698 research outputs found

    It\u27s grammatical!

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    Interviews with John and Fred Stoskopf

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    Interviews with John and Fred Stoskopf on August 16th 1965. Introduction begins in progress 00:00:18 - Explanation of military terms related to nuclear programs 00:03:43 - Korean phrases picked up by soldiers 00:05:49 - Korean sex workers br\u3e 00:07:49 - Kimchi and its role in the soldiers\u27 vernacular 00:10:12 - Slicky boys 00:11:57 - Local Korean colloquialisms 00:15:38 - Army terminology 00:18:50 - Korean words used and phrases by soldiers (Contains racist language) 00:21:19 - First Cavalry in Korea 00:22:27 - 7th Cavalry and Gary Owen 00:26:07 - Military songs and the Korean-inspired First Cavalry song 00:28:28 - Tradition of throwing your cap and patches off the ship 00:31:17 - Guard duty and KP 00:32:55 - Inspections 00:35:22 - Technical Proficiency Inspections for nuclear capable groups 00:37:07 - A deuce and a half 00:38:34 - Types of artillery 00:45:20 - Discussion of MOS 00:48:16 - Korean slang 00:50:10 - Origin of the term jarhead and jokes about other branches of service 00:51:38 - Terms used while working in the Jayhawk Cafe in Lawrence, KS 01:17:21 - Unidentified woman reading song lyrics, My Dream Abode 01:18:27 - Bonnie Blue-eyed Nell 01:19:30 - Mabel Claire 01:20:26 - The Girl I Met at the Matinee 01:23:24 - The Broken-Hearted Girl (same words as the song Wildwood Flower by the Carter family) 01:24:58 - The Stepmother 01:26:37 - You Are False, But I Will Forgive You 01:28:00 - Sweet Genevieve 01:29:07 - The Old Elm Tree 01:30:31 - Where are you going, Billy Boy? 01:32:31 - Barbara Allen\u27s Cruelty 01:34:10 - I Had a Cat 01:34:44 - I Had A Sister Sallyhttps://scholars.fhsu.edu/sackett/1121/thumbnail.jp

    Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contamination of Breeding Pools Utilized by the Puerto Rican Crested Toad, Peltophryne lemur.

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    Habitat preservation and management may play an important role in the conservation of the Puerto Rican crested toad, Peltophryne lemur, due to this species' small geographic range and declining native wild population. Bioavailable water concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminants within breeding pools at 3 sites were established using Passive Sampling Devices (PSDs) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). A more diverse population of PAH analytes were found in higher concentrations at the breeding site that allowed direct vehicular access, but calculated risk quotients indicated low risk to toad reproduction associated with the current PAH analyte levels

    Evaluating Red Wolf Scat to Deter Coyote Access to Urban Pastureland

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    Depredation of domestic livestock by wildlife is a leading source of human–wildlife conflict, often requiring intervention at the local level. Historically, these interventions have resulted in the use of lethal methods to remove the offending animal. In response to increased public opposition to lethal control methods, wildlife managers have sought to identify effective nonlethal biological options to mitigate wildlife depredations. In 2018, we tested the concept of a biological deterrent using red wolf (Canis rufus) scat that had historically been spread along fence lines to prevent depredation of lambs (Ovis aries) and kid goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 32-ha Teaching Animal Unit (TAU), North Carolina, USA. To conduct the study, we deployed paired camera traps at 3 locations where we had previously observed coyotes (C. latrans) accessing the TAU. The study was conducted over a 94-day period alternating between no scat and freshly collected scat that was placed every 3 days from adult male red wolves. The study period overlapped lambing and kidding season. In addition to coyotes, the camera traps routinely detected red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoons (Procyon lotor). The red wolf scat we placed at the access point did not deter any of the mesocarnivores from entering the pasture

    Hadamard property of the in and out states for Dirac fields on asymptotically static spacetimes

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    We consider massive Dirac equations on asymptotically static spacetimes with a Cauchy surface of bounded geometry. We prove that the associated quantized Dirac field admits in and out states, which are asymptotic vacuum states when some time coordinate tends to ∓∞\mp\infty. We also show that the in /out states are Hadamard states.(new version with some typos corrected).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2108.1163

    Evaluation of a Portable Automated Serum Chemistry Analyzer for Field Assessment of Harlequin Ducks, Histrionicus histrionicus

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    A portable analytical chemistry analyzer was used to make field assessments of wild harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) inassociation with telemetry studies of winter survival in Prince William Sound, Alaska. We compared serum chemistry resultsobtained on-site with results from a traditional laboratory. Particular attention was paid to serum glucose and potassiumconcentrations as potential indicators of high-risk surgical candidates based on evaluation of the field data. Themedian differentialfor glucose values (N = 82) between methods was 0.6 mmol/L (quartiles 0.3 and 0.9 mmol/L) with the median value higher whenassayed on site. Analysis of potassium on site returned a median of 2.7 mmol/L (N = 88 ; quartiles 2.4 and 3.0 mmol/L). Serumpotassium values were too low for quantitation by the traditional laboratory. Changes in several serum chemistry values followinga three-day storm during the study support the value of on site evaluation of serum potassium to identify presurgical patients withincreased anesthetic risk.                                      &nbsp

    Trouillet (Jean-Georges), Leroy (Didier) et Perrot (Patrick), Le chemin de fer dans la vallée de la Doller, Cernay – Sentheim – Masevaux – Sewen

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    Depuis 1971, l’association Train Thur-Doller Alsace, forte d’une centaine de membres, fait fonctionner un train touristique entre Cernay et Sentheim et entretient un patrimoine de voies ferrées, de bâtiments et de matériel roulant. Trois de ses membres explorent ici l’histoire de ce réseau local qui commence à la fin du Second Empire en juin 1869 par la mise en service du tronçon de Cernay à Sentheim. Il est complété en 1884 par la section Sentheim-Masevaux, qui présente la particularité de c..

    Rezeau (Pierre), Dictionnaire des régionalismes du français en Alsace

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    Travailleur acharné tenant une permanence dans les différentes salles de la BNU, Pierre Rézeau, directeur de recherche honoraire au CNRS, nous offre entre deux best-sellers écrits en collaboration, le Dictionnaire des onomatopées du français (avec Pierre Enckell, PUF, 2003, réédité en 2005) et On va le dire comme ça, Dictionnaires des expressions quotidiennes (avec Charles Bernet, Balland, 2008), cet autre dictionnaire qui s’inscrit dans le prolongement d’une carrière vouée en grande partie à..

    Lamard (Pierre) et Lequin (Yves-Claude), La Technologie entre à l’université, Compiègne, Sevenans, Belfort-Montbéliard…

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    On ne crée pas une université à Belfort d’un coup de baguette magique : il faut travailler longuement sur le motif, savoir emprunter des cheminements tortueux, vaincre beaucoup de résistances pour parvenir à ses fins. C’est ce parcours du combattant qu’analysent Pierre Lamard et Yves-Claude Lequin dans ce bel ouvrage publié à l’occasion du vingtième anniversaire de la première année universitaire, en 1985-1986, à Sevenans, près de Belfort, de l’établissement auquel ils appartiennent. Quant au..
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