2,933 research outputs found


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    The aim of this work is to move from the foreign dominated to the self-dominated by encouraging people to draw their own conclusions with the help of own rational consideration. Here a room as an environment that is encouraging innovation, which can be denoted as “Innovation Lab”, and making processes as can be regarded as “Smart Lab” is an essential base. The question related to this generalized self-organizational learning method investigated in our paper is how a UVC, which is a room that connects people from different physical places to one synchronous and virtual perceivable place, which is built on these preconditions, can be operated both resource and learning-efficient for both the course participants and the educational organization. A practical approach of implementing a virtual classroom concept, including informative tutorial-feedback, is developed conceptually that also accounts for and implements the results of reinforcement machine-learning methods in AI applications. The difference that makes the difference is gained by reimplementing the AI tools in an AI instrument, in a “Smart Lab” environment and that in the teaching environment. By means of this, a cascaded feedback-loop system is informally installed, which gains feedback at different levels of abstraction. By this learning on each stage, in a collaborative and together decentralized and sequential fashion takes place, as the selforganizational implementations lead implicitly, also by means of the in the course implemented tools, to increasingly self-control. As such in the course, a tool is implemented, as generalizations by means of reinforcement learnings are to be emergently foreseen by this method, which goes beyond the tools, that have already been implemented before. This AI-enhanced learning coevolution shall then, predictively, as well increase the potential of the course participants as the educational organization according to the Wittgensteinean parable: A ladder leading into a selfly-organized future

    Dwelling Means Cultivating Atmospheres

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    The paper addresses the issue of dwelling as a powerful way of cultivating atmospheric feelings without the risk of suffering their disturbing aggressiveness, and deals with inclusiveness or immersivity that true dwelling arouses. To avoid the widespread trend to consider every space a dwelling place, it proposes that only a really “lived” place, in so far it radiates a specific and particularly intense-authoritative atmosphere (in kinetic, synesthetic, felt-bodily sense) affecting the perceivers and finding in their body its precise sounding board, makes dwelling in the proper sense possible. Just as there are different types of atmosphere (prototypical, derivative, spurious), there are therefore different types of dwelling and inclusiveness. However, contrary to the today’s projectivistconstructionist explanation and globalized orientation, for a “pathic aesthetics” only a lifewordlyqualitative-emotional experience based on an atmosphere of intimacy-familiarity really turns a house into a home

    At the Military Cemetery

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    Poetry by Leath Tonino

    Managing Tourist Destinations: Different Approaches to Destination Management in Italy

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    After a short review of international literature about destination management, this paper analyzes two different approaches to organize and manage tourist offering used by two Italian regions: Marche and Emilia Romagna. The main objective is to derive - via inductive logic - the conceptual meaning of these approaches compared to the literature on Destination Management and highlight its key managerial implications. The study shows that organizational solutions adopted by the Emilia Romagna region are innovative and original, because they were based on the consideration of a network of operators grouped by service category provided or tourist resources owned rather than focusing on territorial resources as a whole. The case of Marche region, moreover, shows how it is possible to design a hybrid organizational model capable of enhancing both specific themes of supply through the creation of proper networks of tourist operators, according to Emilia Romagna model, and the sub-regional areas grouped in S.T.L. (Local Tourist System). Despite the limitations due to the small number of the cases analyzed, the paper highlights some significant results which open up further research paths, aimed to improve tools and approaches to Destination Management

    Well-being as a Collective Atmosphere

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    A neo-phenomenological and atmospherological approach, mainly based on a first-person perspective, seems perfectly entitled to consider subjective and collective well-being as the starting point for a (non-quantitative) philosophical reflection. The question is, however, whether and how well-being, also as an atmosphere, can be really investigated and verified. The paper examines many traditional roblems hindering the research (difficulty in investigating it directly, degree of extent, intensity, comparison-dependence, temporal development, consistency, and continuity) and suggests to analyze well-being from a pathic-atmospheric point of view. It therefore focuses especially on the idea of “flow”, wonders how much our well-being depends on the felt-bodily resonances triggered by atmospheric situations, considers the probable parallels between the aesthetic-phenomenologic notion of “atmosphere” and the sociological one of “climate”, finally, underlines the (also political) need of an atmospheric competence that is able to partly immunize against today’s widespread manipulative atmospherization

    New international relations and the proactive anti-terrorist policy

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    The global struggle against terrorism is currently most important world issue. The world, including the Islamic and Arab states reacted to the terrorist challenge in a global fashion. The international community is already contemplating beyond the current military phase of the anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan. The present coherency within the international community is the highest since the World War II, joining earlier rivals in a common effort against the common enemy. The Anti-Terrorist Coalition has proven to be an agent and a vehicle of significant changes in the international community. The changed international situation also brings a possibility of a new international consensus regarding the resolution of the Middle Eastern crisis. Croatia took a place side by side with all democratic and peace-loving countries in the international struggle against terrorism. Croatia will continue to contribute fully to the stability and co-operation in Europe, supporting the anti-terrorist effort on the national, regional, and international levels

    Pathicity: Experiencing the World in an Atmospheric Way

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    AbstractIs there really an atmospheric turn? The concept of "atmosphere" as a qualitative-emotional prius of sensory experience seems today to have encouraged the convergence of many interdisciplinary studies focused on the qualitative aspects of our "surroundings". Based on the neo-phenomenological theory of atmospheric perception as a first pathivc impression and a felt-bodily communication, this paper explores and synthesises the relationship between atmospheres and expressive qualities. It thus clarifies the key features of a general "pathic" aesthetics. It considers perceivers as beings who are touched by atmospheric feelings in emotional and tactile ways. These are widespread and vary in their modulation of lived space. They are also ontologically rooted in things and quasi-things of the lifeworld. By realising how they (especially in an unintentional way) expose themselves to what happens, perceivers turn out not to be "subjects of something" but rather "subjects to something": that is, human beings who are only "sovereign" when they are free, at least in their daily experience, from the dogma of rational and methodological autonomy imposed by Western Modernity
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