1,909 research outputs found

    Studies in Income and Wealth

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    Pedagogia wiary św. Pawła Apostoła

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    The aim of the article is to provide insight into the activity of Saint Paul the Apostle from a pedagogical perspective. The author strives to find grounds for the theory that Paul of Tarsus had a set of traits that built his pedagogical skills, and his methods of work, regarding those who he was sent to, can be classified as pedagogical agents. At the very foundations of actions taken by Paul there are philosophical and theological conceptions constituting a cohesive system and containing a deeper vision of man. God with whom Paul cooperates – as the formation teacher and educator – is in the centre of the vision. The Apostle treats his “pupils” as persons, addresses them respectfully, while the source of the attitudes is pedagogical love. Saint Paul is open, does not hide his feelings, admits his weaknesses. Welfare actions based on charity nature accompany the Apostle’s care about formation of people entrusted to him. It is the methods applied by Saint Paul that prove maturity of his pedagogy. Saint Paul’s maturity of pedagogy is also proved by the following methods applied: difficulty grading, competition, motivation by adequate encouragement and punishment. In his pedagogy the Apostle also applies his original pedagogy of influencing by God’s Word. The ability which he skilfully develops reaching the effect in his disciples’ heartsCelem artykułu jest spojrzenie na działalność św. Pawła Apostola z perspektywy pedagogiki. Autor stara się uzasadnić tezę, że Paweł z Tarsu posiadał zespół cech składających się na talent pedagogiczny, a stosowane przez niego metody pracy z osobami, do których jest posłany, można określić jako pedagogiczne. U podstaw działań podejmowanych przez Pawła stoją założenia filozoficzno-teologiczne stanowiące spójny system i zawierające pogłębioną wizję człowieka. W centrum tej wizji stoi Bóg, z którym Paweł jako formator i wychowawca współpracuje. Apostoł traktuje swych „wychowanków” w sposób podmiotowy, zwraca się do nich z szacunkiem a źródłem tych odniesień jest miłość pedagogiczna. Św. Paweł, jest otwarty, nie ukrywa swych uczuć, przyznaje się do swych słabości. Trosce o formację powierzonych Apostołowi osób towarzyszą działania opiekuńcze o charakterze charytatywnym. O dojrzałości pedagogiki św. Pawła świadczą też stosowane przez niego metody, takie jak: stopniowanie trudności, wykorzystywanie współzawodnictwa, motywacja przez odpowiednią zachętę czy karcenie. Apostoł korzysta także ze swoistej pedagogii oddziaływania Słowem, którą umiejętnie rozwija, znajdując oddźwięk w sercach swych uczniów

    Resocjalizacja w środowisku otwartym mit czy rzeczywistość? Toruń, 22 listopada 2012 roku

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    Człowiek wobec zagrożeń, psychospołeczne uwarunkowania oceny i akceptacja ryzyka - recenzja

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    Warunkiem trafnego decydowania i sprawnego funkq'onowania w sy­tuacji ryzyka jest posiadanie wiedzy o jego naturze oraz pułapkach, ja­kie sami zastawiamy na siebie wskutek popełniania błędów w postrzeganiu zagrożeń, optymistycznego oceniania szansy powodzenia oraz nadmiernej koncentracji na wartości wyniku z pominięciem trudności i przeszkód w jego osiągnięciu. W innych przypadkach, stojąc u progu sukcesu, wskutek nierealistycznego pesymizmu i przesadnej oceny prawdopodobieństwa nie­powodzenia, nie podejmujemy aktywności mającej dużą szansę powo­dzenia. Tą zawiłą, skomplikowaną i niedostatecznie jeszcze zbadaną pro­blematykę postrzegania, oceny i akceptacji ryzyka przedstawiła Maryla Goszczyńska w książce Człowiek wobec zagrożeń..., w sposób interesujący i przystępny dla czytelników chcących wzbogacać swoją wiedzę psycholo­giczną[...

    Nieśmiałość a funkcjonowanie w sytuacjach nie wymagających ekspozycji społecznej

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    Shyness is regarded as a trait which interferes with social functioning. In the presented re-search the attempt was made to check whether the consequences of shyness manifest themselves outside the domain of social interaction and are visible in self-evaluations of such qualities as resistance to stress, coping with risk, openness to experience and independence. Participants were 174 women and men aged between 18 and 23. Apart from shyness such variables were measured as: temperamental traits (EAS), personality traits (NEO-FFI), risk propensity, the need to change oneself and environment, locus of control, sensation seeking (SSS-V), self – esteem and five factors of learning autonomy. By means of standard multiple regression analysis it was shown that the contribution of tem-peramental traits in the prediction of shyness is not significantly different in comparison with the contribution of thee Big – Five personality traits. It was also found that shyness is positively correlated with the qualities which affect emotional instability level, i.e. with emotionality – fear, emotionality-distress and with neuroticism. Shyness proved to be negatively correlated with the traits affecting socio-centric behaviour such as sociability and extraversion. It was noticed that the influence of shyness my be transferred outside the social domain. Shy individuals in comparison with the bold ones judged themselves as less prone to take risks, more rarely exhibiting behaviors connected with self-creation and more rarely introducing changes in their environment. Shy persons compared with the bold ones evaluated themselves as having the sense of external locus of control, exhibiting stronger tendency to underestimate their self-esteem and being less open to new experiences and less autonomous in formulating learning goals, in planning their learning and evaluating the effectiveness of learning strategies

    Effects of aging on the relationship between cognitive demand and step variability during dual-task walking

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    A U-shaped relationship between cognitive demand and gait control may exist in dual-task situations, reflecting opposing effects of external focus of attention and attentional resource competition. The purpose of the study was twofold: to examine whether gait control, as evaluated from step-to-step variability, is related to cognitive task difficulty in a U-shaped manner and to determine whether age modifies this relationship. Young and older adults walked on a treadmill without attentional requirement and while performing a dichotic listening task under three attention conditions: non-forced (NF), forced-right (FR), and forced-left (FL). The conditions increased in their attentional demand and requirement for inhibitory control. Gait control was evaluated by the variability of step parameters related to balance control (step width) and rhythmic stepping pattern (step length and step time). A U-shaped relationship was found for step width variability in both young and older adults and for step time variability in older adults only. Cognitive performance during dual tasking was maintained in both young and older adults. The U-shaped relationship, which presumably results from a trade-off between an external focus of attention and competition for attentional resources, implies that higher-level cognitive processes are involved in walking in young and older adults. Specifically, while these processes are initially involved only in the control of (lateral) balance during gait, they become necessary for the control of (fore-aft) rhythmic stepping pattern in older adults, suggesting that attentional resources turn out to be needed in all facets of walking with aging. Finally, despite the cognitive resources required by walking, both young and older adults spontaneously adopted a “posture second” strategy, prioritizing the cognitive task over the gait task

    Towards a gene expression biomarker set for human biological age

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    OnlineOpen Article. This is a copy of an article published in Aging Cell. This journal is available online at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1474-9726We have previously described a statistical model capable of distinguishing young (age <65 years) from old (age ≥75 years) individuals. Here we studied the performance of a modified model in three populations and determined whether individuals predicted to be biologically younger than their chronological age had biochemical and functional measures consistent with a younger biological age. Those with 'younger' gene expression patterns demonstrated higher muscle strength and serum albumin, and lower interleukin-6 and blood urea concentrations relative to 'biologically older' individuals (odds ratios 2.09, 1.64, 0.74, 0.74; P = 2.4 × 10(-2) , 3.5 × 10(-4) , 1.8 × 10(-2) , 1.5 × 10(-2) , respectively). We conclude that our expression signature of age is robust across three populations and may have utility for estimation of biological age