266 research outputs found

    Non-invasive aerosol delivery and transport of gold nanoparticles to the brain

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    Targeted delivery of nanoscale carriers containing packaged payloads to the central nervous system has potential use in many diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Moreover, understanding of the bio-interactions of the engineered nanoparticles used for tissue-specific delivery by non-invasive delivery approaches are also of paramount interest. Here, we have examined this issue systematically in a relatively simple invertebrate model using insects. We synthesized 5 nm, positively charged gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and targeted their delivery using the electrospray aerosol generator. Our results revealed that after the exposure of synthesized aerosol to the insect antenna, AuNPs reached the brain within an hour. Nanoparticle accumulation in the brain increased linearly with the exposure time. Notably, electrophysiological recordings from neurons in the insect brain several hours after exposure did not show any significant alterations in their spontaneous and odor-evoked spiking properties. Taken together, our findings reveal that aerosolized delivery of nanoparticles can be an effective non-invasive approach for delivering nanoparticles to the brain, and also presents an approach to monitor the short-term nano-biointeractions

    Nanotechnology: Interdisciplinary science of applications

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    Nanotechnology is the study of particle sizes between 1 and 100 nanometers at least at one dimension. Particle size reduced to nanometer length scale exhibit more surface area to volume size ratio and showing unusual properties makes them enable for systematic applications in engineering, biomedical, agricultural and allied sectors. Nanomaterial can create from bottom up or top down approaches using physical, chemical and biological mode of synthesis.Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanomaterial, nanobiotechnology, nanotech-applicationsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(3), pp. 219-22

    TiO2 nanoparticle biosynthesis and its physiological effect on mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)

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    AbstractTiO2 nanoparticle (NPs) biosynthesis is a low cost, ecofriendly approach developed using the fungi Aspergillus flavus TFR 7. To determine whether TiO2 NPs is suitable for nutrient, we conducted a two part study; biosynthesis of TiO2 NP and evaluates their influence on mung bean. The characterized TiO2 NPs were foliar sprayed at 10mgL−1 concentration on the leaves of 14 days old mung bean plants. A significant improvement was observed in shoot length (17.02%), root length (49.6%), root area (43%), root nodule (67.5%), chlorophyll content (46.4%) and total soluble leaf protein (94%) as a result of TiO2 NPs application. In the rhizosphere microbial population increased by 21.4–48.1% and activity of acid phosphatase (67.3%), alkaline phosphatase (72%), phytase (64%) and dehydrogenase (108.7%) enzyme was observed over control in six weeks old plants owing to application of TiO2 NPs. A possible mechanism has also been hypothesized for TiO2 NPs biosynthesis

    Placement model for students into appropriate academic class using machine learning

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    Choosing the right academic major for junior secondary students into senior secondary school will assist both students and their teachers toward achieving the academic goal. Traditionally, students seeking admission into senior classes (Gambia, Sierra-leone, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria) must have passed stipulated examinations like Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and/or West Africa Junior Certificate Examination, which are done at the end of year three (at a sitting). They must pass the exam(s) satisfactorily with no emphasis on any of Science, Art or Commercial related subjects. Some schools use “Mock exam” or “Placement exam” as the basis for their placement of students but all are done at a sitting (end of year three). Though this method is to an extent valid but associated with some challenges (bias) as it does not carry along the student’s academic history in making decision for placement into appropriate class. However, we proposed a model that predicts appropriate academic class of Science, Art or Commercial for Junior students based on their progressive academic performances (history) of their predecessors on related subjects using ten supervised machine learning techniques. Two evaluation techniques were applied (70/30 splitting and 10-fold cross validation). The highest results of this research showed accuracy of 93% with Random forest, 98% precision with random forest, 99% recall with Decision tree and 94% f1 score with Random forest and KNN (cross validation). The correlation coefficient of the proposed model recorded 0.3 higher than that of the existing method. This research will benefit all stakeholders in education and students in particular because their academic performances over time stands a better chance for appropriate placement

    The role of natural products and their multitargeted approach to treat solid cancer

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    Natural products play a critical role in the discovery and development of numerous drugs for the treatment of various types of cancer. These phytochemicals have demonstrated anti-carcinogenic properties by interfering with the initiation, development, and progression of cancer through altering various mechanisms such as cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Treating multifactorial diseases, such as cancer with agents targeting a single target, might lead to limited success and, in many cases, unsatisfactory outcomes. Various epidemiological studies have shown that the steady consumption of fruits and vegetables is intensely associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Since ancient period, plants, herbs, and other natural products have been used as healing agents. Likewise, most of the medicinal ingredients accessible today are originated from the natural resources. Regardless of achievements, developing bioactive compounds and drugs from natural products has remained challenging, in part because of the problem associated with large-scale sequestration and mechanistic understanding. With significant progress in the landscape of cancer therapy and the rising use of cutting-edge technologies, we may have come to a crossroads to review approaches to identify the potential natural products and investigate their therapeutic efficacy. In the present review, we summarize the recent developments in natural products-based cancer research and its application in generating novel systemic strategies with a focus on underlying molecular mechanisms in solid cancer

    Sosialisasi Manajemen Keuangan di Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qurro Tangerang Selatan

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    This community service aims to improve understanding and financial management skills among the managers of the Baitul Qurro Islamic Boarding School, South Tangerang. This socialization activity was carried out during October 2021. The objects of this activity were Islamic boarding school managers, including the Islamic boarding school head, treasurer and administrative staff. The activity methods used include training, workshops and focus group discussions. The training includes material on financial planning, budget management, bookkeeping and financial reporting. Interactive workshops provide opportunities for participants to apply the theory they have learned through case studies and practical simulations. Focus group discussions are used to identify specific problems faced in financial management in Islamic boarding schools and find joint solutions. The results of this activity showed a significant increase in financial management understanding and skills among participants. They are able to make better financial plans, manage budgets more efficiently, and carry out more transparent and accurate bookkeeping and financial reporting. The implication of this activity is the creation of a better financial management system at the Baitul Qurro Islamic Boarding School, which in turn will support operational sustainability and development of the Islamic boarding school. Apart from that, improving financial management skills is also expected to increase stakeholder accountability and trust in the management of Islamic boarding school funds

    Utilization of Edible-Insects as Protein Substitute in Food and Effects of Processing on Their Nutrient Contents and Protein Functionalities

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    Population growth, poverty and climate change dictate the need for additional protein sources. Edible insects are potential protein substitutes and can provide both humans and animals with the required amount of protein, essential amino acids, and other indispensable nutrients. Incorporating edible-insects into familiar products and subjecting them to adequate processing that masks their natural appearance will improve their consumption. This article provides insights on the potentials of edible-insects as novel ingredients in food processing and its various benefits. Effects of processing on their nutritional and functional properties were also discussed. Literature was gathered through an online search on the Science Direct database and Google Scholar. Edible-insect powders, protein isolates and concentrates and oils were reported to be incorporated into bugger, chips, chocolate, bread, cookies, and other baked snacks. The addition of insect products improves protein, fat, fiber, and minerals contents. Insects also contain healthier lipids when compared with conventional proteins. Edible-insects will provide essential nutrients to the rapidly growing world population when more attention is given to their production, processing, safety, and marketing. Efforts need to be strengthened to secure global acceptance of insect protein since the conventional sources are not reliable and cannot satisfy the world population in decades to come.</p

    Interaction of Copper-Based Nanoparticles to Soil, Terrestrial, and Aquatic Systems: Critical Review of the State of the Science and Future Perspectives

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    In the past two decades, increased production and usage of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) has inevitably increased their discharge into the different compartments of the environment, which ultimately paved the way for their uptake and accumulation in various trophic levels of the food chain. Due to these issues, several questions have been raised on the usage of NPs in everyday life and has become a matter of public health concern. Among the metallic NPs, Cu-based NPs have gained popularity due to their cost-effectiveness and multifarious promising uses. Several studies in the past represented the phytotoxicity of Cu-based NPs on plants. However, comprehensive knowledge is still lacking. Additionally, the impact of Cu-based NPs on soil organisms such as agriculturally important microbes, fungi, mycorrhiza, nematode, and earthworms are poorly studied. This review article critically analyses the literature data to achieve a more comprehensive knowledge on the toxicological profile of Cu-based NPs and increase our understanding of the effects of Cu-based NPs on aquatic and terrestrial plants as well as on soil microbial communities. The underlying mechanism of biotransformation of Cu-based NPs and the process of their penetration into plants has also been discussed herein. Overall, this review could provide valuable information to design rules and regulations for the safe disposal of Cu-based NPs into a sustainable environment

    Pure and multi metal oxide nanoparticles: synthesis, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties

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