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    Control strategies and the implementation of important crop diseases and the future prospects of plant protection in Taiwan

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    防檢局針對12種境外重要檢疫線蟲、細菌及病毒進行偵察調查,並依據防治標準作業流程,啟動相關之緊急防治措施;針對國內14種重大作物病害則進行主動監測調查,並將發布的警報透過農委會「田邊好幫手」之傳真及手機簡訊,即時傳送相關單位及農民注意防範。另為協助農民解決重大作物病害防治及安全用藥問題,針對國內重大病害如水稻稻熱病及洋香瓜病毒病等,除依據監測調查資料籲請農民注意防範外,並強化農民組訓教育、示範宣導及推動共同防治等工作。積極推動果樹、蔬菜及茶等18種作物病害整合性防治示範工作,辦理安全用藥宣導教育講習超過200場。而為防範重要病害藉由種子種苗傳播蔓延,除強制實施火鶴花特定疫病蟲害檢查外,陸續擬訂蘭花、蔬菜及果樹等7種作物之種子種苗病毒驗證作業須知,積極推廣種子種苗驗證觀念。在植物防疫人才培訓方面,防檢局舉辦文旦、水稻病蟲害、洋香瓜病毒病害、柑橘類與草莓病蟲害及栽培管理教育訓練,2010年參與人數約200人,期提升第一線植物防疫人員及農民田間生產管理、病蟲害診斷鑑定、防治及用藥能力。為強化作物病害監測及防治體系,未來應在現有的基礎與成果上,順應國際趨勢的發展,縝密規劃作物病害施政重點策略,持續改善各項防疫缺失並提升相關防疫技術,加強國際疫情資訊蒐集,及適時增修訂相關法規,以落實安全農業措施,確保農業之永續發展與農產品的衛生安全及消費者的健康。 Twelve important quarantine pests of crops, including nematodes, bacteria and viruses, were placed under detection survey by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ), and emergency measures based on the standard operation procedure for eradication would be initiated if any one of the above pests was found. In addition, fourteen domestic important crop diseases were monitored actively, and the occurrences of the 14 diseases collected from the monitoring survey which may indicate the potential threat to crops would be transmitted instantly via the gricultural communication platform “Farmer’s Good Hands ”, which set up by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, by using facsimile or Short Message Service (SMS) to inform farmers or agriculture related services for preventing diseases from spreading. To assist farmers in solving problems of pesticide residues and important crop diseases, for example, the rice blast and the viral diseases of melon, the BAPHIQ has implemented a pest alert system using monitoring survey data, strengthened educational programs for farmers to obtain information on disease management and pesticides, and demonstrated an area-wide coordinated control model for melon diseases prevention. For promoting integrated pest management (IPM) in controlling diseases on 18 economically important crops such as fruit, vegetable and tea, more than 200 training courses on how to use pesticide safely and properly were conducted for farmers and agencies from plant protection services. To prevent seed- and seedling-borne diseases from spreading, a mandatory seedling inspection program has been carried out on anthurium since 2000, also the requirements of seven other voluntary seed and seedling certification systems including Phalaenopsis orchids, vegetables and fruits, have been promulgated by BAPHIQ to promote the awareness on use of certified seeds and seedlings. In 2010, the BAPHIQ organized several pest management workshops on shaddock, rice, melon, citrus and strawberry for about 200 persons from agricultural extension services to enhance their capability on crop production practices, pest and disease diagnosis, control method and pesticides. To accomplish the policy goals of BAPHIQ in establishing a sound system of plant health inspection and quarantine, the strategies on crop protection should be carefully adjusted to align with the international trends, including the improvement of the efficiency of the system on monitoring and controlling of the important crop diseases, strengthening the employment of integrated control measures against crop diseases and continuously developing new technology for better control methods. Besides, efforts on collecting information of global crop epidemics, exchanging experiences in the prevention of the spread of diseases through international cooperation and amending plant protection laws and regulations timely would also be necessary to safeguard agricultural products and consumer’s health and ensure sustainable agriculture

    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay pνK+p → νK^{+} searches

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