ud sources. Hence, a learner’s cognitive style plays a significant role in determining how much is learned from a hypermedia learning system. A longitudinal study of Australian and Malaysian students was conducted over two semesters in 2008. Five types of predictor variables were investigated with cognitive style: (i) learning dimensions (nonlinear learning, learner control, multiple tools); (ii)\ud culture dimensions (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, long/short term orientation); (iii) evaluation of units; (iv) student demographics; and (v) country in which students studied. This study uses both multiple linear regression and linear mixed effects to model the relationships among the variables. The results from this study support the findings of a cross-sectional study conducted by Lee et al. (2010); in particular, the predictor variables are significant to determine students’ cognitive style

    Trainee teachers' cognitive styles and notions of differentiation

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    Purpose – To compare the cognitive styles of trainee teachers with their notions of differentiation and perceptions of its place/location within their teaching and learning during a PGCE programme of ITE. Methodology – 80 trainee teachers completed the Cognitive Style Index (CSI) (Allinson & Hayes, 1996) at the beginning and at the end of their course. After completing the CSI measure trainees received instruction on cognitive styles. To assess their initial understanding and prior knowledge of differentiation, all trainees completed a questionnaire at the beginning at the end of their course. Findings – At the outset rudimentary understandings of differentiation were found to be held by the trainees, as well as stylistic differences between the four style groupings. Gains in understanding of differentiation and the use of cognitive style in school were evident in all trainees. Moderate changes in style were evident, with all trainees becoming more intuitive over the course of the programme. Research limitations – The sample size may be seen as a limitation in terms of generalisability. Practical implications –The predominant direction of cognitive style movement was from analytic to intuitive. The suggestion that cognitive style whilst relatively fixed is also something that can be developed, is a feature which should offer encouragement to those developing university courses through interventions such as this. Originality - Teaching sessions on how cognitive styles can be used in the classroom were used to enhance trainee understandings of individual learning differences and increase awareness of own style to facilitate understanding of differentiation

    Allport's prejudiced personality today: need for closure as the motivated cognitive basis of prejudice

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    In the long history of psychological research on prejudice, Allport's (1954) book The Nature of Prejudice is undoubtedly the foundational work, advancing ideas that remain highly influential and relevant to this day. Guided by the seminal ideas of this leading scholar, we illustrate how contemporary psychological research has accumulated evidence for a basic, motivated cognitive style underlying prejudice in its different forms. Specifically, we demonstrate that Allport's classic conception of this basic cognitive style is exceptionally well captured by the contemporary construct of need for cognitive closure (NFC), and we review the recent evidence for NFC effects on racism and sexism. Integrating Allport's writings with contemporary research, we also show that the effects of motivated cognition on prejudice are explained (i.e., mediated) by essentialist thinking and authoritarian ideology. Finally, we discuss recent evidence indicating that, in contrast to Allport's pessimistic predictions, intergroup contact is especially effective in reducing prejudice among people high in NFC. It is concluded that recent research on NFC provides a solid empirical basis for Allport's hypothesis that a general motivated cognitive style lies at the basis of prejudice

    Differences in spatial memory recognition due to cognitive style

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    Field independence refers to the ability to perceive details from the surrounding context as a whole and to represent the environment by relying on an internal reference frame. Conversely, field dependence individuals tend to focus their attention on single environmental features analysing them individually. This cognitive style affects several visuo-spatial abilities including spatial memory. This study assesses both the effect of field independence and field dependence on performance displayed on virtual environments of different complexity. Forty young healthy individuals took part in this study. Participants performed the Embedded Figures Test for field independence or dependence assessment and a new spatial memory recognition test. The spatial memory recognition test demanded to memorize a green box location in a virtual room picture. Thereafter, during ten trials participants had to decide if a green box was located in the same position as in the sample picture. Five of the pictures were correct. The information available in the virtual room was manipulated. Hence, two different experimental conditions were tested: a virtual room containing all landmarks and a virtual room with only two cues. Accuracy and reaction time were registered. Analyses demonstrated that higher field independent individuals were related to better spatial memory performance in two landmarks condition and were faster in all landmark condition. In addition, men and women did not differ in their performance. These results suggested that cognitive style affects spatial memory performance and this phenomenon is modulated by environment complexity. This does not affect accuracy but time spent. Moreover, field dependent individuals are unable to organize the navigational field by relying on internal reference frames when few landmarks are available, and this causes them to commit more errors

    Cognitive Styles and Adaptive Web-based Learning

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    Adaptive hypermedia techniques have been widely used in web-based learning programs. Traditionally these programs have focused on adapting to the user’s prior knowledge, but recent research has begun to consider adapting to cognitive style. This study aims to determine whether offering adapted interfaces tailored to the user’s cognitive style would improve their learning performance and perceptions. The findings indicate that adapting interfaces based on cognitive styles cannot facilitate learning, but mismatching interfaces may cause problems for learners. The results also suggest that creating an interface that caters for different cognitive styles and gives a selection of navigational tools might be more beneficial for learners. The implications of these findings for the design of web-based learning programs are discussed

    Effect of Learning Method and Cycnitive Style on Learning Results in Classical V Learners at SDN Central 01 Morning East Jakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to study the effect learning methods, and cognitive style, to the learning outcomes of science in SDN Central 01 Pagi East Jakarta . This research uses experimental method with treatment design by level 2 x 2. The sample of research is Va class as many as 20 people and class Vb as many as 20 people so that the total of all students of class V in Middle East 01 01 Pagi East Jakarta is 40 people. The results of this study can be concluded that: 1) Learning outcomes of learners who learn by PBL learning method is higher than that of learning with learning method CL   2) T erdapat differential effect of cognitive style on learning outcomes IPA, students who have the cognitive style field IPA independent education outcomes are higher than those who have a dependent cognitive style field. 3) T erdapat interaction effects between the learning method and the cognitive style of the science learning outcomes 4) H acyl learn science for students who have the cognitive style field of independent study using PBL method is higher than the CL teaching methods. 5) H acyl learn science for students who have the cognitive style of field-dependent learning by using CL higher than the PBL teaching methods. 6) H acyl learn science for students who have the cognitive style field of independent higher than the learners which has a field dependent cognitive style using PBL learning methods. 7) The study of science for students who have cognitive style field independent is lower than students who have cognitive style field dependent using CL learning method . Keywords: Learning methods and cognitive style of learning outcomes of science 

    Eksperimen Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Strategi Discovery Learning Dan Problem Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Gaya Kognitif Siswa Di SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura

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    Mathematics is one of the subjects that play an important role in everyday life. This is because through the math, students can solve problems in everyday life logically and sistematically. The importance of mathematics it is worth studying mathematics coupled with optimum results. But in reality, the result of learning mathematics is still far from expectation. The purposes of the study, 1) Test the effect of learning strategy with Discovery Learning, Problem Based Learning, and expository on learning outcomes in mathematics. 2) Test the effect of cognitive style on learning outcomes in mathematics. 3) Test the interaction between learning strategy and cognitive style on learning outcomes in mathematics. The type of research is quantitative approach with quasi experimental design. The population of this study were all of seven grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura in 2015/2016 academic year. The research sample consisted of three classes. Samples taken by cluster sampling. Data collection method used is the method of test and documentation. The test method used to measure learning outcomes and cognitive style of students. Documentation method used to retrieve data prior knowledge of students. The analysis technique used is two-way analysis of variance test different cells, previously performed using methods normality test and homogeneity test. Based on the research results with α = 5% : 1) Fa = 0.7937 F0,05;1;80 = 3.9733 which means that there is an effect of cognitive style on learning outcomes in mathematics. Field Independent cognitive style is better than Field Dependent cognitive style. 3) Fab = 0.4620 < F0,05;2;80 = 3.1233 which means that there is no interaction between learning strategy and cognitive style on learning outcomes in mathematics. In conclusion, 1) There is no effect of learning strategy with Discovery Learning, Problem Based Learning, and expository on learning outcomes in mathematics with alpha 0,05. 2) There is an effect of cognitive style on learning outcomes in mathematics with alpha 0,05. Field Independent cognitive style is better than Field Dependent cognitive style. 3) There is no interaction between learning strategy and cognitive style on learning outcomes in mathematics with alpha 0,05. Keywords: cognitive style, discovery learning, expository, learning outcomes in mathematics, problem based learnin
