19 research outputs found

    Chapter 3 The Cunning Linguist of Agbabi's "The Kiss"

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    I argue that the protagonist of Lil Nas X’s “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” assumes the role of a power bottom for the purpose of delivering audiences who identify with the power-bottom role from shame, which is personified by Satan in the music video. Lil Nas X’s texts, the lyrics plus the video, empower power bottoms, and in doing so, Lil Nas X defies a long tradition of shaming the receptive male partner—a shame that is rooted in medieval ideologies. Beginning with a close reading, I analyze sexual power dynamics in the song lyrics, then the music video, before explaining how these two modes complement a narrative about sexual liberation from shame, particularly regarding the receptive male partner in sodomitic relationships. Then, compared to medieval constructions of sodomy in Peter Damian’s Liber Gomorrhianus (The Book of Gomorrah) and the Pearl Poet’s Cleanness, “Montero” is identified as a liberatory text that challenges both sexual norms and pervasive ideologies that limit the spiritual and intellectual freedoms of people of color in Western Christian traditions. “Montero” is a medievalism informed by Black Theology and queer activism to present a queer Black power bottom offering salvation from destructive social structures

    Chapter 3 The Cunning Linguist of Agbabi's "The Kiss"

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    I argue that the protagonist of Lil Nas X’s “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” assumes the role of a power bottom for the purpose of delivering audiences who identify with the power-bottom role from shame, which is personified by Satan in the music video. Lil Nas X’s texts, the lyrics plus the video, empower power bottoms, and in doing so, Lil Nas X defies a long tradition of shaming the receptive male partner—a shame that is rooted in medieval ideologies. Beginning with a close reading, I analyze sexual power dynamics in the song lyrics, then the music video, before explaining how these two modes complement a narrative about sexual liberation from shame, particularly regarding the receptive male partner in sodomitic relationships. Then, compared to medieval constructions of sodomy in Peter Damian’s Liber Gomorrhianus (The Book of Gomorrah) and the Pearl Poet’s Cleanness, “Montero” is identified as a liberatory text that challenges both sexual norms and pervasive ideologies that limit the spiritual and intellectual freedoms of people of color in Western Christian traditions. “Montero” is a medievalism informed by Black Theology and queer activism to present a queer Black power bottom offering salvation from destructive social structures

    Investigation of Operational Characteristics of Special-purpose Alloy Castings

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    Pilot smeltings of the intermetallic titanium alloy are performed during the work in the vacuum induction smelting installation with a “cold crucible” and the blades of a gas-turbine engine are fabricated by the casting method according to investment models in the centrifugal field. The structure of the initial charge billet for casting the intermetallic titanium alloy is investigated and its chemical composition is analyzed. The process parameters of casting and results of metallographic analysis of fabricated blades are presented. It is established that the cast blade structure has a lamellar structure and consists of phases γ and α2. The results of testing mechanical properties are presented. It is established that ultimate tensile strength σB = 765 MPa, yield point σy = 726.5 MPa, and relative elongation δ = 1.6%. The stress distribution on the blade pen is investigated and its distribution diagrams are constructed. Blade samples are tested for long-term strength (t = 650°C, τ = 500 h), fatigue strength, and impact toughness. © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc

    Исследование литейных, механических, коррозионных свойств и пожароопасности магниевых сплавов МЛ-ОПБ и EWZ43

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    Magnesium alloys are usually considered as structural materials when the weight reduction is important - in aircraft and space industry for example. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of new generation ignition-proof high-strength magnesium alloys in the design of aircraft parts. The properties of new ignition-proof casting magnesium alloys ML-OPB (Mg–6.7Y–2.6Zn–0.5Zr–0.35Ce– 0.35Yb; wt.%) and EWZ43 (Mg–3.8Y–4.4Nd–0.6Zr–0.6Zn; wt.%) were investigated and compared with properties of commercial magnesium alloys. The microstructure of investigated alloys in the as-cast condition comprises of a magnesium solid solution and a significant amount of eutectic. Heat treatment according to the T6 mode results in change in the eutectic phase’s morphology and also to their partial dissolution in the magnesium matrix. Long-term high-temperature holding, simulating operating conditions (500 h at 300 °C), leads to the formation of precipitates along the grain boundaries in both alloys, significantly reducing the mechanical properties. During the oxidation of the samples, it was established that the main components that involved into the oxide film and provides the protective properties of the alloys is Y, Nd and Yb. The investigated alloys have a high strength, which is not lower than that of the ML10 alloy. At the same time, the advantage of the ML-OPB alloy is a high elongation at fracture, while the EWZ43 alloy is characterized by high strength. The corrosion rate of the investigated alloys exceeds the corrosion rate of known commercial ML10 and AZ91 alloys, which implies the need for additional protection against corrosion of investigated alloys. At the same time, the castability of ML-OPB and EWZ43 alloys is no lower than that of most commercial magnesium alloys. An oxide film with high Y content and high protective properties is formed when the alloys interact with the sand mold bonded with furan resin. The ignition temperature of the investigated alloys is 100–150 °C higher than that of the ML10 alloy. The flammability test of alloys in the flame of a gas burner, made on cone samples and typical aircraft castings «bracket», showed that ML-OPB and EWZ43 alloys are almost non-flammable under the conditions of experiment.Магниевые сплавы как конструкционные материалы обычно рассматриваются в тех случаях, когда снижение массы имеет важнейшее значение, например в авиации и космонавтике. В последние годы наблюдается расширение применения пожаробезопасных высокопрочных магниевых сплавов нового поколения в конструкциях авиационных изделий. В работе были изучены свойства новых пожаробезопасных литейных магниевых сплавов МЛ-ОПБ (Mg–6,7Y–2,6Zn–0,5Zr– 0,35Ce–0,35Yb) и EWZ43 (Mg–3,8Y–4,4Nd–0,6Zr–0,6Zn) и выполнено их сравнение с промышленными магниевыми сплавами. Микроструктура исследуемых сплавов в литом состоянии представляет собой магниевый твердый раствор и значительное количество эвтектики. Термическая обработка по режиму Т6 приводит к изменению морфологии фаз в эвтектике, а также их частичному растворению в магниевой матрице. В результате длительной высокотемпературной выдержки, имитирующей условия эксплуатации (500 ч при 300 °С), происходит формирование выделений по границам зерен в обоих сплавах, которые значительно снижают механические свойства. Было установлено, что при окислении образцов основными компонентами, переходящими в оксидную плену и обеспечивающими защитные свойства сплавов, являются Y, Nd и Yb. Рассматриваемые сплавы обладают высокими прочностными свойствами, которые не ниже, чем у сплава МЛ10. При этом преимуществом сплава МЛ-ОПБ является высокое относительное удлинение, а для сплава EWZ43 характерна высокая прочность. Скорость коррозии этих сплавов выше, чем у известных промышленных сплавов МЛ10 и МЛ5, из чего следует, что исследуемые сплавы требуют дополнительной защиты от коррозии. При этом литейные свойства сплавов МЛ-ОПБ и EWZ43 оказались не ниже, чем у наиболее распространенных магниевых сплавов. При взаимодействии сплавов с формой из холодно-твердеющей смеси формируется оксидная плена с высоким содержанием Y и хорошими защитными свойствами. Температура возгорания изученных сплавов оказалась на 100–150 °С выше, чем у сплава МЛ10. Испытание сплавов в пламени газовой горелки на конусных образцах и типовых авиационных отливках типа «кронштейн» показало, что сплавы МЛ-ОПБ и EWZ43 практически не горят в условиях эксперимента


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    The article reviews the experimental melting of an intermetallic titanium alloy in a vacuum induction melting unit equipped with a «cold crucible» and manufacturing of gas turbine engine blades by investment casting in a centrifugal field. It studies the structure of the initial charge blank intended for melting the intermetallic titanium alloy, and analyzes its chemical composition. The article presents the casting process parameters and results of the metallographic analysis of manufactured blades. It was found that the structure of the cast blade is lamellar and consists of phases γ and α2. The article provides the mechanical test results. It was found that the ultimate tensile strength was σв = 765 MPa, the yield point was σт = 726,5 MPa, the relative elongation was δ = 1,6 %. The article studies the stress distribution along the blade feather and constructs distribution diagrams. Blade samples were tested for long-term strength (t = 650 °C, τ = 500 h), fatigue strength, and impact strength.В ходе работы проведены опытные плавки интерметаллидного титанового сплава в вакуумной индукционной плавильной установке с «холодным тиглем» и изготовлены лопатки газотурбинного двигателя методом литья по выплавляемым моделям в центробежном поле. Изучена структура исходной шихтовой заготовки для выплавки интерметаллидного титанового сплава. Проанализирован ее химический состав. Представлены технологические параметры литья и результаты металлографического анализа полученных лопаток. Установлено, что структура литой лопатки имеет пластинчатое строение и состоит из фаз γ и α2. Приведены результаты испытания механических свойств. Установлено, что предел прочности при растяжении σв = 765 МПа, предел текучести σт = 726,5 МПа, относительное удлинение δ = 1,6 %. Исследовано распределение напряжений на пере лопатки и построены эпюры их распределения. Проведены испытания образцов лопаток на длительную прочность (t = 650 °С, τ = 500 ч), усталостную прочность и ударную вязкость

    Erotic Medievalisms

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    Erotic, Sexualities, BDSM,Middle Ages, Beowulf, Chaucer,Santiago Garcí

    Erotic Medievalisms

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    Erotic, Sexualities, BDSM,Middle Ages, Beowulf, Chaucer,Santiago Garcí

    Queer Authority in Old and Middle English Literature

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    I argue that select early English texts queer normative authorizing conventions to authorize Old English and Middle English literatures. During the European Middle Ages, Latin cultures and literatures were privileged with authority that extended to and subverted the cultural capital of the inhabitants of England at the edge of the known Western world. I identify four exceptional English texts that employ authorizing conventions to disrupt normative networks of power that traditionally privilege Latin and to authorize English literature instead. The Norman Conquest had altered the English language and social structures; still, these altered networks of power continued to marginalize English cultural identities, and thus the means by which literary authority was constructed. Among the texts I focus on, Old English texts promote Anglo-Saxon cultural cohesion, whereas Middle English texts promote the author’s personal desires. Across the divide between Old English and Middle English, literary authority intersects with nonnormative genders and sexualities to encode England’s marginalized orientations to dominant cultural authorities. My first chapter focuses on Alfred’s Old English translation of Boethius’s Latin Consolation of Philosophy. The narrator is a fictionalized version of the author, Boethius, and Alfred’s translation characterizes him as a Roman. Alfred situates the Roman Boethius in conversation with Wisdom, an allegorical figure whom Alfred characterized as an Anglo-Saxon mother with masculine pronouns. The dynamic between the maternal Anglo-Saxon Wisdom and her foster-child, the Roman Boethius, shifts power from Latin sources to Alfred’s present Old English philosophical contributions. In my second chapter, I argue that Dream of the Rood queers conventional orientations of time and space to locate Anglo Saxons at both the inception of and conclusion to salvation history. The Rood is imagined as an Anglo-Saxon warrior actively participating in Christ’s passion, and thus facilitating salvation. Warning the Dreamer and the poem’s audience of the looming Judgment Day, Dream implicates England as a geographical and temporal end. Displacing cultural centers like Rome and Jerusalem, Anglo-Saxon England is privileged within Dream’s reorientations of salvation narratives. Then, I work across conventional historical periodization that distinguishes Old English from Middle English to identify an emerging English literary authority in the wake of the Norman Conquest and the subsequent prestige of French in England. In my third chapter I argue that Chaucer’s Legend of Good Women narrator frustrates love conventions that are constructed around the author’s presumed heteronormativity. Chaucer’s narrator privileges literary learning over lived experience within a gendered hierarchical structure. He foregoes women’s experiences and the possibility of participating in romantic love with female figures in favor of literary constructions that situate him within the company of other male authors with erotic implications. My final chapter argues that Margery Kempe manipulates the social and literary conventions available to her, excessively employing authorizing conventions multiple times and with hyperbolic style so that the authenticity of her experiences are simultaneously validated and undermined by the constructedness of her literary authority. Analyzing the mechanisms by which cultural authority is constructed, I locate women, queer individuals, and same-sex desires early in the English literary heritage. My work recognizes inclusion already present in English literary canons while enhancing women’s and LGBTQ+ histories

    The Cunning Linguist of Agbabi’s “The Kiss”

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    In the Old French fabliaux tradition, sex acts and generic conventions intersect, revealing strategies of power. For example, Chaucer’s The Miller’s Tale, a Middle English text that is informed by fabliaux conventions, follows the sexual desires and exchanges of power between men, in the context of a frame narrative that privileges competition between the men of The Canterbury Tales, which is located within English literary canons dominated by men. In “The Kiss,” Patience Agbabi’s modern retelling of The Miller’s Tale, the central woman of the narrative assumes authorial control, and she privileges sex acts that empower women’s voices while both rendering the sexual figurations of Chaucer’s text more literal, and adhering more closely to Old French fabliaux conventions. Agbabi encodes cunnilingus through different languages, including French, Latin, Braille, and English slang, representing the diverse cultural influences that inform English literary traditions, including texts such as The Canterbury Tales. Situating her medievalism, Telling Tales, within a literary genealogy emerging from Chaucer, Caxton, and Shakespeare, Agbabi cites the subversive nature of her source texts to disrupt modern social hierarchies, such as male-dominated literary traditions. The intersections of sexual satisfaction and literary production in “The Kiss,” privilege women’s standpoints