859 research outputs found

    Magnetic fields in cosmological simulations of disk galaxies

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    Observationally, magnetic fields reach equipartition with thermal energy and cosmic rays in the interstellar medium of disk galaxies such as the Milky Way. However, thus far cosmological simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxies have usually neglected magnetic fields. We employ the moving-mesh code \textsc{Arepo} to follow for the first time the formation and evolution of a Milky Way-like disk galaxy in its full cosmological context while taking into account magnetic fields. We find that a prescribed tiny magnetic seed field grows exponentially by a small-scale dynamo until it saturates around z=4z=4 with a magnetic energy of about 10%10\% of the kinetic energy in the center of the galaxy's main progenitor halo. By z=2z=2, a well-defined gaseous disk forms in which the magnetic field is further amplified by differential rotation, until it saturates at an average field strength of \sim 6 \mug in the disk plane. In this phase, the magnetic field is transformed from a chaotic small-scale field to an ordered large-scale field coherent on scales comparable to the disk radius. The final magnetic field strength, its radial profile and the stellar structure of the disk compare well with observational data. A minor merger temporarily increases the magnetic field strength by about a factor of two, before it quickly decays back to its saturation value. Our results are highly insensitive to the initial seed field strength and suggest that the large-scale magnetic field in spiral galaxies can be explained as a result of the cosmic structure formation process.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ

    The formation of disc galaxies in high resolution moving-mesh cosmological simulations

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    We present cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of eight Milky Way-sized haloes that have been previously studied with dark matter only in the Aquarius project. For the first time, we employ the moving-mesh code AREPO in zoom simulations combined with a comprehensive model for galaxy formation physics designed for large0 cosmological simulations. Our simulations form in most of the eight haloes strongly disc-dominated systems with realistic rotation curves, close to exponential surface density profiles, a stellar-mass to halo-mass ratio that matches expectations from abundance matching techniques, and galaxy sizes and ages consistent with expectations from large galaxy surveys in the local Universe. There is no evidence for any dark matter core formation in our simulations, even so they include repeated baryonic outflows by supernova-driven winds and black hole quasar feedback. For one of our haloes, the object studied in the recent `Aquila' code comparison project, we carried out a resolution study with our techniques, covering a dynamic range of 64 in mass resolution. Without any change in our feedback parameters, the final galaxy properties are reassuringly similar, in contrast to other modelling techniques used in the field that are inherently resolution dependent. This success in producing realistic disc galaxies is reached, in the context of our interstellar medium treatment, without resorting to a high density threshold for star formation, a low star formation efficiency, or early stellar feedback, factors deemed crucial for disc formation by other recent numerical studies.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Added 2 figures and minor text changes to match the accepted versio

    Stellar GADGET: A smooth particle hydrodynamics code for stellar astrophysics and its application to Type Ia supernovae from white dwarf mergers

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    Mergers of two carbon-oxygen white dwarfs have long been suspected to be progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae. Here we present our modifications to the cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics code Gadget to apply it to stellar physics including but not limited to mergers of white dwarfs. We demonstrate a new method to map a one-dimensional profile of an object in hydrostatic equilibrium to a stable particle distribution. We use the code to study the effect of initial conditions and resolution on the properties of the merger of two white dwarfs. We compare mergers with approximate and exact binary initial conditions and find that exact binary initial conditions lead to a much more stable binary system but there is no difference in the properties of the actual merger. In contrast, we find that resolution is a critical issue for simulations of white dwarf mergers. Carbon burning hotspots which may lead to a detonation in the so-called violent merger scenario emerge only in simulations with sufficient resolution but independent of the type of binary initial conditions. We conclude that simulations of white dwarf mergers which attempt to investigate their potential for Type Ia supernovae should be carried out with at least 10^6 particles.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The large-scale properties of simulated cosmological magnetic fields

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    We perform uniformly sampled large-scale cosmological simulations including magnetic fields with the moving mesh code AREPO. We run two sets of MHD simulations: one including adiabatic gas physics only; the other featuring the fiducial feedback model of the Illustris simulation. In the adiabatic case, the magnetic field amplification follows the Bρ2/3B \propto \rho^{2/3} scaling derived from `flux-freezing' arguments, with the seed field strength providing an overall normalization factor. At high baryon overdensities the amplification is enhanced by shear flows and turbulence. Feedback physics and the inclusion of radiative cooling change this picture dramatically. In haloes, gas collapses to much larger densities and the magnetic field is amplified strongly and to the same maximum intensity irrespective of the initial seed field of which any memory is lost. At lower densities a dependence on the seed field strength and orientation, which in principle can be used to constrain models of cosmic magnetogenesis, is still present. Inside the most massive haloes magnetic fields reach values of 10100μG\sim 10-100\,\,{\rm \mu G}, in agreement with galaxy cluster observations. The topology of the field is tangled and gives rise to rotation measure signals in reasonable agreement with the observations. However, the rotation measure signal declines too rapidly towards larger radii as compared to observational data.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Edited to match published versio

    Helium-ignited violent mergers as a unified model for normal and rapidly declining Type Ia Supernovae

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    The progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are still unknown, despite significant progress during the last years in theory and observations. Violent mergers of two carbon--oxygen (CO) white dwarfs (WDs) are one candidate suggested to be responsible for at least a significant fraction of normal SNe Ia. Here, we simulate the merger of two CO WDs using a moving-mesh code that allows for the inclusion of thin helium (He) shells (0.01\,\msun) on top of the WDs, at an unprecedented numerical resolution. The accretion of He onto the primary WD leads to the formation of a detonation in its He shell. This detonation propagates around the CO WD and sends a converging shock wave into its core, known to robustly trigger a second detonation, as in the well-known double-detonation scenario for He-accreting CO WDs. However, in contrast to that scenario where a massive He shell is required to form a detonation through thermal instability, here the He detonation is ignited dynamically. Accordingly the required He-shell mass is significantly smaller, and hence its burning products are unlikely to affect the optical display of the explosion. We show that this scenario, which works for CO primary WDs with CO- as well as He-WD companions, has the potential to explain the different brightness distributions, delay times and relative rates of normal and fast declining SNe Ia. Finally, we discuss extensions to our unified merger model needed to obtain a comprehensive picture of the full observed diversity of SNe Ia.Comment: accepted for publication by ApJL, significant changes to first version, including addition of merger simulatio