85 research outputs found

    The Promoting Function of the Chinese-Foreigh Joint Programs in Education to the Curricular Reformation of the Local Universities

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    中外合作办学是近十几年来我国高等教育领域的新生事物,也是高等院校走国际化道路的途径之一。对于急于提高办学实力和办学水平、加快学科建设、完善课程设置的地方性本科院校,中外合作办学无疑是一条捷径。通过引进国外优质教育资源、融合国际教育先进的课程设置,能极大地促进院校的教育教学的建设与发展。 本文主要内容包括以下几个部分:首先,分析了我国地方性本科院校中外合作办学的现状,阐述了该类院校中外合作办学的发展历程以及合作办学的形式;第二、针对所做的问卷、座谈会、访谈等的调查,分析中外合作项目的利弊及存在的问题。同时,对于中、外合作方的专业核心课程进行了案例比较和分析,并以此说明中外合作办学对地方性本科院...Chinese-Foreign Joint Program in Education is a new form of schooling in the higher education field of China, it is one of the channels for the universities and colleges to run the school internationally. As for the local universities who urgently try to upgrade their schooling abilities and levels and to fasten their curricular development, setting up Chinese-Foreign joint programs is a short cut...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:X20041700

    Study on legislative procedures of tax regulation in China ——The financial crisis as the background

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    金融危机下,各国纷纷采取救市措施对经济予以调控,税收调控手段则是不可缺少的一环。然而,税收调控事关全体纳税人的权益与国民经济的健康发展,我国的税收调控流于频繁、非理性,往往为税法学者所诟病。本文主要采用了实证分析法与比较分析法,以理论紧密联系我国税收立法实践,认为我国的税收调控存在着违反税收法定原则、税收公平原则、税收效率原则与纳税人权利保护原则的问题,并通过对税收法定理论、授权立法理论与程序价值的深入探讨,立足我国国情,借鉴世界先进立法例,尝试构建我国税收调控立法程序规则体系的框架。 文章除引言外由四部分组成。第一章首先明确了“税收调控”与金融危机的关系,并厘清税法学在税收调控领域的研究范...Many countries are taking measures to rescue the financial market, including tax regulation. Tax regulation concerns all taxpayer’s rights and healthy development of national economy, however, it is often criticized by scholars of the tax law for acting too frequently and less of rationality. By using comparative analysis and empirical analysis, the article analyzed the illogicality of the current...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:1292007115035


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    Aesthetics of Adaptation and Philosophical Implication:An Intertexual Study of Michel Tournier's Friday,or the Other Island

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    米歇尔.图尼埃的处女作《礼拜五——太平洋上的灵薄狱》在世界文学经典《鲁滨逊漂流记》的基础上改写而成。通过一系列互文改写,两大主人公鲁滨逊和星期五的形象发生了逆反性转变,原有神话被颠覆与重构。新作《礼拜五》蕴含着深厚的哲理意蕴,成为记录鲁滨逊精神历程的神话,而且突出了当今人类普遍面临的孤独问题。同时,它也对人与自然之间的关系进行了深刻反思:只有回归本原,与自然和谐共融,才是人类最终的出路。Michel Tournier's first work Friday,or the Other Island is an adaptation of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.After a series of intertextual rewriting,the two main characters Robinson and Friday experience a complete transformation and the original myth is subverted and reconstructed.With deep philosophic meanings,Tournier's rewriting not only records Robinson's spiritual journey,but also discloses a common problem of mankind nowadays-loneliness.Moreover,this work reflects the relationship between human beings and nature.Only through returning to origin and living in harmony with nature can we human have a way out.国家社科基金项目“法国文学批评史”【项目编号:04BWW015】的阶段性成