279 research outputs found

    Patterns on liquid surfaces: cnoidal waves, compactons and scaling

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    Localized patterns and nonlinear oscillation formation on the bounded free surface of an ideal incompressible liquid are analytically investigated . Cnoidal modes, solitons and compactons, as traveling non-axially symmetric shapes are discused. A finite-difference differential generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation is shown to describe the three-dimensional motion of the fluid surface and the limit of long and shallow channels one reobtains the well known KdV equation. A tentative expansion formula for the representation of the general solution of a nonlinear equation, for given initial condition is introduced on a graphical-algebraic basis. The model is useful in multilayer fluid dynamics, cluster formation, and nuclear physics since, up to an overall scale, these systems display liquid free surface behavior.Comment: 14 pages RevTex, 5 figures in p

    Quasi-continuous symmetries of non-Lie type

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    We introduce a smooth mapping of some discrete space-time symmetries into quasi-continuous ones. Such transformations are related with q-deformations of the dilations of the Euclidean space and with the non-commutative space. We work out two examples of Hamiltonian invariance under such symmetries. The Schrodinger equation for a free particle is investigated in such a non-commutative plane and a connection with anyonic statistics is found. PACS: 03.65.Fd, 11.30.E

    Similarity Analysis of Nonlinear Equations and Bases of Finite Wavelength Solitons

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    We introduce a generalized similarity analysis which grants a qualitative description of the localised solutions of any nonlinear differential equation. This procedure provides relations between amplitude, width, and velocity of the solutions, and it is shown to be useful in analysing nonlinear structures like solitons, dublets, triplets, compact supported solitons and other patterns. We also introduce kink-antikink compact solutions for a nonlinear-nonlinear dispersion equation, and we construct a basis of finite wavelength functions having self-similar properties.Comment: 18 pages Latex, 6 figures ep
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