Distribution Characteristics of Sea Surface Salinity and Its Relations to Tide in Jiulongjiang Estuary-Xiamen Bay


根据2006~2007年九龙江口-厦门湾海域5个航次的调查结果,分析该海域表层盐度的分布特征及其随潮时的变化.结果表明:河口区,表层盐度分布随潮变化;因受外海高盐水和九龙江冲淡水影响的不同,高潮前1~2 h,河口海域表层盐度北部随时间降低,而南部则随时间略有升高;厦门湾海域存在明显的冲淡水锋面,其位置及强度也随潮变化.According to 5 cruises of observations in the Jiulongjiang Estuary-Xiamen Bay during 2006 and 2007,we analyzed the distribution characteristics of sea surface salinity as well as its variability with tide.The results showed that the sea surface salinity varied with tide in the estuary.Due to the different influence of oceanic water with higher salinity and fresh water from the Jiulongjiang River,the salinity in the southern estuary increased with time at 1~2 hours before high tide.However,the salinity decreased with tide in the northern estuary.Obvious plume fronts were detected in the Xiamen Bay,and their location and strength varied with tide.国家自然科学基金项目(40576015)资

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