215 research outputs found

    Financing Preference of Listed Companies in China:Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Research

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    资本结构理论是现代财务学中争议最大和影响最广的课题之一。一般认为,融资偏好直接反映企业融资行为,并与资本结构和公司治理等因素相互影响,进而影响企业的价值。但何种融资偏好最有利于企业的发展,长期以来一直是学术界和实务界所关心的热点问题,对企业融资偏好的研究已成为近年来财务理论研究的一个前沿课题。学术界对融资理论研究由来已久,有关的理论学说主要有:基于信息不对称理论的优序融资理论、基于信号理论的融资偏好理论、基于代理理论的融资偏好理论、基于所有权与控制权的融资偏好理论、基于市场竞争结构的融资偏好理论、基于企业成长条件的融资偏好理论、基于行为金融学的融资偏好理论等。特别是美国学者Myers和Majl...Financing preference of a firm not only affects its financing decision but also influences its capital structure, corporate governance and valuation. Researches on this issue have become the frontier of corporate finance in recent years. Pecking-order hypothesis assumes a financial hierarchy descending from internal funds, to external debt, and last to external equity. Most empirical tests in fore...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:B20011401

    Research on Government Collaborative Office Based on Workflow Design

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    工作流是业务系统建设的核心部分,它的建立有助于提高业务系统的逻辑处理能力。同时研究工作流、提出改进工作流的方式方法具有重要的应用价值,也具有一定的理论意义。 本文是基于工作流的政府协同办公系统设计及研究,针对现有办公系统和工作流组件功能性方面的不足,提出了一种新模式下的工作流组件E-FLOW。它采用“软总线+软构件”式的架构设计,可与任何新构建的应用系统、原有异构的应用系统进行联接、集成,与任何程序、系统、平台进行交互。它能够可视化的进行业务流程分析、定义和业务单元的组装,从而使应用系统开发人员更专注于业务逻辑的实现,降低了复杂流程应用的开发难度。 本文从总体结构设计、功能模型设计、数据库...Workflow is business system construction of the establishment of the core part, it will help improve the business system logic processing ability. Meanwhile research workflow, put forward the improvement of workflow method has important application value, also has certain theoretical meaning. This article is based on the workflow in design and collaborative research of the government cooperative ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机技术学号:X200622103


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    Research on Segmentation of Anterior OCT and Brain MR Images

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    医学图像分割是虚拟器官研究工作的重要基础。在虚拟器官研究的工作中,医学图像分割属于前端工作,是医学图像处理进入到医学图像分析的关键步骤,影响着后期的形态建模和物理建模工作,其重要性不可忽视。 OCT和MRI是临床常用的成像手段,其中眼前节OCT图像是是获取清晰活体眼前节的重要来源,和青光眼诊断有重要的关系;而脑部MR图像则与脑部疾病诊断密切关联。对于眼前节OCT图像,本文先对眼前节OCT图像进行去噪工作,再分割出眼前节各组织,最后提取出眼前房轮廓;对于脑MR图像,本文先分割出T2权重的MR图像中的脑组织,再在分割出来的脑组织中分割出脑室部分脑脊液。最后在分割结果的基础上提取轮廓,进行插值和采...Medical Image Segmentation is the important basis of virtual organ research.Medical Image Segmentation is the beginning of virtual organ research, which is not noly the key process which between medical image procession and medical image analysis, but also guide the morphological modeling and physical modeling. It's obvious that its importance counld't be ignored. OCT and MRI are common used cli...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2302008115325


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    Fingertip Detection Method Based on Curvature

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    指尖检测是基于视觉的徒手人机交互系统的关键环节,由于背景的复杂性和系统的实时性要求,导致指尖的精确定位在处理速度和准确性方面存在很大问题。本文针对这一问题,提出了一种简单高效的基于曲率的指尖检测方法。该方法首先将输入视频流基于肤色空间进行二值化,并将二值化后的视频序列作为输入数据;然后采用边缘检测算法提取出肤色区域的边缘(肤色区域的轮廓),在肤色区域的轮廓上根据曲率来对类指尖的点进行检测,并且根据类指尖点的位置关系来判定一个肤色区域是不是手;最后通过过滤算法过滤掉误判手臂点。实验结果表明,该方法在不同的应用背景下都具有很好的检测效果,对光照的鲁棒性也较高,并且能够达到实时检测的效果。The fingertip is an important feature whose detection is the key connection for many vision-based barehanded human computer interaction(HCI) systems.A novel method for fingertip detection is presented.The input data is the binary image segmented from the input video stream by the skin color space.Then,the edge detection algorithm is used to extract the edge of skin region.On the contour of skin region,fingertip-like points are detected using curvature information.The positions of these fingertip-like points are used to determine whether a skin region is a hand or not.Finally,it filters out some incorrect fingertip points.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs well in different backgrounds and is robust to the influence of illumination in a real-time system

    [学術報告] 薜栄久「中国国際貿易理論の史的展開 : 変遷と新たな模索」

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    Mobile Augmented Reality 3D Registration Algorithm Based on ORB and KLT

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    针对移动设备上现有注册算法速度较慢和实时性较弱的问题,提出一种基于Orb和klT的移动增强现实三维注册算法,利用Orb进行特征提取和匹配,减少算法时间开销,同时使用改进的klT算法对特征位置进行预测跟踪,改善移动三维注册算法中的实时性能。实验结果表明,在移动设备上采用Orb和klT算法,不仅较好地解决移动增强现实三维注册实时性差的问题,同时也能保证有效的匹配性能。3D registration algorithm is the key technology of augmented reality,as well as the indicator of system performance.Since existing algorithm,such as improved SIFT operator and FAST-SURF operator,is weak on real-time feature,this paper proposes an augmented reality 3D registration algorithm based on ORB and KLT,which reduces the time overhead and improves the matching performance.Experimental results show that the new algorithm which running on the mobile device,not only can reduce the time cost but also can ensure efficient matching performance.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61001143


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    Load prediction of Swift cloud storage based on AHP-RBF

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    通过对SWIfT云存储中PrOXy nOdE的负载因素研究,提出结合层次分析法(AHP)和混合递阶遗传训练的rbf神经网络实现对SWIfT云存储负载情况的预测,其中使用AHP构造对云存储系统的负载层次化模式,提高负载预测的综合精度,设计了rbf神经网络预测模型,用混合递阶遗传算法(HHgA)确定rbf神经网络的参数和结构。仿真实验结果表明,对SWIfT云存储负载的预测具有可行性,能为系统动态负载均衡决策提供依据。Through the study of Proxy Node load factors in Swift cloud storage, a method which combines Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)and Hybrid Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm for training of Radial Basis Function Neural Network(HHGA-RBFNN)is proposed to predict Swift cloud storage load.This paper uses AHP to construct load hierarchy model of the system for raising comprehensive accuracy of load prediction of the system, designs RBFNN prediction model, and uses hybrid hierarchical genetic algorithm to train RBFNN's parameters and configuration.From the experimental results, this method is effective, and can be a selection for Swift cloud system load balancing decision.国家自然科学基金(No.61001143