257,282 research outputs found

    An investigation into the numerical prediction of boundary layer transition using the K.Y. Chien turbulence model

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    Assessments were made of the simulation capabilities of transition models developed at the University of Minnesota, as applied to the Launder-Sharma and Lam-Bremhorst two-equation turbulence models, and at The University of Texas at Austin, as applied to the K. Y. Chien two-equation turbulence model. A major shortcoming in the use of the basic K. Y. Chien turbulence model for low-Reynolds number flows was identified. The problem with the Chien model involved premature start of natural transition and a damped response as the simulation moved to fully turbulent flow at the end of transition. This is in contrast to the other two-equation turbulence models at comparable freestream turbulence conditions. The damping of the transition response of the Chien turbulence model leads to an inaccurate estimate of the start and end of transition for freestream turbulence levels greater than 1.0 percent and to difficulty in calculating proper model constants for the transition model

    A Research on Chang Chiens Reform ideas

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    Chang Chien 1853-1926 was a native of Nant ung Kiangsu In spite of the Various works on Chang Chien which testify to the significance of his role in modern China Chang Chien s Reform ideas is still not well-researched The purposes of this paper are firstly to analyze Chang Chien s Reform ideas systematically and clearly in the hope that it may become a useful reference for researchers on modern Chinese political thought and secondly to stimulate scholars for further research This paper depends more on basic source materials rather than second-hand data Among various source materials Chang Chien s Diary The Nine Records of Chang Chien and The Complete Work of Chang Chien are the most important Chang Chien s Reform ideas may be summarized as follows 1 taking notice of both economic basis and superstructure 2 elitism 3 pragmatism 4 concept of limited change 5 gradualism 6 golden means and 7 government by the peopl

    Interaction augmenté entre un chien et son maître

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    Les animaux, en particulier les chiens ont des capacités que l'homme à tous de suite remarqué et dont il a su en tirer le meilleur partie. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux chiens de services. Les premiers ont été les chiens pour aveugle, entraînés après la première guerre mondiale pour les soldats rendus aveugles. Et dans les trente dernières années sont apparus les chiens d'assistances entraînés pour aider au quotidien les personnes handicapés. D'un autre coté la technologie évolue afin d'amener toujours plus de confort à la personne. Ce papier a pour but de présenter nos travaux, qui sont de voir dans quelle mesure est-il possible d'inclure un robot dans la relation homme/animal en particulier homme/chien afin de combiner les qualités du chien et les qualités d'un robot. Les trois questions principales sont les suivantes: * Comment chien et robot peuvent-ils coopérer ? * Quels sont les canaux de communications ? * Un chien peut-il obéir à un robot ? Les enjeux techniques sont la récupération des informations provenant du chien et l'envoi d'instructions en stimulant plusieurs de ses sens. Nos travaux se déroulent dans le cadre du projet Cochise ANR-12-BLAN-012. L'association Handi'Chien, qui entraîne des chiens d'assistance, a mis en évidence certains cas où l'ajout d'un robot serait profitable à l'interaction entre le maitre et le chien. Une de nos premières réalisations sera celle d'un harnais équipé de capteurs et d'actionneurs afin que le maitre puisse interagir avec son chien à longue distance. Les perspectives de ces travaux sont la généralisation à d'autre type de chiens (chien de recherche, chien policier, ...) et la généralisation à d'autre animaux afin de mieux comprendre les interactions entre animales et systèmes robotisés

    Comparative study of turbulence models in predicting hypersonic inlet flows

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    A numerical study was conducted to analyze the performance of different turbulence models when applied to the hypersonic NASA P8 inlet. Computational results from the PARC2D code, which solves the full two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equation, were compared with experimental data. The zero-equation models considered for the study were the Baldwin-Lomax model, the Thomas model, and a combination of the Baldwin-Lomax and Thomas models; the two-equation models considered were the Chien model, the Speziale model (both low Reynolds number), and the Launder and Spalding model (high Reynolds number). The Thomas model performed best among the zero-equation models, and predicted good pressure distributions. The Chien and Speziale models compared very well with the experimental data, and performed better than the Thomas model near the walls

    A decoding procedure for the Reed-Solomon codes

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    A decoding procedure is described for the (n,k) t-error-correcting Reed-Solomon (RS) code, and an implementation of the (31,15) RS code for the I4-TENEX central system. This code can be used for error correction in large archival memory systems. The principal features of the decoder are a Galois field arithmetic unit implemented by microprogramming a microprocessor, and syndrome calculation by using the g(x) encoding shift register. Complete decoding of the (31,15) code is expected to take less than 500 microsecs. The syndrome calculation is performed by hardware using the encoding shift register and a modified Chien search. The error location polynomial is computed by using Lin's table, which is an interpretation of Berlekamp's iterative algorithm. The error location numbers are calculated by using the Chien search. Finally, the error values are computed by using Forney's method

    Implementation/validation of a low Reynolds number two-equation turbulence model in the Proteus Navier-Stokes code: Two-dimensional/axisymmetric

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    The implementation and validation of the Chien low Reynolds number k-epsilon turbulence model in the two dimensional axisymmetric version Proteus, a compressible Navier-Stokes computer code, are presented. The set of k-epsilon equations are solved by marching in time using a coupled alternating direction implicit (ADI) solution procedure with generalized first or second order time differencing. To validate Proteus and the k-epsilon turbulence model, laminar and turbulent computations were done for several benchmark test cases: incompressible fully developed 2-D channel flow; fully developed axisymmetric pipe flow; boundary layer flow over a flat plate; and turbulent Sajben subsonic transonic diffuser flows. Proteus results from these test cases showed good agreement with analytical results and experimental data. Detailed comparisons of both mean flow and turbulent quantities showed that the Chien k-epsilon turbulence model given good results over a wider range of turbulent flow than the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model in the Proteus code with no significant CPU time penalty for more complicated flow cases

    Reducing Educational Barriers in Catholic Schools for Latino Students

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    Roll 202a. at Tommy's / St. Mary's (Prairie Du Chien) / at the Crane's. Image 1 of 37. (6 August, 1955; 13 August, 1955; 14 August, 1955) [PHO 1.202a.19]The Boleslaus Lukaszewski (Father Luke) Photographs contain more than 28,000 images of Saint Louis University people, activities, and events between 1951 and 1970. The photographs were taken by Boleslaus Lukaszewski (Father Luke), a Jesuit priest and member of the University's Philosophy Department faculty

    Anatomie comparée de l’angle irido-cornéen du chien et de l’homme

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    L’angle irido-cornéen est la structure oculaire responsable du drainage de l’humeur aqueuse. Situé à la jonction entre la cornée, la sclère et la périphérie de l’iris, l’angle irido-cornéen présente une architecture variable selon les espèces. Chez le Chien, il est inclus dans la fente ciliaire et constitué du ligament pectiné et des réseaux trabéculaires uvéal et cornéo-scléral. Le drainage se poursuit par les plexus aqueux et veineux de la sclère. Chez l’Homme, l’angle irido-cornéen est positionné hors de la racine de l’iris et constitué des réseaux trabéculaires uvéal, cornéo-scléral et cribriforme. Vient ensuite le canal de Schlemm, structure propre aux primates et inexistante chez le Chien. Ces différences anatomiques expliquent la relative inefficacité des techniques chirurgicales de lutte contre le glaucome chez le Chien, alors qu’elle sont éprouvées chez l’Homme
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