16,221 research outputs found

    Spazi di lavoro e attivitĂ  produttive nel villaggio nuragico La Prisgiona in localitĂ  Capichera (Arzachena)

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    Il superamento del luogo comune che poneva la Gallura in uno stato recesso rispetto al resto della Sardegna sta consentendo la ricomposizione di fasi di sviluppo della civiltĂ  nuragica perfettamente allineate nell’ambito del grande fenomeno isolano. In particolare, nel quadro culturale sempre piĂč articolato di quest’ultimo, gli esiti della ricerca in corso stanno offrendo nuovi elementi di conoscenza in relazione ai modelli insediativi, all’organizzazione del villaggio, all’evoluzione della societĂ  tra il Bronzo Finale e il Primo Ferro. Gli scavi in corso nella regione gallurese stanno evidenziando le tappe di un’evoluzione generalizzata dei villaggi nuragici e della societĂ  che, fra il Bronzo Medio e il Bronzo Recente e poi fra il Bronzo Recente e il Bronzo Finale, modifica gli equilibri interni ed esterni

    Investigating Social Exclusion in Late Prehistoric Italy: Preliminary Results of the ‘‘IN or OUT’’ Project (PHASE 1)

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    This report presents the preliminary results of the ‘‘IN or OUT’’ Project, a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort which aims to investigate social exclusion, marginality and the adoption of anomalous funerary rites in late prehistoric Italy. In particular, this contribution explores the incidence and meaning of practices of ritual marginalisation and funerary deviancy in the region of Veneto between the Bronze Age and the early Iron Age period

    Ognina - a puzzling prehistoric site in Sicily

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    In 1965, Prof. Bernabo Brea of Syracuse excavated a site on the small island of Ognina, off the east coast of Sicily 12 km south of Syracuse. He found two levels of prehistoric occupation, a lower one of the Early Neolithic Stentinello Culture, and an upper one dating to the Early Bronze Age. At these periods, however, it may not have been an island but rather a small promontory beside a sheltered inlet, making an ideal small port. The Bronze Age material contained none of the Castelluccio Culture, widespread in South-east Sicily at the time, but pottery which Brea recognised as being closely similar to some which John Evans had found in Tarxien Cemetery contexts in Malta. He therefore suggested that the site had been refounded at this period, after standing empty since the Early Neolithic, by emigrants from Malta, who had probably established it as a trading post for their commercial interchanges with the Sicilians. This was adopted as the orthodox view by Italian prehistorians down to the present day. However, some uneasiness was felt among those studying Maltese prehistory, on the grounds that there was very little evidence for a sea-faring tradition in that early period, and though there were undoubtedly some raw materials imported into the islands, this was on a comparatively small scalepeer-reviewe

    Liberazione anticipata e “riduzione controllata” del sovraffollamento carcerario

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    L'autore inquadra l'istituto della liberazione anticipata speciale nell'ambito delle strategie di contrasto al sovraffollamento carcerario messe in opera dallo Stato italiano dopo la decisione della Corte europea per i diritti dell'uomo Torreggiani contro Itali

    Bronze Age textile and wool economy. The case of the Terramare site of Montale, Italy

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    At the onset of the 2nd millennium bc, a wool economy emerged across continental Europe. Archaeological, iconographical, and written sources from the Near East and the Aegean show that a Bronze Age wool economy involved considerable specialised labour and large scale animal husbandry. Resting only on archaeological evidence, detailed knowledge of wool economies in Bronze Age Europe has been limited, but recent investigations at the Terramare site of Montale, in northern Italy, document a high density of spindle whorls that strongly supports the existence of village-level specialised manufacture of yarn. Production does not appear to have been attached to an emerging elite nor was it fully independent of social constraints. We propose that, although probably managed by local elites, wool production was a community-based endeavour oriented towards exports aimed at obtaining locally unavailable raw materials and goods

    La delega per la riforma dell'ordinamento penitenziario

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    L'Autore analizza i profili piĂč importanti della delega legislativa per la riforma dell'ordinamento penitenziario contenuta nella cd. Legge Orland

    Conselhos de pol??ticas p??blicas: desafios para sua institucionaliza????o

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    A descentraliza????o formalizada pela Constitui????o de 1988 possibilitou a vig??ncia de condi????es institucionais e pol??ticas para a implanta????o de conselhos setoriais nas tr??s esferas de governo. Novas configura????es sociais emergem dessa mudan??a constitucional, instaurando novas institucionalidades e recolocando em novas bases as rela????es entre Estado e sociedade. Este artigo ?? fruto de uma pesquisa que buscou, atrav??s do exame de dois conselhos setoriais, lan??ar luz sobre a problem??tica envolvida na implementa????o dos mecanismos institucionais que viabilizam maior participa????o e accountability na gest??o p??blica, analisando os constrangimentos de naturezas diversas que condicionam sua atua????o. Trata-se de um estudo explorat??rio que teve como foco os conselhos de direitos da crian??a e do adolescente e os conselhos de assist??ncia social e sua atua????o no estado e em alguns munic??pios de Minas Gerais

    A Sardinian early 1st millennium BC bronze axe from Motya

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    An Iron Age bronze axe was found in Motya (Sicily, Italy) in a prehistoric layer dating from the 10th century BC underneath the 4th century BC patrician residency known as “Casa dei mosaici”. The axe belongs to the double-looped socketed type well known in central Mediterranean in the time span 1200-900 BC, and it is comparable with some coeval Sardinian specimens. The bronze has been characterised using the backscattering electron signal of a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy). The resulting composition of the metal alloy is Cu-Sn-As with an addition of Pb in some specific spots

    'Prehistoric painted pottery in Malta' : a century later

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    In 1911 T.E. Peet pointed out for the first time the difficulty of interpreting the earliest examples of Maltese prehistoric painted pottery. After a century of excavations and research this issue is still largely open especially with regard to Bronze Age wares. This paper deals with the Bronze Age painted pottery class named 'dribbled ware', characterized by decoration produced with the partial application of a thick slip instead of paint. This ware has been reported from several sites in the Maltese archipelago. Focusing on the evidence from In-Nuffara in Gozo, a new hypothesis about the chronology and function of the dribbled ware will be presented.peer-reviewe

    Commencement - Program

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    Invocation by Charles Whelan, National Anthem by Joseph R. Crowley, Welcome by Dean Joseph M. McLaughlin, The Keefe Award was presented to Professor Crowley, Distinguished Service Award presented to John E. McAniff, and the Commencement Address given by the Honorable William Hughes Mulliganhttps://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/commencements/1004/thumbnail.jp
