550 research outputs found

    Surface tension driven convection

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    In a normal gravitational environment, the free surface of a liquid in a container plays a passive role in the transport processes. However, at microgravity, the free surface can become the dominant factor. A simple but meaningful spaceflight experiment is proposed to investigate the nature and extent of flows induced by surface-tension gradients along the free surface. The influences of container geometry, wetability, contamination, and imposed heating modes will be investigated

    Surface tension driven convection experiment

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    Thermocapillary flow is driven by a thermally induced surface tension variation along a liquid free surface. In the Earth-gravity environment such flows are usually overshadowed by buoyancy driven flows, but at reduced gravity conditions their influence could be significant. A comprehensive theoretical and experimental research program was stated 12 years ago and is still being continued. Past work done at Case Western Reserve University as well as work done by others is reviewed. The justification for low-gravity experiments is presented

    Laminar flows in porous elastic channels

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    Laminar flows of viscous fluids in porous elastic channel

    The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with arbitrarily oriented body force

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    Interfacial stability of two parallel superposed inviscid streams of fluid applied to stability of molten liquid-gas interface on ablating reentry bod

    Body rotation effects on melting ablation

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    Rotation effects on melting ablation on reentry of axisymmetric bodie

    Fluid mechanics of continuous flow electrophoresis

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    The following aspects of continuous flow electrophoresis were studied: (1) flow and temperature fields; (2) hydrodynamic stability; (3) separation efficiency, and (4) characteristics of wide gap chambers (the SPAR apparatus). Simplified mathematical models were developed so as to furnish a basis for understanding the phenomena and comparison of different chambers and operating conditions. Studies of the hydrodynamic stability disclosed that a wide gap chamber may be particularly sensitive to axial temperature variations which could be due to uneven heating or cooling. The mathematical model of the separation process includes effects due to the axial velocity, electro-osmotic cross flow and electrophoretic migration, all including the effects of temperature dependent properties

    Numerical simulation of double‐diffusive Marangoni convection

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    This is the published version. Copyright © 1986 American Institute of PhysicsMarangoni convection is important in a variety of physical systems and occurs as a result of surface tension gradients at a liquid free surface. In general, liquid surface tension varies with temperature and species concentration in a binary fluid. If the temperature and concentration distributions make opposing contributions to the overall surface tension gradient at a free surface, convective motion, as well as heat and mass transfer within the system, is shown to depend on double‐diffusive effects. This situation is analogous to double‐diffusive natural convection, in that convection may occur, even though the overall surface tension difference along the free surface suggests stagnant fluid conditions