23,695 research outputs found

    Realization of Global Symmetries in the Wilsonian Renormalization Group

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    We present a method to solve the master equation for the Wilsonian action in the antifield formalism. This is based on a representation theory for cutoff dependent global symmetries along the Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) flow. For the chiral symmetry, the master equation for the free theory yields a continuum version of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. We construct chiral invariant operators describing fermionic self-interactions. The use of canonically transformed variables is shown to simplify the underlying algebraic structure of the symmetry. We also give another non-trivial example, a realization of SU(2) vector symmetry. Our formalism may be used for a non-perturbative truncation of the Wilsonian action preserving global symmetries.Comment: 11 page

    Comparative histological study of the reinforced area of the saccular membrane in mammals

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    Comparative histological study of reinforced area of saccular membrane in mammal

    A Type System for First-Class Layers with Inheritance, Subtyping, and Swapping

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    Context-Oriented Programming (COP) is a programming paradigm to encourage modularization of context-dependent software. Key features of COP are layers---modules to describe context-dependent behavioral variations of a software system---and their dynamic activation, which can modify the behavior of multiple objects that have already been instantiated. Typechecking programs written in a COP language is difficult because the activation of a layer can even change objects' interfaces. Inoue et al. have informally discussed how to make JCop, an extension of Java for COP by Appeltauer et al., type-safe. In this article, we formalize a small COP language called ContextFJ<:_{<:} with its operational semantics and type system and show its type soundness. The language models main features of the type-safe version of JCop, including dynamically activated first-class layers, inheritance of layer definitions, layer subtyping, and layer swapping

    Architecture of the Otolith End Organ - with Some Functional Considerations

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    Architecture and structure of otolith end orga

    Pareto-Optimal Allocation of Indivisible Goods with Connectivity Constraints

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    We study the problem of allocating indivisible items to agents with additive valuations, under the additional constraint that bundles must be connected in an underlying item graph. Previous work has considered the existence and complexity of fair allocations. We study the problem of finding an allocation that is Pareto-optimal. While it is easy to find an efficient allocation when the underlying graph is a path or a star, the problem is NP-hard for many other graph topologies, even for trees of bounded pathwidth or of maximum degree 3. We show that on a path, there are instances where no Pareto-optimal allocation satisfies envy-freeness up to one good, and that it is NP-hard to decide whether such an allocation exists, even for binary valuations. We also show that, for a path, it is NP-hard to find a Pareto-optimal allocation that satisfies maximin share, but show that a moving-knife algorithm can find such an allocation when agents have binary valuations that have a non-nested interval structure.Comment: 21 pages, full version of paper at AAAI-201

    Hedonic Games with Graph-restricted Communication

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    We study hedonic coalition formation games in which cooperation among the players is restricted by a graph structure: a subset of players can form a coalition if and only if they are connected in the given graph. We investigate the complexity of finding stable outcomes in such games, for several notions of stability. In particular, we provide an efficient algorithm that finds an individually stable partition for an arbitrary hedonic game on an acyclic graph. We also introduce a new stability concept -in-neighbor stability- which is tailored for our setting. We show that the problem of finding an in-neighbor stable outcome admits a polynomial-time algorithm if the underlying graph is a path, but is NP-hard for arbitrary trees even for additively separable hedonic games; for symmetric additively separable games we obtain a PLS-hardness result