6,440 research outputs found

    Form follows experience: the revitalization of postindustrial sites by carnivalesque

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    Recent decades are the times for intense socio-economic changes that have significantly influenced the forms of modern shaped public spaces. Freed brownfield sites, prior to transformation are spatial barriers by not integrated communication systems and are deprived of the existing functionality. This brings a risk of devastation and escalation of difficulties with the implementation of the new use. Over the years we have grown accustomed to the program that changes in the areas abandoned by the industry mainly due to the preferences and priorities of their managers and is a consequence of property rights. Models of revitalization strategy are based on the designation of the subject who rules, establishing core groups of beneficiaries to form planning regulations that are less strict than usual1. Significantly, this has a direct impact on the style of architectural intervention, the type of key investments and their functional program.Peer Reviewe


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    In the paper the original concept of a new cipher, targeted at this moment forcivil applications in technology (e.g. measurement and control systems) and business (e.g.content protecting, knowledge-based companies or long-term archiving systems) is presented.The idea of the cipher is based on one-time pads and linear feedback shift registers. Therapidly changing hardware and software environment of cryptographic systems has beentaken into account during the construction of the cipher. The main idea of this work is tocreate a cryptosystem that can protect content or data for a long time, even more than onehundred years. The proposed algorithm can also simulate a stream cipher which makes itpossible to apply it in digital signal processing systems such as those within audio and videodelivery or telecommunication.Content protection, Cryptosystem, Dynamic cryptography, Linear Feedback ShiftRegisters, Object-oriented programming, One-time pad, Random key, random number generators,Statistical evaluation of ciphers.

    Pentachlorophenol and spent engine oil degradation by Mucor ramosissimus

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    Pentachlorophenol (PCP) has been widely used for many years and belongs to the most toxic pollutants. Spent engine oils enter environment every day in many ways. Both of them cause great environmental concern. In the present work we focused on identifying metabolites of PCP biodegradation formed in the cultures of Mucor ramosissimus IM 6203 and optimizing medium composition to enhance PCP removal in the presence of engine oil acting as a carbon source. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) to tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) transformation was the most interesting transformation conducted by the tested strain. TCHQ was further transformed to 2,3,5,6-TCP and 2,3,4,6- TCP. Strain IM 6203 is also capable of PCP transformation to corresponding anisoles – pentachloromethoxybenzene (PCMB) and pentachloroethoxybenzene (PCEB). Characterization of enzymatic background involved in PCP to TCHQ transformation showed that TCHQ formation is catalyzed by inductive and cytochrome P-450 dependent enzymatic system. Experiments conducted on mineral medium allowed defining the optimal quantitative and qualitative medium make-up for PCP to TCHQ transformation. Biodegradation of PCP on the optimized synthetic medium X was more efficient than on rich Sabouraud medium. The tested strain is capable of growing in the presence of spent engine oil therefore we checked the ability of PCP transformation on optimized synthetic medium containing oil as a carbon source. The obtained results showed that PCP removal and TCHQ formation occurred were found to be the most efficient on the oil containing medium (OX medium). PCP removal and TCHQ formation after 240 h of culturing reached 1.19 mg/l and 0.89 mg/l, respectively. Additionally, 55.5% of oil introduced to the medium was removed during 10 days of the experiment. PCP biodegradation mechanisms used by Mucor species have not been sufficiently explained. The presented results point to the tested strain as an interesting model for the research on fungal PCP biodegradation in the areas highly contaminated with engine oil and for its future application in PCP and oils removal

    Survey on remnant data research: the artefacts recovered and the implications in a cyber security conscious world

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    The prevalence of remnant data in second hand storage media is well documented. Since 2004 there have been ten separate papers released through Edith Cowan University alone. Despite numerous government agencies providing advice on securing personal and corporate information, and news articles highlighting the need for data security, the availability of personal and confidential data on second hand storage devices is continuing, indicating a systemic laissez faire attitude to data security, even in our supposedly cyber security conscious world. The research continues, but there seems to be a lack of correlation of these studies to identify trends or common themes amongst the results. The fact that this type of research continues to be conducted highlights the deficiencies in the methods used to advertise warnings publicised by Government departments and industry experts. Major media organisations seem reluctant to broadcast these warnings, unless there is a bigger story behind the issue. This paper highlights the ongoing issues and provides insight to the factors contributing to this growing trend

    Persistent issues in encryption software: A heuristic and cognitive walkthrough

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    The support information accompanying security software can be difficult to understand by end-users, who have little knowledge in cyber security. One mechanism for ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information is encryption software. Unfortunately, software usability issues can hinder an end-user’s capability to properly utilise the security features effectively. To date there has been little research in investigating the usability of encryption software and proposing solutions for improving them. This research paper analysed the usability of encryption software targeting end-users. The research identified several issues that could impede the ability of a novice end-user to adequately utilise the encryption software. A set of proposed recommendations are suggested to improve encryption software which could be empirically verified through further research


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    Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy problemu określanego, jako odmowa wszczęcia postępowania administracyjnego. Powyższe zagadnienie jest niezwykle istotne dla podmiotu administrowanego, gdyż wydanie przez organ administracji publicznej aktu w przedmiocie wszczęcia postępowania administracyjnego otwiera podmiotowi administrowanemu możliwość poddania tego aktu weryfikacji poprzez uruchomienie środków prawnych. Autorzy oparli swoje rozważania na treści niedawno dodanego do Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego art. 61a, nakazującego wydać postanowienie o odmowie wszczęcia postępowania w dwóch sytuacjach: 1) gdy żądnie zostało wniesione przez osobę nie posiadającą legitymacji procesowej strony w postępowaniu oraz 2) gdy postępowanie z innych uzasadnionych przyczyn nie może być wszczęte.Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy problemu określanego, jako odmowa wszczęcia postępowania administracyjnego. Powyższe zagadnienie jest niezwykle istotne dla podmiotu administrowanego, gdyż wydanie przez organ administracji publicznej aktu w przedmiocie wszczęcia postępowania administracyjnego otwiera podmiotowi administrowanemu możliwość poddania tego aktu weryfikacji poprzez uruchomienie środków prawnych. Autorzy oparli swoje rozważania na treści niedawno dodanego do Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego art. 61a, nakazującego wydać postanowienie o odmowie wszczęcia postępowania w dwóch sytuacjach: 1) gdy żądnie zostało wniesione przez osobę nie posiadającą legitymacji procesowej strony w postępowaniu oraz 2) gdy postępowanie z innych uzasadnionych przyczyn nie może być wszczęte

    Securing the Elderly: A Developmental Approach to Hypermedia-Based Online Information Security for Senior Novice Computer Users

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    Whilst security threats to the general public continue to evolve, elderly computer users with limited skill and knowledge are left playing catch-up in an ever-widening gap in fundamental cyber-related comprehension. As a definable cohort, the elderly generally lack awareness of current security threats, and remain under-educated in terms of applying appropriate controls and safeguards to their computers and networking devices. This paper identifies that web-based computer security information sources do not adequately provide helpful information to senior citizen end-users in terms of both design and content