3,538 research outputs found

    Method for direct determination of the effective correlation energy of defects in semiconductors: optical modulation spectroscopy of dangling bonds

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    Journal ArticleThe optical modulation technique is used for direct determination of energy levels and the effective correlation energy U/eff of dangling-bond defects. With an accuracy of 0.1 eV we found for the dangling-bond defect in α-Si:H, f/e f f=0.5 eV; in α-As2S3, £/e f f= - 1.0 eV; in As2Se3, Ueff = -0.7 eV; and in trans-(CH)x, Ueff=0.95 eV

    Hot-carrier thermalization in amorphous silicon

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    Journal ArticleThermalization of photoinduced carriers in a-Si and α-Si:H was studied with use of sub-picosecond-pump and probe techniques with parallel and perpendicular polarizations. The underlying process was identified as hot-carrier absorption whose cross section increases with the carrier excess energy. The energy dissipation rate in α-Si is ≈ 0.5 eV/ps (≈hv 2 phonon) and is less than 0.1 eV / ps in a-Si:H; Frohlich interaction with polar phonons can explain this smaller rate. A photoinduced dichroism associated with polarization memory was observed

    Picosecond dynamics of carriers in amorphous semiconductors

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    Journal ArticleUsing time resolved photoinduced absorption with subpicosecond resolution we studied hot carrier thermalization followed by deep trapping and recombination in a-Si, a-Si:H, a-Si:F, a-Si:H:F and a-As2Se3. In a-Se and a-As2S3_xSex (0.25 < x < 0.75) the observed relaxations were attributed to geminate recombination

    Optical picosecond studies of carrier thermalization in amorphous silicon

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    Journal ArticleThermalization of photogenerated hot carriers in a-Si, a-Si:H and a-Si:H:F was studied using the pump and probe method with subpicosecond resolution. The process is optically observable because the absorption cross-section of the hot carriers depends on their excess energy. It was found that the energy dissipation rate to phonons is the maximum possible in a-Si while in a-Si:H it is slower and can be described by Frohlich interaction with polar phonons

    Strong Dietary Restrictions Protect Drosophila against Anoxia/Reoxygenation Injuries

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    Reoxygenation of ischemic tissues is a major factor that determines the severity of cardiovascular diseases. This paper describes the consequences of anoxia/reoxygenation (A/R) stresses on Drosophila, a useful, anoxia tolerant, model organism.Newly emerged adult male flies were exposed to anoxic conditions (<1% O2) for 1 to 6 hours, reoxygenated and their survival was monitored.A/R stresses induced a transient increase in mortality which peaked at the time of reoxygenation. Then flies recovered low mortality rates similar to those of control flies. A/R induced mortality was strongly dependent on dietary conditions during the 48 h that preceded anoxia. Well fed flies were anoxia sensitive. Strong dietary restrictions and starvation conditions protected flies against A/R injuries. The tolerance to anoxia was associated to large decreases in glycogen, protein, and ATP contents. During anoxia, anoxia tolerant flies produced more lactate, less phosphate and they maintained more stable ATP levels than anoxia sensitive flies. Moderate dietary restrictions, which increased the longevity of normoxic flies, did not promote resistance to A/R stresses. Diet dependent A/R injuries were still observed in sigma loss of function mutants and they were insensitive to dietary rapamycin or resveratrol. AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribose-furanoside), an activator AMP kinase decreased A/R injuries. Mutants in the insulin signalling pathway were more anoxia tolerant in a fed state.Long A/R stresses induce a transient increase in mortality in Drosophila. This mortality is highly dependent on dietary conditions prior to the stress. Strong dietary restrictions and starvation conditions protect flies against A/R injuries, probably by inducing a major remodelling of energy metabolism. The results also indicate that mechanistically different responses develop in response to dietary restrictions of different strengths. AMP kinase and the insulin signalling pathway are possible mediators of diet dependent anoxic tolerance in Drosophila

    A trade union as a legal entity

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    The aim of this thesis is mainly to describe a trade union as a legal entity and provide through an empirical approach a closer look at the social reality surrounding a trade union. This thesis also analyses the impact of the social reality on the trade union and, on the contrary, consequences of the trade union behaviour, which can directly influence the social mood. The thesis also examines the current position of the trade union from its rich historical context. That is the main reason, why this thesis contains a very detailed overview of the historical fight for good working conditions in the Czech territory. I personally consider this part as very important, as good working conditions are main indicator of willingness to unionize into a trade or a labour union. The thesis likewise focuses on the description of the current legal regulation of a trade union competence at an employer. It is important for better understanding functionary work, which is not only about collective bargaining. The trade union topic is very actual due to the recent recodification of private law and the emerged issue of new classification model of legal entities. The issue is very often subject to doctrine and judicial decisions (especially in case of a trade union). Generally speaking, we can say that not all subjects...Cílem této práce je zejména popsat odborovou organizaci jako právnickou osobu a zároveň poskytnout i pomocí empirického přístupu bližší náhled na společenskou realitu, která odborovou organizaci obklopuje. Tato práce se tak snaží i o provedení určité analýzy toho, jak společenské realita ovlivňuje odborovou organizaci, a i naopak jak často chování odborové organizace může mít přímý vliv na společenské nálady. O hodnocení odborové organizace se tato práce pokouší s ohledem na veškeré historické souvislosti, proto je tato práce i zaměřena na historické pozadí pracovních a sociálních podmínek na českém území, které jsou hlavní motivací pro odborové organizování. Poukazuji rovněž i na současná úpravu ohledně působení odborových organizací u zaměstnavatele, kdy se snažím popsat současný rozsah oprávnění odborových organizací pro lepší představu ohledně práce jednotlivých odborových funkcionářů. Téma odborových organizací je rovněž velice aktuální s ohledem na stále nedávnou rekodifikaci soukromého práva účinnou od roku 2014 a s ní spojený nový model systematizace soukromých právnických osob. Pojetí odborové organizace a její možné kvalifikace jako právnické osoby tvoří poslední část této práce. I přes obecně přijímanou kvalifikaci odborové organizace jako spolku, probíhá nadále stále živá diskuze o...Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečeníDepartment of Labor Law and Social Security LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La