942 research outputs found

    That Was Totally Intense! A Study of Emphatic Adverbial Modifiers in Male and Female Speech

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    The effects of experimental pain on primary motor cortex neuroplasticity associated with novel orofacial motor learning

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    Life on the Floodplain: An Analysis of Falmouth, Massachusetts and Osaka, Japan

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    After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the awareness of flooding threats to coastal areas increased. For Massachusetts in particular, Cape Cod is still at high risk of flooding with any storm that comes and goes. However, all of these recent devastating floods and natural disasters have caused insurance prices to skyrocket. With my research, I specifically looked at Falmouth, Massachusetts and the possibilities to lessen the risks and which of these options would be the most financially sound for a homeowner. The possibilities include elevating a house in a high flood risk zone, selling a current house to move in to a house in a less flood prone area, or simply keep the house as is and continuing to pay the mortgage and annual flood insurance over a 15 year time period. Afterwards, the earthquake insurance available in Osaka, Japan is briefly compared to the flood insurance of Falmouth, Massachusetts

    The Pre-Conceptual Map Methodology: Development and Application

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    The objective of this article is to present the Pre-Conceptual Map methodology as a formalized way to identify, document, and utilize preconceived assumptions on the part of the researcher in qualitative inquiry. This technique can be used as a stand alone method or in conjunction with other qualitative techniques (i.e., naturalistic inquiry). This document explains how to utilize the process and includes specific examples based on a formal study of the pilot of The Drama Discovery Curriculum. The article highlights the Pre-Conceptual Map methodology for use by other researchers by examining: the need for the methodology, how it is related to the literature, the implications for other professions, and the contribution to the field of qualitative methodology

    The Impact of Formal Nursing Education and Nursing Experience on Medication Errors Made by Nurses in the Hospital Setting

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    The occurrence of medication errors is a problem that is common to health care systems worldwide. There has been countless research performed to try to determine the cause of medication errors. It has been found that shifts worked, pharmacy involvement, miscommunication and multiple other elements contribute to the occurrence of medication errors. The primary person involved in medication administration is the nurse. This study was performed at a Western North Carolina hospital examining recorded medication errors from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007. Using a retrospective, descriptive, correlation design (n=293), the study determined that a significant correlation exists between the level of education (Diploma, Associate, Bachelor and Master Degree in Nursing) and years of experience of nurses to medication errors among nurses in the hospital setting

    The use of metaphor in scientific writing

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    For centuries both philosophers of science and scientists have challenged the use of metaphor in scientific discourse (Hoffman, 1980a,b), but a close look at this discourse reveals metaphor as a vital and necessary tool in developing scientific terminologies and hypotheses. I will begin my examination of metaphor in scientific discourse, with definitions: Simply put, metaphor is an implicit analogy of two unlike things. I.A. Richards (1936) refers to these two unlike parts of the metaphor as the tenor, the primary subject, or the thing being described, and the vehicle, which is the secondary subject or what the primary subject is being compared with. For example, in the metaphor the moon is a pumpkin, moon is the tenor (primary subject), and pumpkin is the vehicle (secondary subject)

    Differentiated Instruction: Flexibility Without Breaking

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    Teachers are often challenged by the wide variety of student’s ability levels and backgrounds. This essay reflects on the practical strategies for classroom teachers to differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all students. Suggestions and approaches include: tiered instruction, flexible grouping, anchor activities, and learning contracts

    Lucky #7

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    Solar Energy Research Center- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory!

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    This report covers both a prescriptive and performance-based review of fire and life safety systems for the Solar Energy Research Center at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The primary subjects covered are egress, fire alarm systems, and sprinkler systems. A unique feature and focal point for this report is the SERC east exit stair. This stair was originally designed as a glass atrium, but for various reasons cannot be utilized as an atrium. The east exit stair has a special VESDA detection system, is the most remote location for the sprinkler system, and is a primary exit for all three stories of the building. In addition, this exit exits to the exterior on the second floor. Due to the original design as an atrium, the second floor landing of the exit is a large open floor space that tenants could potentially try to utilize as storage or assembly space. The performance-based model consists of the east exit stair and evaluates how promptly the fire systems activate to notify occupants and contain the fire to the exit stair

    The Sexual Revolution of the Roaring Twenties : Practice or Perception?

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    Even after the passage of over 80 years, the perceived radical shift in morality in the 1920’s defies concrete definition. Many popular images seem to offer evidence that indicate a change in sexual propriety, with portrayals of scantily dressed flappers swigging illicit liquor from flasks, and racy advertisements for silk stockings showing off women’s legs, so soon after a time when women were covered from the neck to the ankle even at the beach. Religious and conservative leaders alluded to a total collapse of morality and blamed popular entertainment for degrading America’s youth. This paper analyzes primary sources from the 1920s in an effort to determine the attitudes of the people who experienced, and often shaped, the era. These sources suggest a wide variety of opinion among Americans and the existence of a fully developed sexual awareness lurking beneath the veneer of polite society long before the “roaring twenties.” Although it is not possible to prove or disprove a true “revolution” in sexual morality, this paper contributes to the ongoing discussion of the values which changed and those which were simply exposed by the light of a more tolerant time
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