10 research outputs found

    Taxonomic study on the genus Glochidion(Phyllanthaceae)from China

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    算盘子属GlochidionJ.R.etG.Forster是叶下珠科的一个大属,全世界约有300多种,主要分布在印度-太平洋地区,东至波利尼西亚东南部,南至澳大利亚,我国大约有33种,2变种,主要分布在西南部至台湾。该属因无花盘、药隔突尖、花柱合生等特征易与叶下珠科其它属区分。虽然前人已对中国算盘子属进行了较为全面的修订,但对部分疑难种的分类处理问题,学术界仍存在争议。此外,依据雄蕊数目或花柱形态建立的属下分类系统是否合理,目前仍不清楚。本研究通过查阅标本和文献,综合野外居群观察、形态学、叶表皮微形态学、孢粉学及分子系统学研究工作,旨在为该属上述分类学问题的解决提供多方面的的证据。主要研究结果...Glochidion J. R. etG. Forster, consistingof over 300 species, is a large genus of Phyllanthaceae, and is mainly distributed in the Indo-Pacific, east tosoutheast Polynesia and south into Australia. There are about 33species, 2 variations in southwest China and Taiwan. This genus can be easily distinguished from other related genera by the absence of disk-scales or glands in both female and male fl...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_植物学学号:2162014115243

    Research on Parallelization of Three-dimensional Scene Based on Multi-core Processors

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    提高三维场景的运行速度一直以来都是程序开发人员需要面临的一大难题,随着面向主流应用的多核处理器的出现与普及,利用处理器提供的多个内核而不通过编写多线程的方法来提高程序的并行性成为了一种可能。本文介绍虚拟现实开发工具OPEngl和共享存储系统并行编程接口OPEnMP;分析OPEngl绘制三维场景的一般过程;并以纹理映射为例着重探讨在OPEngl程序中使用OPEnMP来提高程序并行性的方法。Improving the speed of three-dimensional scene has always been a major challenge which programmers need to face.With the appearance and popularization of the multi-core processor,using the cores on processor instead multi-threading methods to improve parallelism of the program has become a possibility.This article introduces the development of virtual reality tools OpenGL and parallel programming interface OpenMP which is a shared-memory systems,analyzes the general process of using OpenGL to draw up the three-dimensional scene,and takes the texture-mapping as an example to discuss how to used OpenMP in the OpenGL program to enhance the parallelism

    Two Newly Recorded Species of Dalbergia L.f.(Leguminosae) from China

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    报道了2种黄檀属植物,即绒叶黄檀(Dalbergia velutina Benth.)和卵叶黄檀(D.ovata Graham ex Benth.)在中国云南的分布新记录。Two leguminous species of Dalbergia velutina Benth. and D. ovata Graham ex Benth. are newly recorded from Yunnan Province, China.国家自然科学基金项目(31270248,31070176)资助~


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    Simulation and Training System for Substation Based on C/S Architecture

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    变电站运行人员的个人技能是影响电力系统安全可靠运行的重要因素之一,因此,在运行人员正式上岗之前需要对其进行技能培训。目前,国内外已经开发出了许多变电站仿真培训系统,并取得了不错的效果。 变电站地理位置分散,人员相对精简,如果经常性的抽调大批运行人员到培训中心集中进行培训,有可能影响到正常的生产秩序,为了满足变电站运行值班人员的培训需求,提高培训效率,可以对其进行网络化培训。随着Internet技术的发展,以及网络带宽的不断增大,使得网络化的变电站仿真培训成为可能。本文针对网络化需求提出了基于C/S架构的变电站仿真培训系统。 首先,本文采用面向对象的程序设计方法,对基于网络化的变电站仿真培训...The personal ability of substation operator is one of the most important factors that affect the security and reliability of electric power system. So, the substation operator should be trained before he/she starts to operate real equipment. At present, many simulation training systems for substation have been developed and effectively used. Substations are geographically dispersed and relat...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机系统结构学号:2302007115130

    混菌发酵茶籽抗氧化肽的分离纯化及其功能活性研究Isolation and purification of antioxidant peptide from tea seed by mixed fermentation and its functional properties

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    为促进茶叶籽资源的深度开发利用,采用不同截留分子质量的超滤膜对混菌发酵茶籽多肽产物进行分级分离,比较茶籽多肽的抗氧化活性与其分子质量的对应关系;利用凝胶过滤色谱技术对茶籽多肽逐级纯化,获得特征性茶籽抗氧化肽,对其二级结构组成及相对含量进行分析,并考察其热稳定性和抗消化稳定性;以H2O2诱导小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(MEF细胞)建立氧化损伤模型,评价茶籽抗氧化肽的细胞氧化损伤保护功能。结果表明:经超滤分级后,茶籽多肽的抗氧化活性与其分子质量呈负相关,分子质量小于1 kDa的TSP4组分具有最高的自由基清除能力;TSP4分子质量分布范围在90~849 Da之间,凝胶过滤色谱纯化得到的TSP4-b亚组分平均分子质量为446 Da,其二级结构中的β-折叠的相对含量从未发酵茶叶籽的16.59%上升至44.43%,α-螺旋则由未发酵茶叶籽的37.61%降至17.57%;TSP4-b经20 ~ 60 ℃热处理以及模拟胃肠消化后,自由基相对清除率仍可分别保持在90%及80%以上,具备良好的热稳定性及抗消化能力;中(0.5 mg/mL)、高(5.0 mg/mL)剂量的TSP4-b的介入可使H2O2诱导的MEF细胞存活率分别达到73.8%、824%。综上,所分离的茶籽抗氧化肽具有较强的抗氧化活性,对H2O2诱导的细胞损伤具有保护作用,在医药、保健食品等领域具有良好的发展潜力。To promote the in-depth development and utilization of tea seed resources, tea seed peptides (TSP) from mixed fermentation were classified by ultrafiltration membranes with different molecular weight cut off. Then the corresponding relationship between antioxidant activity and molecular weight of tea seed peptides was compared. Gel filtration chromatography techniques was used to sequentially purify the TSP to obtain the characterized antioxidant peptide. The composition and content of secondary structure, thermal stability and anti-digestion stability of the antioxidant peptide were studied. The oxidative damage model was established with H2O2 induced mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) to evaluate the cellular oxidative damage protection function of tea seed antioxidant peptide. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of TSP was negatively correlated with their molecular weight and TSP4 with molecular weight less than 1 kDa exhibited the highest radical scavenging capacity. The molecular weight distribution of TSP4 ranged from 90 Da to 849 Da. The average molecular weight of the TSP4-b subcomponent purified by gel filtration chromatography was 446 Da, and the β-fold in the secondary structure increased from 16.59% of no fermented tea seed to 44.43%, the α-helix decreased from 37.61% of no fermented tea seed to 17.57%. The relative radical scavenging rate of TSP4-b remained above 90% and 80%, respectively after heat treatment at 20-60 ℃ and simulated gastrointestinal digestion, which showed the excellent thermal stability and anti-digestion ability. After the addition of TSP4-b with medium doses (0.5 mg/mL) and high doses (5.0 mg/mL), the H2O2-induced MEF survival rate reached 73.8% and 82.4%, respectively. In conclusion, the isolated antioxidant peptide from tea seed has strong antioxidant activity and protective effect against H2O2-induced cellular damage, and has good potential for development in the fields of medicine and health food

    中国脑血管病临床管理指南(第2版)(节选)——第3章 脑血管病高危人群管理 Chinese Stroke Association Guidelines for Clinical Management of Cerebrovascular Diseases (Second Edition) (Except) ——Chapter Three Management of Patients at Hige-risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases

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    针对脑血管病的危险因素积极进行早期干预管理是减少脑血管病危害最有效的方法。本章节介绍脑血管病高危人群管理的推荐意见,包括对不可干预和可干预血管危险因素的控制,阿司匹林在缺血性卒中一级预防中的应用以及首次卒中风险评估等方面。 Abstract: Early intervention to manage the risk factors of cerebrovascular disease is the most effective way to reduce the harm of cerebrovascular diseases. This chapter presents recommendations for the management of populations at high risk for cerebrovascular disease, including control of non-interventionable and interventionable vascular risk factors, the use of aspirin in the primary prevention of ischaemic stroke, and the risk assessment of first-time stroke