9,154 research outputs found

    Vanishing Integral Relations and Expectation Values for Bloch Functions in Finite Domains

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    Integral identities for particular Bloch functions in finite periodic systems are derived. All following statements are proven for a finite domain consisting of an integer number of unit cells. It is shown that matrix elements of particular Bloch functions with respect to periodic differential operators vanish identically. The real valuedness, the time-independence and a summation property of the expectation values of periodic differential operators applied to superpositions of specific Bloch functions are derived.Comment: 10 page

    On the locality of the no hair conjection and the measure of the universe

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    The reently proposed proof by Jensen and Stein-Schabes of the No Hair Theorem for inhomogeneous spacetimes is analyzed, putting a special emphasis on the asymptotic behavior of the shear and curvature. It is concluded that the theorem only holds locally, and the minimum size a region should be is estimated in order for it to inflate. The assumptions used in the theorem are discussed in detail. The last section speculates about the possible measure of the set of spacetimes that would undergo inflation

    Fundamental Finite Key Limits for One-Way Information Reconciliation in Quantum Key Distribution

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    The security of quantum key distribution protocols is guaranteed by the laws of quantum mechanics. However, a precise analysis of the security properties requires tools from both classical cryptography and information theory. Here, we employ recent results in non-asymptotic classical information theory to show that one-way information reconciliation imposes fundamental limitations on the amount of secret key that can be extracted in the finite key regime. In particular, we find that an often used approximation for the information leakage during information reconciliation is not generally valid. We propose an improved approximation that takes into account finite key effects and numerically test it against codes for two probability distributions, that we call binary-binary and binary-Gaussian, that typically appear in quantum key distribution protocols

    Nuevas campañas de excavación en Potocka zijalka, Eslovenia (Pleistoceno Superior): estado de la investigación

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    [Abstract] Potocka zijalka is a unique site with rich archaeological and palaeontological remains. From 1997 onward new excavation campaigns were carried out in co-operation with the Institute of Geology in Ljubljana and the Institute of Palaeontology in Vienna. This paper comprises the state of investigation and gives a short overview of major discussion points concerning the role of Palaeolithic man and cave bears at this site