345 research outputs found

    Bullies in the Block Area: The Early Childhood Origins of Mean Behavior

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    Bullying can pose a serious threat to children's immediate and long-term health and well-being, and can have profound impacts on all children involved in bullying behaviors, whether as the one bullying others, the one being bullied, or the one witnessing bullying. At least some of the roots of bullying behaviors, and conversely the roots of positive pro-social skills, can likely be found in adverse and positive experiences during early childhood, yet the research literature on these connections is limited. The early childhood field lacks a coherent, theoretical model that identifies the factors contributing to "mean" or aggressive behavior in young children, and establishes the developmental link between this early behavior and later bullying behavior. This white paper summarizes the literature on seven key hypotheses about the roots of bullying behavior in early childhood experiences

    The professional career of Mark Krueger

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    Dr. Mark Krueger, Professor of Youth Work at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a venerable and internationally respected and beloved practitioner, scholar, and leader in child and youth work has died. His career spanned more than 40 years and benefited not only children and youth worldwide, but also the careers of child and youth workers who were empowered by his teaching, his leadership, his numerous writings, his advocacy, and his personal caring, compassion, creativity and modesty. These qualities were infused in his numerous activities that embodied his focus on the interactive, dynamic and relational aspects of child and youth work establishing it as a crucial and unique human service

    Fc-mediated functions and the treatment of severe respiratory viral infections with passive immunotherapy – a balancing act

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    Passive immunotherapies have been used to treat severe respiratory infections for over a century, with convalescent blood products from recovered individuals given to patients with influenza-related pneumonia as long ago as the Spanish flu pandemic. However, passive immunotherapy with convalescent plasma or hyperimmune intravenous immunoglobulin (hIVIG) has not provided unequivocal evidence of a clinical benefit for severe respiratory infections including influenza and COVID-19. Efficacy trials, primarily conducted in late-stage disease, have demonstrated inconsistent efficacy and clinical benefit for hIVIG treatment of severe respiratory infections. To date, most serological analyses of convalescent plasma and hIVIG trial samples have focused on the measurement of neutralizing antibody titres. There is, however, increasing evidence that baseline antibody levels and extra-neutralizing antibody functions influence the outcome of passive immunotherapy in humans. In this perspective, findings from convalescent plasma and hIVIG trials for severe influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) will be described. Clinical trial results will be discussed in the context of the potential beneficial and deleterious roles of antibodies with Fc-mediated effector functions, with a focus on natural killer cells and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Overall, we postulate that treating respiratory viral infections with hIVIG represents a delicate balance between protection and immunopathology

    Magnesium depletion triggers production of an immune modulating diterpenoid in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the causative agent of the human disease Tuberculosis, and remains a worldwide health threat responsible for ~1.7 million deaths annually. During infection, Mtb prevents acidification of the engulfing phagosome, thus blocking endocytic progression and eventually leading to stable residence. The diterpenoid metabolite isotuberculosinol (isoTb) exhibits biological activity indicative of a role in this early arrest of phagosome maturation. Presumably, isoTb production should be induced by phagosomal entry. However, the relevant enzymatic genes are not transcriptionally upregulated during engulfment. Previous examination of the initial biosynthetic enzyme (Rv3377c/MtHPS) involved in isoTb biosynthesis revealed striking inhibition by its Mg2+ co-factor, leading to the hypothesis that the depletion of Mg2+ observed upon phagosomal engulfment may act to trigger isoTb biosynthesis. While Mtb is typically grown in relatively high levels of Mg2+ (0.43 mM), shifting Mtb to media with phagosomal levels (0.1 mM) led to a significant (~10-fold) increase in accumulation of the MtHPS product, halimadienyl diphosphate, as well as easily detectable amounts of the derived bioactive isoTb. These results demonstrate isoTb production by Mtb specifically under conditions that mimic phagosomal cation concentrations, and further support a role for isoTb in the Mtb infection process

    Antibodies as clinical tools for tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Global research efforts to improve TB control are hindered by insufficient understanding of the role that antibodies play in protective immunity and pathogenesis. This impacts knowledge of rational and optimal vaccine design, appropriate diagnostic biomarkers, and development of therapeutics. Traditional approaches for the prevention and diagnosis of TB may be less efficacious in high prevalence, remote, and resource-poor settings. An improved understanding of the immune response to the causative agent of TB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), will be crucial for developing better vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. While memory CD4+ T cells and cells and cytokine interferon gamma (IFN-g) have been the main identified correlates of protection in TB, mounting evidence suggests that other types of immunity may also have important roles. TB serology has identified antibodies and functional characteristics that may help diagnose Mtb infection and distinguish between different TB disease states. To date, no serological tests meet the World Health Organization (WHO) requirements for TB diagnosis, but multiplex assays show promise for improving the sensitivity and specificity of TB serodiagnosis. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapies and serum passive infusion studies in murine models of TB have also demonstrated some protective outcomes. However, animal models that better reflect the human immune response to Mtb are necessary to fully assess the clinical utility of antibody-based TB prophylactics and therapeutics. Candidate TB vaccines are not designed to elicit an Mtb-specific antibody response, but evidence suggests BCG and novel TB vaccines may induce protective Mtb antibodies. The potential of the humoral immune response in TB monitoring and control is being investigated and these studies provide important insight into the functional role of antibody-mediated immunity against TB. In this review, we describe the current state of development of antibody-based clinical tools for TB, with a focus on diagnostic, therapeutic, and vaccine-based applications

    Fc-mediated functions and the treatment of severe respiratory viral infections with passive immunotherapy – a balancing act

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    Passive immunotherapies have been used to treat severe respiratory infections for over a century, with convalescent blood products from recovered individuals given to patients with influenza-related pneumonia as long ago as the Spanish flu pandemic. However, passive immunotherapy with convalescent plasma or hyperimmune intravenous immunoglobulin (hIVIG) has not provided unequivocal evidence of a clinical benefit for severe respiratory infections including influenza and COVID-19. Efficacy trials, primarily conducted in late-stage disease, have demonstrated inconsistent efficacy and clinical benefit for hIVIG treatment of severe respiratory infections. To date, most serological analyses of convalescent plasma and hIVIG trial samples have focused on the measurement of neutralizing antibody titres. There is, however, increasing evidence that baseline antibody levels and extra-neutralizing antibody functions influence the outcome of passive immunotherapy in humans. In this perspective, findings from convalescent plasma and hIVIG trials for severe influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) will be described. Clinical trial results will be discussed in the context of the potential beneficial and deleterious roles of antibodies with Fc-mediated effector functions, with a focus on natural killer cells and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Overall, we postulate that treating respiratory viral infections with hIVIG represents a delicate balance between protection and immunopathology

    Intergenerational Education: The significance of 'reciprocity' and 'place'

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    In this article, the case is made for greater clarity in the definition of intergenerational practice and intergenerational education. Theoretically, the effects of all-age reciprocity and the significance of attending to 'place' are explored. Taken together, they help point to what is distinctive about the scope and purpose of intergenerational education. The author argues that any intergenerational practice must always involve an educative element that is focused, at least in part, on the on-going reciprocal production of new relations between generations through the way challenges are purposefully responded to in some specific place

    Agrarstruktur in Ghandruk und Umgebung : Schwerpunkt Ackerbau und Hausgärten

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    Immunity to human influenza A virus (IAV) infection is only partially understood. Broadly non-neutralizing antibodies may assist in reducing disease but have not been well characterized.We measured internalization of opsonized, influenza protein-coated fluorescent beads and live IAV into a monocytic cell line to study antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADP) against multiple influenza hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes. We analyzed influenza HA-specific ADP in healthy human donors, in preparations of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and following IAV infection of humans and macaques.We found that both sera from healthy adults and IVIG preparations had broad ADP to multiple seasonal HA proteins and weak cross-reactive ADP to non-circulating HA proteins. The ADP in experimentally influenza-infected macaque plasma and naturally influenza-infected human sera mediated phagocytosis of both homologous and heterologous IAVs. Further, the IAV phagocytosed in an antibody-mediated manner had reduced infectivity in vitro.We conclude that IAV infections in humans and macaques leads to the development of influenza-specific ADP that can clear IAV infection in vitro. Repeated exposure of humans to multiple IAV infections likely leads to the development of ADP that is cross-reactive to strains not previously encountered. Further analyses of the protective capacity of broadly reactive influenza-specific ADP is warranted

    Inducible Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissues (iBALT) Serve as Sites of B Cell Selection and Maturation Following Influenza Infection in Mice

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    Seasonally recurrent influenza virus infections are a significant cause of global morbidity and mortality. In murine models, primary influenza infection in the respiratory tract elicits potent humoral responses concentrated in the draining mediastinal lymph node and the spleen. In addition to immunity within secondary lymphoid organs (SLO), pulmonary infection is also associated with formation of ectopic inducible bronchus-associated tissues (iBALT) in the lung. These structures display a lymphoid organization, but their function and protective benefits remain unclear. Here we examined the phenotype, transcriptional profile and antigen specificity of B cell populations forming iBALT in influenza infected mice. We show that the cellular composition of iBALT was comparable to SLO, containing populations of follicular dendritic cells (FDC), T-follicular helper (Tfh) cells, and germinal center (GC)-like B cells with classical dark- and light-zone polarization. Transcriptional profiles of GC B cells in iBALT and SLO were conserved regardless of anatomical localization. The architecture of iBALT was pleiomorphic and less structurally defined than SLO. Nevertheless, we show that GC-like structures within iBALT serve as a distinct niche that independently support the maturation and selection of B cells primarily targeted against the influenza virus nucleoprotein. Our findings suggest that iBALT, which are positioned at the frontline of the lung mucosa, drive long-lived, and unique GC reactions that contribute to the diversity of the humoral response targeting influenza

    Phenotypic and functional characteristics of highly differentiated CD57 +NKG2C + NK cells in HIV-1- infected individuals

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are important anti-viral effector cells. The function and phenotype of the NK cells that constitute an individual’s NK cell repertoire can be influenced by ongoing and/or previous viral infections. Indeed, infection with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) drives the expansion of a highly differentiated NK cell population characterized by expression of CD57 and the activating NKG2C receptor. This NK cell population has also been noted to occur in HIV-1-infected individuals. We evaluated the NK cells of HIV-1-infected and –uninfected individuals to determine the relative frequency of highly differentiated CD57 +NKG2C + NK cells and characterize these cells for their receptor expression and responsiveness to diverse stimuli. Highly differentiated CD57 +NKG2C + NK cells occurred at higher frequencies in HCMV-infected donors relative to HCMV-uninfected donors and were dramatically expanded in HIV-1/HCMV co-infected donors. The expanded CD57 +NKG2C + NK cell population in HIV-1-infected donors remained stable following antiretroviral therapy. CD57 +NKG2C + NK cells derived from HIV-1-infected individuals were robustly activated by antibody-dependent stimuli that contained anti-HIV-1 antibodies or therapeutic anti-CD20 antibody, and these NK cells mediated cytolysis through NKG2C. Lastly, CD57 +NKG2C + NK cells from HIV-1-infected donors were characterized by reduced expression of the inhibitory NKG2A receptor. The abundance of highly functional CD57 +NKG2C + NK cells in HIV-1-infected individuals raises the possibility that these NK cells could play a role in HIV-1 pathogenesis or serve as effector cells for therapeutic/cure strategies
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