7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT                                                                    Issues related to gender are always interesting to study and discuss from all aspects and all walks of life. Especially in Islamic studies, gender issues have emerged from the very beginning of human creation until now. The texts of the Qur'an and Hadith are still widely studied. However, specifically in the study of gender hadiths, it is necessary to do a thorough study of both the text and the context of the hadith, the aim is to avoid confusion in understanding these gender traditions. In this paper, the research method used is a qualitative method with an analytical approach to textual and contextual hadith texts, namely by analyzing the syarahs and the book of asbab al wurud hadith, so that with this method will find the final conclusion. The purpose of this research is to describe the application of textual and contextual understanding methods from several popular gender traditions. So it can be concluded that the lameness in understanding gendered traditions occurs due to deficiencies in the methods in these traditions. In fact, if it is understood perfectly, namely by using textual and contextual understanding methods, there will be no problems in the name of gender anymore.   Keywords: Hadith, Gender, Textual, Contextual   ABSTRAK   Isu yang berkaitan tentang gender selalu menarik dikaji dan diperbincangkan dari semua aspek dan semua kalangan. Terkhusus dalam kajian Islam isu gender tersebut sudah muncul dari awal mula penciptaan manusia sampai saat ini. Teks-teks Alquran dan Hadis pun mash banyak dikaji. Akan tetapi khusus dalam kajian hadis-hadis gender perlu dilakukan secara menyeluruh baik itu kajian teks maupun konteks hadis tersebut, tujuannya agar tidak terjadi keoincangan dalam memahami hadis-hadis gender tersebut. Dalam tulisan ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatf dengan pendekatan analisis teks-teks hadis yang berhubungan dengan tekstual dan kontekstualnya, yaitu dengan menganalisis syarah-syarah dan kitab asbab al wurud hadis, sehingga dengan metode tersebut akan menemukan kesimpulan akhir. Adapun tujuan penilitian ini  adalah untuk memaparkan aplikasi metode pemahaman tekstual dan kontekstual dari beberapa hadis-hadis gender populer. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepincangan dalam pemahaman hadis-hadis gender terjadi karena kekurangan dalam metode dalam hadis tersebut. Padahal jika difahami secara sempurna yaitu dengan menggunakan metode pemahaman tekstual dan kontekstual tidak akan ada permasalahan yang mengatasnamakan gender lagi.   Kata kunci: Hadis, Gender, Tekstual, Kontekstual &nbsp

    Analisis Pernikahan Wanita Hamil Diluar Nikah Menurut Mazhab Syafi’i Dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the legal comparison between the KHI, Law no. 1 of 1974 and Imam Syafi'i against the law of marriage for pregnant women. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The method used in collecting data is interview. Data analysis in this research is descriptive. The results of the study show that the legal comparison of marrying pregnant women in the KHI, Law no. 1 of 1974 and Imam Shafi'i is from a legal relationship, The law is equally allowed to marry pregnant women. While the difference lies in the person who married the pregnant woman. In the KHI, Law no. 1 of 1974 it is stated that the person who marries a pregnant woman out of wedlock is the man who impregnates her. Meanwhile, according to Imam Shafi'i, it is permissible for a man to marry a pregnant woman who does not impregnate her. In terms of children's lineage, in the KHI and Law no. 1 of 1974 it is stated that the lineage of a child is classified to its mother, there is no limit on the time the child is born, it is classified to the mother and there is no restriction on the time the child is born, which is 6 months. If less than 6 months the child is born then the lineage of the child is classified to its mother. In terms of inheritance rights of children born out of wedlock, both in the KHI, Law no. 1 of 1974 and Imam Shafi'i both did not inherit. Keywords :   Marriage, pregnant women, out of wedlock, Syafi’I and the Compilation of Islamic law AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan hukum antara KHI, UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Imam Syafi’i terhadap hukum perkawinan wanita hamil diluar nikah. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualiatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah interviu. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa perbandingan hukum menikahi wanita hamil dalam KHI, UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Imam Syafi’i adalah dari persaaan hukum, hukumnya sama – sama membolehkan menikahi wanita hamil. Sedangkan perbedaannya terletak pada orang yang menikahi wanita hamil tersebut.Di dalam KHI, UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 dikatakan bahwa orang yang menikahi wanita hamil di luar nikah adalah pria yang menghamilinya. Sedangkan menurut Imam Syafi’i adalah yang menikahi wanita hamil tersebut boleh pria yang bukan menghamilinya.Dari segi nasab anak, dalam KHI dan UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 disebutkan bahwa nasab anak digolongkan kepada ibunya tidak ada pembatasam waktu kelahiran anak digolongkan kepada ibunya dan tidak ada pembatasan waktu anak lahir yaitu 6 bulan. Jika kurang dari 6 bulan anak itu lahir maka nasab anak digolongkan kepada ibunya. Dari segi hak waris anak yang lahir di luar nikah baik dalam KHI, UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Imam Syafi’i sama – sama tidak mendapat warisan. Kata Kunci : Pernikahan, wanita hamil, diluar nikah, Syafi’I dan Kompilasi Hukum Isla

    ANALISIS SENGKETA HARTA WARISAN MENURUT AL-QUR’AN DAN AS-SUNNAH (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Agama Kisaran Studi Kasus No.353/Pdt./2010/PA.Kis)

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    ABSTRACTFaraidh law if implemented honestly and correctly, then the fear of the negative impact of the influence of the property left behind by the dead can be minimized. Faraidh law, in addition to the right of inheritance can be returned properly to those who have the right, also very basic is to make the family concerned live peacefully as before. The purpose of this study is to determine the concept of inheritance according to the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, to find out the basic considerations of the judges of the Kisaran Religious Court in deciding cases and how to settle inheritance No.353/Pdt.G/2010/PA.Kis. The author's research method by collecting data through the existing literature is in accordance with this research study, that the research conducted is library research. Furthermore, the author uses qualitative methods and data analysis, meaning that the problem will be presented qualitatively and then analyzed and in this thesis the author analyzes the judge's decision. From the results of the study the authors found that the problem in this case is the inheritance dispute caused by the remaining assets (tirkah) and grants. In the case of mal waris inheritance, the judge must really consider whether the conditions specified in the Qur'an, the Sunnah, the Shari'a and the law are appropriate or not, the reasons that cause the mal heir inheritance dispute must also be considered. This can be done in the examination in the trial and also in the evidentiary process.Keywords: dispute, inheritance, al-qur'an and as-sunna

    Kedudukan Hadis Perempuan Sebagai Kepala Keluarga (Studi Terhadap Kelompok Perempuan Kepala KeluargaPekka Di Kabupaten Asahan)

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    Diktat Alhadis

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    Implementation of Hadith on Gender Towards Female Family Leaders in the PEKKA Group (Empowering Women Family Leaders) in Asahan District

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    Social life can not be separated from a leadership even to the realm of the family. Leaders in the household have been regulated by state regulations, namely KHI and Law no. 1 year 74 states that "men are heads of families and women are housewives" and is reinforced by religious arguments, one of which is QS. Annisa: 34. However, the reality is that the women are the head of the family (PEKKA) in Asahan Regency, the wives are the heads of the family while the husbands are partly unemployed, die or are seriously ill. For this reason, this research was conducted to provide a religious understanding of gender traditions to the PEKKA group, and enlightenment on other religious arguments so that they understand their rights and obligations as a wife as well as husbands who are still there to know their rights and obligations as well. This paper uses a literature review and field qualitative research, where the main objective of this research is to contribute gender traditions to female heads of household (PEKKA) that religion also provides an explanation that leaders can also be held by women with existing provisions. Men and women are also partners with the applicable rights and obligations. The author finds that some of the PEKKA groups and their husbands do not understand the gender arguments, so that there are many inequalities