8,892 research outputs found

    The Nikitin Case: Rule of Law?

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    Condette Jean-François. 252) MALPEL François Frédéric. In: , . Les recteurs d'académie en France de 1808 à 1940. Tome II, Dictionnaire biographique. Paris : Institut national de recherche pédagogique, 2006. p. 271. (Histoire biographique de l'enseignement, 12

    The Nikitin Case: Rule of Law?

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    Some thoughts on the use of InSAR data to constrain models of surface deformation: Noise structure and data downsampling

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    Repeat-pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) provides spatially dense maps of surface deformation with potentially tens of millions of data points. Here we estimate the actual covariance structure of noise in InSAR data. We compare the results for several independent interferograms with a large ensemble of GPS observations of tropospheric delay and discuss how the common approaches used during processing of InSAR data affects the inferred covariance structure. Motivated by computational concerns associated with numerical modeling of deformation sources, we then combine the data-covariance information with the inherent resolution of an assumed source model to develop an efficient algorithm for spatially variable data resampling (or averaging). We illustrate these technical developments with two earthquake scenarios at different ends of the earthquake magnitude spectrum. For the larger events, our goal is to invert for the coseismic fault slip distribution. For smaller events, we infer the hypocenter location and moment. We compare the results of inversions using several different resampling algorithms, and we assess the importance of using the full noise covariance matrix

    Dynamics of \u3cem\u3eE. Coli\u3c/em\u3e Single Stranded DNA Binding (SSB) Protein-DNA Complexes

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    Single stranded DNA binding proteins (SSB) are essential to the cell as they stabilize transiently open single stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates, recruit appropriate DNA metabolism proteins, and coordinate fundamental processes such as replication, repair and recombination. Escherichia coli single stranded DNA binding protein (EcSSB) has long served as the prototype for the study of SSB function. The structure, functions, and DNA binding properties of EcSSB are well established: The protein is a stable homotetramer with each subunit possessing an N-terminal DNA binding core, a C-terminal protein-protein interaction tail, and an intervening intrinsically disordered linker (IDL). EcSSB wraps ssDNA in multiple DNA binding modes and can diffuse along DNA to remove secondary structures and remodel other protein-DNA complexes. This review provides an update on these features based on recent findings, with special emphasis on the functional and mechanistic relevance of the IDL and DNA binding modes

    A proposed concept for a crustal dynamics information management network

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    The findings of a requirements and feasibility analysis of the present and potential producers, users, and repositories of space-derived geodetic information are summarized. A proposed concept is presented for a crustal dynamics information management network that would apply state of the art concepts of information management technology to meet the expanding needs of the producers, users, and archivists of this geodetic information

    \u3cem\u3ePlasmodium falciparum\u3c/em\u3e SSB Tetramer Wraps Single-Stranded DNA with Similar Topology but Opposite Polarity to \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e SSB

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    Single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) proteins play central roles in genome maintenance in all organisms. Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria, encodes an SSB protein that localizes to the apicoplast and likely functions in the replication and maintenance of its genome. P. falciparum SSB (Pf-SSB) shares a high degree of sequence homology with bacterial SSB proteins but differs in the composition of its C-terminus, which interacts with more than a dozen other proteins in Escherichia coli SSB (Ec-SSB). Using sedimentation methods, we show that Pf-SSB forms a stable homo-tetramer alone and when bound to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). We also present a crystal structure at 2.1 Å resolution of the Pf-SSB tetramer bound to two (dT)35 molecules. The Pf-SSB tetramer is structurally similar to the Ec-SSB tetramer, and ssDNA wraps completely around the tetramer with a “baseball seam” topology that is similar to Ec-SSB in its “65 binding mode”. However, the polarity of the ssDNA wrapping around Pf-SSB is opposite to that observed for Ec-SSB. The interactions between the bases in the DNA and the amino acid side chains also differ from those observed in the Ec-SSB–DNA structure, suggesting that other differences may exist in the DNA binding properties of these structurally similar proteins

    \u3cem\u3ePlasmodium falciparum\u3c/em\u3e SSB Tetramer Binds Single-Stranded DNA Only in a Fully Wrapped Mode

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    The tetrameric Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein (Ec-SSB) functions in DNA metabolism by binding to ssDNA and interacting directly with numerous DNA repair and replication proteins. Ec-SSB tetramers can bind ssDNA in multiple DNA binding modes that differ in the extent of ssDNA wrapping. Here, we show that the structurally similar SSB protein from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf-SSB) also binds tightly to ssDNA but does not display the same number of ssDNA binding modes as Ec-SSB, binding ssDNA exclusively in fully wrapped complexes with site sizes of 52–65 nt/tetramer. Pf-SSB does not transition to the more cooperative (SSB)35 DNA binding mode observed for Ec-SSB. Consistent with this, Pf-SSB tetramers also do not display the dramatic intra-tetramer negative cooperativity for binding of a second (dT)35 molecule that is evident in Ec-SSB. These findings highlight variations in the DNA binding properties of these two highly conserved homotetrameric SSB proteins, and these differences might be tailored to suit their specific functions in the cell

    Ravintolakokin työn haasteet ja riskit työympäristössä

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    Tutkimus sai alkunsa omakohtaisista kokemuksistani ravintolakeittiöissä sekä yleisistä keskusteluista ravintola-alan haasteellisista työoloista. Ongelmaa tarkasteltiin ammattikeittiöiden työoloihin vaikuttavien fyysisten ja psykososiaalisten riskien kartoituksen avulla, jonka pohjalta tutkimusongelmaksi nousi työturvallisuuden noudattamisen puutteellisuus. Tutkimuksen teoriapohja muodostui tutkimusympäristön perustiedoista sekä katsauksesta ravintola-alan lainsäädäntöön, joista tarkemmin paneuduttiin työturvallisuuslakiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisella tutkimusotteella, joka on etnografinen. Tutkimuksessa oli aineistonkeruuseen kuuluvalla kenttätyöllä pääosa, jossa kartoitettiin ravintolakeittiön työympäristön ongelmakohtia. Muina menetelminä käytettiin avointa haastattelua, sekä aiheesta jo tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Tutkimuskysymystä lähestyttiin monien aineistojen yhtäaikaisella tarkastelulla, ja tulokset analysoitiin menetelmätriangulaatiolla kattavuuden ja luotettavuuden muodostamista varten. Tutkimusmenetelmien avulla saadut tulokset kertoivat, että psykososiaaliset tekijät ovat huomattavasti isompi riski ravintolakokkien työympäristössä, kuin fyysiset tekijät. Tuloksista selvisi, että työsuojelutoiminta ja – valvonta ovat edelleen haasteena ravintola-alalla. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksiä oli, että työturvallisuuslakia tulisi hie-nosäätää tarkemmaksi sekä velvoitteiden rajaus työpaikan kokoon mukaan tulisi poistaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten ja työturvallisuuslain pohjalta laadittiin työolojen tarkistuslista, jonka tavoite on parantaa työturvallisuuslain noudattamista ravintolakeittiöissä.The research was inspired by the author`s personal experience in restaurant kitchens, as well as by general discussion on the challenging working conditions in the restaurant sector. The problem was examined by mapping physical and psychosocial risks affecting work conditions in professional kitchens. The research problem came to be the deficiency in respecting safety laws at work. The theoretical base combined the basic knowledge of the research environment and a review on the regulations of the restaurant field, in which occupational safety law was examined more closely. The study was carried out by a qualitative research approach, which was ethnographic. The main method of the study was observation, which mapped the restaurant kitchen working environment problems. Other methods were open interviews as well as existing studies on this subject. The research question was approached by many simultaneous examinations of materials, and the results were analyzed by the triangulation method for rendering, regarding coverage and reliability. The results obtained by the research methods showed that psychosocial factors were a much bigger risk to restaurant chefs in the work environment than physical factors. The results showed that the occupational safety and health activities as well as control were still a challenge in the restaurant industry. The conclusion of the study was that the occupational safety law should be fine-tuned and narrowing the obligations of the law to the size of a workplace should be removed. Based on the results and the safety law, a check-up list regarding working conditions was drafted. It`s objective is to improve the occupational safety and health compliance in restaurant kitchens

    On the Edge of a digital society – Using digital storytelling for empowering digitally excluded groups

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    The present paper will address how refugees and asylum seekers, who moved to Denmark leaving their home without belongings, used digital technologies to connect with Danish society, and how digital storytelling has been applied as a narrative therapeutic approach for self-reflection and empowerment. This paper is based on several Danish and international projects and workshops using digital storytelling to give marginalized target groups a voice in society. The projects indicate that marginalized groups are often excluded from society caused by the lack of IT skills and digital expression. The main aspect in this research is on the digital divide and marginalized groups. Access to a computer, Internet and a mobile phone become crucial in the lives of refugees and asylum seekers who are socially, culturally or economically marginalized. This paper elucidates the significance of digital technologies in relation to inclusion and participation in the communication systems of an increasingly digitalized society. It is our experience that Digital Storytelling can provide marginalized people with important opportunities to become digital-literate, confident, and influential communicators by providing new digital-literate spaces and tools for learning. Through Digital Storytelling marginalized groups such as refugees and asylum seekers can produce powerful forms of self-representation. The self-presentation comes along with the narrative as a primary genre for identity construction. By telling others who you are, can construction an agentive self. Drawing on examples from the EU lifelong learning program; Silver Stories, The Danish Amnesty International campaign ´SHOUT OUT!, and workshops with asylum seekers and volunteers at the Asylum Festival 2015. This paper investigates how digital stories produced through these projects, provided digitally excluded groups a voice in society and most importantly a space for selfreflection and empowerment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio