1,599 research outputs found

    The power of the strong state: A comparative analysis of the diaspora engagement strategies of India and Ethiopia

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    Migrant-sending countries are increasingly exploring schemes where human capital of expatriates can be used for the benefit of the home country's socioeconomic development. This paper focuses on the mechanisms of emigration management and problematizes the government involvement in diaspora engagement. By exploring the two cases of diaspora engagement policies, namely, that of India and Ethiopia, the paper questions the success of government mechanisms, establishing the conditions under which these mechanisms lead to political and economic benefit from the diaspora. Although countries differ immensely in various aspects, Ethiopia modeled its diaspora policy after the case of India, which provides us with a good case for establishing the necessary conditions. Both countries see diaspora as a key resource in economic development of respective countries and have therefore invested significant resources into developing institutions and policies to engage diaspora. Nevertheless, there are some major differences between the countries, in terms of the countries' resources and capacities to design and implement diaspora engagement policies and also in the composition of migrant communities. While Indian migration has always had an economic component, the Ethiopian Diaspora is primarily characterized by refugee flows. Moreover, India has a long history of migration and one of the largest migrant communities in the world. The paper argues that government resources and capacities to design and implement policies and the composition of migrant communities play a key role in determining the approach governments adopt with their diasporas.diaspora, migration, diaspora engagement policy, diaspora engagement, institutions, India, Ethiopia

    Towards Explaining Growth of Private and Public services in the Emerging Market Economies

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    The employment in public and private services in Emerging Market Economies (EME) has undergone disparate patterns of change during the transition. The paper reveals the main determinants of employment growth in different service groups in the period 1995-2008. Standard variables (per capita income, productivity gap and government expenditure) provide insufficient explanation for the increasing share of services employment while transition reforms indicators exert statistically significant influence. Estimations differ substantially for public, mixed and private services. Deviations from the theoretical framework and patterns in developed economies are observed that need to take into account path dependency of the convergence process of emerging market economies in major service groups. The findings are inconclusive and call for the extension of research towards additional explanatory factors and improvement of data set.employment growth, tertiarisation, public services, private services, transition

    Promoting return and circular migration of the highly skilled

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    Migration of skilled workers from developing countries has increased substantially in recent years. Traditionally, such patterns raised fears on the ground of the associated 'brain drain' as human capital formation is considered to be of central importance to the development and reduction of poverty levels. Therefore, any loss of skilled workers through migration was considered harmful to the achievement of development goals. In contrast, the new body of literature emphasizes the positive incentive and feedback effects which skilled migration has on sending countries' development as well as on other stakeholders. While most papers on the impacts of migration on development focus on remittances and low-skilled migration, we emphasize the effects of skilled return migrants which bring about the transfer of knowledge and skills. This paper examines five levels of policy concerning the mobility of skilled workers. Because of their differing positions, we examine the position of sending and receiving countries with regard to skilled migration separately. We look at receiving country policies, sending country policies, bilateral approaches, regional approaches and global approaches. This paper first explores what options are theoretically discussed at the five levels of analysis. Secondly, we observe what kinds of policies are actually used in practice and which policies show some evidence of success. We also systematically discuss the advantages and disadvantages (or limitations) of each policy option.return migration, highly skilled, migration, immigration, skilled migration, developing countries, human capital, skills

    A review of the rationales for corporate risk management: fashion or the need?

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    This paper presents the extensive literature survey based both on theoretical rationales for hedging as well as the empirical evidence that support the implications of the theory regarding the arguments for the corporate risk management relevance and its influence on the company’s value. The survey of literature presented in this paper has revealed that there are two chief classes of rationales for corporate decision to hedge - maximisation of shareholder value or maximisation of managers’ private utility. If corporate hedging decisions are capable of increasing firm values, they can do so by reducing the volatility of cash flows. The literature survey presented in this paper has revealed that, by hedging financial risks firms can decrease cash flow volatility, what leads to a lower variance of firm value. This means that not only a firm value is moving less, but that the probability of occurring low values is smaller than without hedging. Reduced volatility of cash flows results in decreased costs of financial distress and expected taxes, thereby enhancing the present value of expected future cash flows. Additionally, it reduces the costs associated with information “asymmetries” by signalling management's view of the company's prospects to investors, or it reduces agency problems. In addition, reducing cash flow volatility can improve the probability of having sufficient internal funds for planned investments eliminating the need either to cut profitable projects or bear the transaction costs of obtaining external funding. However, it needs to be emphasised that there is no consensus as to what hedging rationale is the most important in explaining risk management as a corporate policy. It can be concluded that, the total benefit of hedging is the combination of all these motives and, if the costs of using corporate risk management instruments are less than the benefits provided via the avenues mentioned in this paper, or any other benefit perceived by the market, then risk management is a shareholder-value enhancing activity.corporate risks, rationales of risk management

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    Book Review: Abbe E.L. Brown and Charlotte Waelde (eds), Research handbook on intellectual property and creative industries

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    Faculty of Social Science Wolverhampton Universit

    Examples of use in technical dictionaries

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    Many technical dictionaries take the form of glossaries which only lemmatize a source and target word without presenting any additional information about terms. While examples of use are frequent in general language dictionaries, they are rare in technical ones. Some lexicographers even share the opinion that there is no need to include examples in a technical dictionary because terms are generally monosemous and do not present any lexical problems. Using examples taken from the fields of garment and traffic engineering, this article is intended to show that many contrastive differences exist between Slovene and English terms from these fields. They should be included into dictionary articles to support the intended uses of a dictionary. A well composed dictionary article will help a professional user, especially a student, to formulate correct native and foreign language sentences

    Axe Belgique-Québec-France: aspect de sororité

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    En su poesía, prosa, memorias o ensayos, Claire Lejeune (Bélgica), France Théoret (Quebec, Canadå) y Luce Irigaray (Francia) han abordado el concepto de hermandad como una herramienta poderosa en su proceso de identificación con otras mujeres. Es particularmente interesante observar en sus obras la revisión y actualización del antiguo mito de Antígona, como un modelo a seguir para las nuevas relaciones que se pueden establecer entre los humanos.In their poetry, prose, memoirs or essays, Claire Lejeune (Belgium), France Théoret (Quebec, Canada), and Luce Irigaray (France) have all approached the concept of sisterhood as a powerful tool in their process of identification with other women. It is particularly interesting to observe in their works the revision and up-dating of the ancient myth of Antigone, as a role model so that new relationships may be established among humans.notPeerReviewe

    Parental authority styles in adolescent-parent relationships

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    "Die Studie konfrontiert eine adaptierte Version der Family Communication Patterns (FCP) nach Ritchie/Fitzpatrick (1990) mit einer ebenfalls adaptierten Version der Psychological Control Scale nach Barber (1996). Die Analyse basiert auf einer Stichprobe von 194 Personen, erstgeborene slowenische Jugendliche und deren Eltern. Die Ergebnisse aus der Kombination von Variablen der beiden theoretisch-empirischen Kontexte verweisen auf die Bedeutung des Konzepts der elterlichen AutoritĂ€t und insbesondere auf die kommunikativen Aspekte ihrer Geltendmachung. Es wird sichtbar gemacht, wie Eltern ihre AutoritĂ€t in Form von eher deliberativen oder bestrafenden Erziehungsstilen ihren Kindern gegenĂŒber durchsetzen." (Autorenreferat)"This study confronts an adapted version of Family Communication Patterns (FCP) (e.g. Ritchie/Fitzpatrick 1990) with an adapted version of the Psychological Control Scale (e.g. Barber 1996). The analysis is based on a sample of 194 firstborn Slovenian adolescents and their parents. The results from combinations of variables from the two theoretical-empirical contexts indicate the importance of the concept of parental authority and especially the communicative aspects of its assertion. The findings shed light on ways in which parents assert their authority over their adolescent children in the form of more deliberative or coercive parental authority styles." (author's abstract
