31 research outputs found

    Numerical Experiment of the Impacts on the Hydrodynamic Conditions of Xiamen Bay by the Xiamen Seawalls

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    摘要本文用数值模型计算了厦门海堤(含高集海堤、马銮海堤、集杏海堤)5种打开方案下的潮流场。计算结果表明:五种方案情况下,各潮流场的空间分布和时间变化皆符合半封闭海湾理论上潮流场的规律。对现状(第一方案)的计算值与已有的实测相比较,符合程度较高。文章指出了如下结论:(1)高集海堤拆除情况下,西海域航道的流速将减小。(2)在高集海堤不拆的情况下,海堤涵洞处潮流规律是:涨潮时流向自东北向西南,而且涵洞在围头角高潮时刻的流速大于围头角涨急时刻的流速;退潮时,涵洞处的流向自西南向东北,而且涵洞在围头角落急时刻的流速大于围头角低潮时刻的流速。(3)如果拆除高集海堤,涨潮时从厦门岛东西两侧水域进入的潮流在高...Abstract Tidal current fields under five different opening schemes to the Gaoji Seawall, the Maluan Seawall and the Jixing Seawall are computed using a numerical model in this paper. The numerical model results indicate that the spatial distributions and temporal distributions of the tidal current fields under five different opening schemes coincide with the regulations of the tidal current...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_物理海洋学学号:19992702


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    Observation of upwelling and diluted water in southern Taiwan Strait during July,2005

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    根据2005年7月台湾海峡西南部海域CTD观测数据,绘制出相关温盐分布图,分析了调查期间该海域的温盐分布特征。结果表明,调查期间东山海域、南澳海域以及台湾浅滩东南侧海域存在明显的上升流现象;在近岸上层,一股较强的冲淡水从西南部进入该海域并影响至台湾浅滩。Based on the CTD data of the southern Taiwan Strait obtained during July 2005,the sectional distributions of temperature and salinity in the studied area were drawn and analyzed.The results showed that:(1) upwelling appeared near the coastal areas of Dongshan and Nan'ao and around the Taiwan Bank;and(2) in the upper layer,fresh water came from the southwest and tongued into the investigated area,affecting the Taiwan Bank.国家自然科学基金项目(40331004,40576015,40521003

    Three-dimensional structure of a low salinity tongue in the southern Taiwan Strait observed in the summer of 2005

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    Cruise observations with CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) profiler were carried out in the southern Taiwan Strait in the summer of 2005. Using the cruise data, two-dimensional maps of salinity and temperature distributions at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 m were generated. The maps show a low salinity tongue sandwiched by low temperature and high salinity waters on the shallow water side and high temperature and high salinity waters on the deep water side. The further analysis indicates that the low salinity water has a nature of river-diluted water. A possible source of the diluted water is the Zhujiang (Pearl) Estuary. Meanwhile, the summer monsoon is judged as a possible driving force for this northeastward jet-like Current. The coastal upwelling and the South China Sea Warm Current confine the low salinity water to flow along the central line of the strait. Previous investigations and a numerical model are used to verify that the upstream of the low salinity current is the Zhujiang Estuary. Thus, the low salinity tongue is produced by four major elements: Zhujinag Estuary diluted water, monsoon wind driving, coastal upwelling and South China Sea Warm Current modifications.National Natural Science Foundation of China [40331004, 40576015, 40810069004, 40821063]; MEL Open Project [MEL0506]; ONR [N00014-05-1-0328, N00014-05-1-0606]; NSF [071003-9222


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    应用短期资料的潮流调和分析法 ,对台湾浅滩南部二测站海流资料进行分析,得出以下结论 :台湾浅滩南部海区为不正规半日日潮潮流流区区 ,,椭椭圆圆要要素素比比值值符符合合00..55<< ((WWkk11++WWoo11))//WWMM22<<22..00 ;;测测站站海海域域水水平平方方向向和和垂垂直直方方向向潮潮流流的的特特征征均均不不同同 ;;在在进进行行该该海海域域潮潮流流分分析析时时 ,,应应采采用用两两周周日日以以上上的的实实测测海海流流资资料料。Based on the tidal current harmonic method for short term data, we analyze the tidal current characteristics at two stations anchored in the southern Taiwan Shoal. The results are as follows: (1) The tidal current in the studied area is classified as irregular semi diurnal tidal current, the value of(Wk1+Wo1)/WM2 is between 0.5 and 2.0; (2) The characteristics of currents are spatially different in the studied area; (3) When conducting tidal current analysis in the studied area, it is necessary to use the current data over two day's time series.福建省科技专项 (98 Z 179);; 国家基金重点项目(49636220)资

    Analysis on Sectional Characteristics of Temperature and Salinity off the Zhujiang River Estuary——During the Cruises of May 2001 and November 2002

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    通过2001年5月与2002年11月珠江口以外海域的CTD观测资料,分析调查海域两个航次的温、盐断面分布特征,并将表层温度特征与卫星遥感图象进行比较.结果表明:(1)2001年5月,珠江口以外海域可观察到较弱的上升流迹象;而2002年11月除了陆坡处的海水有涌升趋向外,未见其它上升流迹象.(2)受径流的影响,2001年5月珠江口外表层盐度水平及垂直梯度均较大.(3)两个航次在远岸站位均未形成明显的温跃层,但具有较弱的盐跃层,2001年5月和2002年11月的盐跃层分别位于10~90 m和100~120 m.(4)两个航次在远岸站位的100~250 m层均可观察到部分黑潮次表层水.The sectional characteristics of temperature and salinity off the Zhujiang River estuary have been analyzed according to the CTD data and satellite-derived SST data during the cruises of May 2001 and November 2002.It is indicated that:(1) weak wind-driven upwelling appears in May,but no obvious upwelling exists in November except in the slope area where the sea water has a tendency to climb towards the slope.(2) affected by the freshwater from the Zhujiang River,the salinity has a large gradient both horizontally and vertically near the estuary.(3) the thermocline is not obvious either in May or in November.But weak halocline can be observed at the depth of 10~90 m in May and 100~120 m in November,respectively.(4) at the the depth of 100~250 m in the offshore area,the Kuroshio subsurface water is evidenced both in May and in November.国家自然科学基金重点项目(90211020)资

    Densely Underway Measurement of Surface Temperature and Salinity in Xiamen-Quanzhou Near-shore Area

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    根据2007年7月23~28日厦门—泉州近岸海域表层温、盐度31个密集断面走航观测结果,结合同期卫星遥感海表温度(SST)数据和潮汐资料,分析该海域表层温、盐度的分布,并采用非等间隔数据的谱分析方法研究温、盐度的变化特征。结果表明:1九龙江冲淡水的影响可延伸到围头、深沪近岸海域,表现为明显的表层盐度锋存在;但晋江冲淡水对调查海域的影响较弱。2在该调查海域,潮汐对表层温、盐度的分布和变化有一定的影响,靠近厦门湾口一端的围头、深沪附近海域尤为突出。谱分析结果显示,该段的盐度变化与潮汐涨落在周期上比较一致。3调查期间,表层温度变化呈逐渐升高的趋势,而且具有明显的周日变化特征。4围头近岸表层存在一个低温高盐水区域,且位置随潮汐有所变动。The distributions of surface temperature and salinity have been analyzed according to the sea surface temperature and salinity underway measurements along 31 transects in Xiamen-Quanzhou near-shore area in late July of 2007,combined with the remote sensing sea surface temperature data and tide data.The variational characteristics of temperature and salinity were analyzed through spectral analysis of unevenly sample data.The results show that: ①The influence area of the diluted water from the Jiulongjiang river can extend to near-shore area of Weitou and Shenhu.There exist strong temperature and salinity fronts.But the influence of the diluted water from the Jinjiang river is weak.In the research area,tide has some effects on the distribution and variation of sea surface temperature and salinity,especially near Xiamen bay and in near-shore area of Weitou and Shenhu.The spectral analysis result also shows that the variation of salinity coincides with that of tide.③During the investigational period,sea surface temperature had an increasing trend accompanied with diurnal variation.④There exists a low temperature and high salinity water near Weitou,and its location changes with tide.国家自然科学基金项目“台湾海峡西部海区夏季多锋结构时空变异性的研究”(编号:40576015);“九龙江流域—河口—近海系统耦合变动及环境生态效应”(编号:40810069004);国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“中国近海碳收支、调控机理及生态效应研究”(编号:2009CB421208)资

    Distribution Characteristics of Sea Surface Salinity and Its Relations to Tide in Jiulongjiang Estuary-Xiamen Bay

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    根据2006~2007年九龙江口-厦门湾海域5个航次的调查结果,分析该海域表层盐度的分布特征及其随潮时的变化.结果表明:河口区,表层盐度分布随潮变化;因受外海高盐水和九龙江冲淡水影响的不同,高潮前1~2 h,河口海域表层盐度北部随时间降低,而南部则随时间略有升高;厦门湾海域存在明显的冲淡水锋面,其位置及强度也随潮变化.According to 5 cruises of observations in the Jiulongjiang Estuary-Xiamen Bay during 2006 and 2007,we analyzed the distribution characteristics of sea surface salinity as well as its variability with tide.The results showed that the sea surface salinity varied with tide in the estuary.Due to the different influence of oceanic water with higher salinity and fresh water from the Jiulongjiang River,the salinity in the southern estuary increased with time at 1~2 hours before high tide.However,the salinity decreased with tide in the northern estuary.Obvious plume fronts were detected in the Xiamen Bay,and their location and strength varied with tide.国家自然科学基金项目(40576015)资


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    根据2000年7月及2001年5月南海北部珠江口外断面CTD调查资料、同期气象资料,并结合该海域历史资料,对调查断面珠江冲淡水扩展范围、跃层变动情况及上升流特征进行了分析,观察到对应于夏季西南季风的不同阶段,调查断面跃层分布与珠江冲淡水影响范围均发生明显变动,升降流的影响也呈现出不同特征:(1)西南季风较强时,断面陆架区上表层受冲淡水影响明显,海区的层化结构明显加强;(2)西南季风较强时,调查断面出现上升流和下降流。研究结果表明:(1)局地风应力与热通量的变化控制了调查断面跃层或混合层的温度和深度的变化,影响着珠江冲淡水的扩展范围,西南季风较强时珠江冲淡水扩展范围变大,调查断面跃层或混合层强度变大,深度变深;(2)夏季西南季风强时调查断面存在上升流,其形成机制为风产生的离岸水体Ekman输运的补偿效应,底地形的变化虽然也造成较弱的外海次表层水涌升,但可能只是加强了上升的速度或强度;(3)夏季西南季风强时调查断面上存在上升流区与下降流区毗邻的现象,下降流成因可能有二,一为近岸流和陆坡流呈相反方向运动形成弱的反气旋涡,二为“上升与下降因相互水体补充的需要而共生”。Based on the CTD data from two cruises off the Zhujiang River Estuary in the northern South China Sea in July, 2000 and in May, 2001, and combining with the meteorological data in the corresponding period as well as historical observations and modeling results in this area, some features at the observed section ZJ are discussed, including the diluted water from the Zhujiang River, spring layer and mixed layer, upwelling and downwelling. It was observed that these sectional hydrological features varied with different seasons: (1) with the strengthening of the southwest monsoon, the surface layer was influenced more intensively by the diluted water from the Zhujiang River and the stratification structure became more evident at section ZJ; and (2) there existed upwellings and downwellings at the section when the southwest monsoon was strong enough. Some conclusions have been reached as below. (1) Local wind and solar flux dominate the temperature and depth of the spring layer and mixed layer, and affect the extension of the diluted water from the Zhujiang River in a positive way. (2) The southwest monsoon plays the most important role in leading to the appearance of upwellings, which transport water across the shelf through the Ekman effect; the topography of the investigated section may enhance the intensity of the upwellings, but can not result in upwellings when the monsoon is weak. (3) The upwelling and downwelling areas coexist at the section when the southwest monsoon is strong. There may be two explanations on the appearance of downwellings, one is weak anticyclonic eddy resulted from the flows in opposite flowing directions along the slope and along the continent, and the other is that "the upwelling and downwelling coexist in need of the water complement".国家自然科学基金资助项目(49636220

    Distribution of beam attenuation coefficient in Taiwan Strait in August 1997~1999

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    利用 1 997~ 1 999年间 8月份台湾海峡的实测资料 ,分析了海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型、水平分布特征 .结果表明 ,台湾海峡海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型主要分为 5种 ,大部分随深度而递增 ;光学衰减系数等值线基本与岸线平行 ,水平梯度自北向南、自近岸向外海递减 ,近岸等值线密集 ,而外海稀疏 ;影响台湾海峡光学衰减系数的主要因素是悬浮物质 (主要含浮游生物 )和海流运动The distributions of beam attenuation coefficient (BAT) in Taiwan Strait have been analyzed by using the data collected in August of 1997~1999. The results show that: (1) The vertical distribution of the BAT can be classified as five main types, while the BAT mostly increases with depth. (2) The BAT contours nearly parallel to the coastal line. Specifically, the BAT decreases both from the north to south and from the coast to the open sea. (3) The main influence factor for the BAT distribution may be the concentration of suspended matter and the current in Taiwan Strait. [WT5F1]国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 !(4 96 36 2 2 0 );; 福建省重点基金资助项目! (98 Z 1 179