1,796 research outputs found

    Prétextes de l’empire américain aux Philippines : Recontextualisation des histoires de la médecine impériale

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    Certains ethnohistoriens ont récemment suggéré que leur tâche n’est pas tant de faire émerger la cohérence que de démontrer comment les hiérarchies de crédibilité sont créées et requièrent une théorie d’inscriptions. Dans cet article, je propose que de récents travaux d’anthropologie linguistique sur l’entextualisation et la recontextualisation offrent des outils cruciaux pour cette entreprise historique. En particulier, je m’attarde aux façons dont les rapports annuels de santé publique publiés pendant l’occupation américaine des Philippines ont eu recours à l’effacement ainsi qu’à l’incorporation afin de minimiser les initiatives philippines de santé publique au début du vingtième siècle. En réfléchissant sur les raisons menant à la ventriloquie, plutôt qu’à l’effacement, je complexifie les idées concernant la relation entre silence et pouvoir. L’analyse textuelle sert ici à remettre en question les prétextes de la présence impériale américaine présentée comme bénéfique pour la santé du peuple philippin, en théorisant la relation entre le silence et l’effacement.Historical anthropologists have recently argued that their task is not to produce coherence, but instead to depict how hierarchies of credibility are established in ways that requires a theory of inscriptions. In this paper, I argue that recent work in linguistic anthropology on entextualization and recontextualization has some crucial insights to offer into precisely this historical enterprise. In particular, I look at the ways that annual reports of public health published during the American occupation of the Philippines use erasure and incorporation in ways that minimize Filipino public health initiatives in the early twentieth century. In considering why such work was more likely to be ventriloquized than erased I complicate existing ideas about the relationship between silence and power. Textual analysis here serves to challenge the pretexts of the American imperial presence as one benefiting the health of the Filipino people, as it theorizes the relationship between silence and erasure.Ciertos etnohistoriadores han recientemente propuesto que su trabajo no consiste tanto en hacer surgir la coherencia sino en demostrar cómo las jerarquías de credibilidad son creadas y requieren una teoría de la inscripción. En este artículo, propongo que los recientes trabajos de antropología lingüística sobre la intextualización y la recontextualización proporcionan los útiles cruciales para esta empresa histórica. Particularmente, me concentro en las maneras en que los reportes anuales de salud pública publicados durante la ocupación americana de Filipinas recurrieron a la supresión y a la incorporación con el fin de minimizar las iniciativas filipinas de salud pública a principios del siglo veinte. Al reflexionar sobre las razones que conducen más bien hacia la ventriloquia que hacia la supresión, las ideas sobre la relación entre el silencio y el poder se vuelven más complejas. El análisis textual sirve para cuestionar los pretextos de la presencia imperial americana, presentada come benéfica para la salud del pueblo filipino, lo que permite teorizar la relación entre el silencio y la supresió

    Quantifying stand structural complexity in woodland and dry sclerophyll forest, South-Eastern Australia

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    In this thesis I present and test a methodology for developing a stand scale index of structural complexity. If properly designed such an index can act as a summary variable for a larger set of stand structural attributes, providing a means of ranking stands in terms of their structural complexity, and by association, their biodiversity and vegetation condition. This type of index can also facilitate the use of alternative policy instruments for biodiversity conservation, such as mitigation banking, auctions and offsets, that rely on a common currency – the index value – that can be compared or traded between sites. My intention was to establish a clear and documentable methodology for developing a stand scale index of structural complexity, and to test this methodology using data from real stands.¶ ..

    Paleomagnetic databases updated to 1996

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94714/1/eost11463.pd

    From Choc En Retour To Nomadisme En Fleche

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    This thesis seeks to analyze and expound upon Aimé Césaire’s theory of history, choc en retour from Discours sur le colonialisme and situate William Faulkner’s Absalom! Absalom! and André Schwarz-Bart’s La Mulatresse Solitude (and to a lesser extent Le Dernier des Justes and Go Down, Moses) within this theoretical framework; which presents the Holocaust as the culmination (“retrun shock”) of four centuries of colonial violence – from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries – perpetrated by Western powers such as France and the United States. While Césaire’s application to Schwarz- Bart’s texts is more standard – with his two novels explicitly linking Antillean slavery to the Holocaust – the connections between American antebellum slavery, the Civil War and consequent decades of racially motivated discrimination and terror in the United States – as presented by Faulkner – have rarely been viewed through choc en retour. This stems from a dearth of research seeking to build upon Aimé Césaire’s historical connections, and link concentric histories of violence and exploitation to one another. Thus, this thesis takes a genealogical approach, which also employs Glissant’s theorization of nomadisme en flèche. This notion casts imperialism as a perpetually wanton extraction of goods and resources, in which bourgeois states constantly seek out new markets and labor pools in service of metropolitan prosperity; as they engage in increasingly amoral practices (i.e. slavery). Understanding choc en retour in tandem with nomadisme en flèche allows for linkages between seemingly divergent timelines. As a result, this thesis argues that Faulkner and Schwarz-Bart use their novels to show how both France and the United States’ domination of various peoples cast as “the Other” and perpetuation of violent exploitative processes through nomadisme en flèche carries the constant threat of “un veritable choc en retour” – leading to Antillean slave rebellions, the Civil, the Holocaust and today’s perpetually violent neoliberal world

    Speakin' and Spokin' in Jamaica: Conflict and Consensus in Sociolinguistics

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    Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Semantic Typology and Semantic Universals (1993

    End-bridging is required for pol μ to efficiently promote repair of noncomplementary ends by nonhomologous end joining

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    DNA polymerase μ is a member of the mammalian pol X family and reduces deletion during chromosome break repair by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). This biological role is linked to pol μ's ability to promote NHEJ of ends with noncomplementary 3′ overhangs, but questions remain regarding how it performs this role. We show here that synthesis by pol μ in this context is often rapid and, despite the absence of primer/template base-pairing, instructed by template. However, pol μ is both much less active and more prone to possible template independence in some contexts, including ends with overhangs longer than two nucleotides. Reduced activity on longer overhangs implies pol μ is less able to synthesize across longer gaps, arguing pol μ must bridge both sides of gaps between noncomplementary ends to be effective in NHEJ. Consistent with this argument, a pol μ mutant defective specifically on gapped substrates is also less active during NHEJ of noncomplementary ends both in vitro and in cells. Taken together, pol μ activity during NHEJ of noncomplementary ends can thus be primarily linked to pol μ's ability to work together with core NHEJ factors to bridge DNA ends and perform a template-dependent gap fill-in reaction

    The effect of gap size on growth and species composition of 15-year-old regrowth in mixed blackbutt forests

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    In north-eastern New South Wales (NSW) the Regional Forest Agreement process has transferred more than 400 000 ha of state forests to national park, and restricted silviculture to 'single tree selection' and a light form of 'Australian group selection'. While these silvicultural systems are theoretically well suited to ecologically sustainable forest management, there is concern that in their current form they are not achieving adequate regeneration or optimising the growth of that regeneration. This is of particular concern for mixed-species blackbutt forest, for which there is no quantitative research concerning the growth and composition of regeneration within group - selection gaps. We address this issue by: (1) quantifying the effect of gap size, and other gap characteristics including distance from gap edge, on the growth of regeneration; and (2) assessing the effect of gap size on the composition of regeneration. We use the answers to these questions to recommend a gap size for group selection silviculture in mixed-species blackbutt forests in north-eastern NSW. We measured attributes describing the growth and composition of regeneration in nine circular group-selection gaps in mixedspecies blackbutt forest near Coffs Harbour and Wauchope. These gaps contained 14.5-15.5-y-old regeneration and provided three replicates of small (0.27-0.3 ha), medium (0.45-0.67 ha) and large (0.93-0.97 ha) gaps. ANOVA testing indicated significantly (P < 0.05) lower height, diameter and volume growth of dominant blackbutt stems up to five metres from gap edge. Outside this zone growth remained fairly constant, indicating dominant blackbutt trees were susceptible to suppression only in close proximity to gap edges. Multiple regression analysis confirmed the relatively short distance from gap edges over which suppression occurred, with distance to closest gap edge explaining a small proportion of the variation in the models fitted for tree- and plot-level growth. The origin of blackbutt regeneration within gaps was a significant effect in tree-level growth models, with planted stems having increased diameter and volume growth compared with stems regenerated from natural seedfall. Gap size had no significant effect on the composition of regeneration. We conclude that for the range of gaps tested, 1 -ha gaps are optimal for growth because they minimise the proportion of gap within 5 m of the retained forest edge, without altering composition. Larger gaps have also been shown to have operational and economic benefits compared with smaller gaps