1,775 research outputs found

    Population-based patient care study for breast cancer

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    Background: Different approaches for an effective quality management are funded by the Ministry of Health to verify, to assess and, if necessary to optimize the quality of health care using the tracer diagnoses of breast, rectal, and lung cancer in eight regions in Germany. The conception of these observational studies and initial findings are shown here, using breast cancer in the region of Munich (population 2.4 million) as an example. Patients and Methods: The study started on April 1, 1996. The recruitment phase for all primary boast cancer patients in this region is planned for 2 years with a 3-5-year follow-up. Established documentation sheets are used to document basic medical information of each patient, along with the original reports (pathology: radiotherapy, doctors' reports, etc.), follow-up reports and quality of life questionnaires (QLQ, including the EORTC QLQ C30). Results: In 1996, the Munich region has a crude incidence of 125/100,000 women (world standard 71.5). After almost complete documentation the incidence is 10-15% higher. In the period from April 1 1996 to June 30, 1997 1,360 patients have been recruited into the study. 79% of the patients were 50 years of age or older. pT stages are distributed as follows: pTIS 5%, pT1 54%, pT2 32%, pT3 4%, pT4 6%. 4.5% had primary metastases. Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) was performed in 57% of patients. Five of the 46 departments involved recruited more than 50 patients each within these 14 months. These larger departments treat 59% of all patients. The proportion of older patients and pT4 stages is significantly higher in the smaller departments. BCT is performed significantly more often in the larger departments. First results of quality of life show dependencies on age, but no differences between mastectomy and BCT 3 months after operation. Not only the addressed patients (response rate to QLQ over 80%) but also almost all hospitals and many physicians are milling to support and to partake in quality assurance. 35 hospitals, 46 surgical departments. 80 heads of department and surgically: active general practioners, 330 general practioners. 7 radiotherapy departments, and 13 pathology departments have so far documented for this study. Conclusions: An effective quality management in oncology needs a modern cancer registry which uses documentation sheets as well as original reports and organizes the complicated infrastructure for an interdisciplinary cooperation. To be able to evaluate the health care reality it is necessary to carry out a data analysis and assess each individual case. A feedback of the results have to be available for each physician and each department. The cost of this information management is approximately 0.3% of the health care cost for this group of patients

    A matrix nullspace approach for solving equality-constrained multivariable polynomial least-squares problems

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    We present an elimination theory-based method for solving equality-constrained multivariable polynomial least-squares problems in system identification. While most algorithms in elimination theory rely upon Groebner bases and symbolic multivariable polynomial division algorithms, we present an algorithm which is based on computing the nullspace of a large sparse matrix and the zeros of a scalar, univariate polynomial

    Risk of basal cell carcinoma after Hodgkin's disease

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    Background: Basal cell cancer is a common skin cancer, yet studies of second tumors after Hodgkin's disease tend to exclude basal cell cancers as second malignant tumors from analysis. Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) are possibly more common in immunosuppressed patients and were recently implicated as indicators of subsequent malignancies. Materials and Methods: Our database of 1,120 patients with Hodgkin's disease (derived from the tumor registry) was investigated for the occurrence of later BCCs. Kaplan-Meier curves were calculated. Results: A total of 9 cases of BCC were observed 0-20 years after the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease, One case relapsed after excision. The probability of second BCC was 2.1% after 15 years of follow-up and 7.1% after 20 years. Statistically, the risk for second BCC was increased only in younger patients and with prolonged follow-up, but not in the total group of patients with Hodgkin's disease. Conclusion: BCC is not a major threat: for the survivors of Hodgkin's disease, but continued follow-up is necessary

    Spontaneous remissions in breast cancer underline the need of more evidence: screening should not detect more cancer but earlier cancer

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    Aim: Analysis of the hypothesis that 22% of breast cancer cases detected by screening mammography would disappear spontaneously. Methods: Critical appraisal of the relevant scientific literature using established methods. Results: The hypothesis—although it is unusual—seems to be very well supported by data from several independent research groups and justifies three lessons. Conclusions: First, it is necessary to complete the last step of the concept of traditional evidence-based medicine (EBM), i.e., to confirm that the outcome that is predicted by scientific evidence will also be observed in daily clinical practice. Second, the focus of medical teaching should be directed to final clinical outcomes and patient benefit rather than surrogate parameters, such as completed procedures or test results. Third, the availability of data to answer unsolved questions may become a more important indicator for high-quality health-care systems than the performance of services of unknown incremental value

    Immobilization of different biomolecules by atomic force microscopy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Micrometer resolution placement and immobilization of probe molecules is an important step in the preparation of biochips and a wide range of lab-on-chip systems. Most known methods for such a deposition of several different substances are costly and only suitable for a limited number of probes. In this article we present a flexible procedure for simultaneous spatially controlled immobilization of functional biomolecules by molecular ink lithography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the bottom-up fabrication of surface bound nanostructures a universal method is presented that allows the immobilization of different types of biomolecules with micrometer resolution. A supporting surface is biotinylated and streptavidin molecules are deposited with an AFM (atomic force microscope) tip at distinct positions. Subsequent incubation with a biotinylated molecule species leads to binding only at these positions. After washing streptavidin is deposited a second time with the same AFM tip and then a second biotinylated molecule species is coupled by incubation. This procedure can be repeated several times. Here we show how to immobilize different types of biomolecules in an arbitrary arrangement whereas most common methods can deposit only one type of molecules. The presented method works on transparent as well as on opaque substrates. The spatial resolution is better than 400 nm and is limited only by the AFM's positional accuracy after repeated z-cycles since all steps are performed in situ without moving the supporting surface. The principle is demonstrated by hybridization to different immobilized DNA oligomers and was validated by fluorescence microscopy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The immobilization of different types of biomolecules in high-density microarrays is a challenging task for biotechnology. The method presented here not only allows for the deposition of DNA at submicrometer resolution but also for proteins and other molecules of biological relevance that can be coupled to biotin.</p

    Untersuchungen zur Quecksilberbelastung beim Umgang mit dem Dentalwerkstoff Amalgam unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Anwendung von Dimercaptopropansulfonat

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    In der vorliegenden LĂ€ngsschnittstudie wurde die innere Quecksilberexposition von Patienten mit AmalgamfĂŒllungen (n=19), ZahnĂ€rzten (n=5) und Zahnmedizinstudenten (n=39) mittels Biomonitoring untersucht. Zahlreiche Aspekte einer Körperbelastung mit Quecksilber wurden ĂŒberprĂŒft. Es erfolgte die Untersuchung und Beurteilung verschiedener Varianten des „Quecksilber-Mobilisationstests" mit Dimercaptopropansulfonat (DMPS). Die Bestimmung der Quecksilberkonzentrationen in Blut und Urin erfolgte mittels Direktanalyse in Kaltdampfhydridtechnik am Atomabsorptionsspektrophotometer. Die Kreatininkonzentration im Urin wurde photometrisch modifiziert nach der Methode von JaffĂ© bestimmt. Alle Analysen erfolgten unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der QualitĂ€tssicherung gemĂ€ĂŸ TRGS 410. Die Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit lag bei allen Testverfahren bei 0,05, ein Signifikanzniveau von p<0,05 wurde als signifikant bezeichnet. Die kreatininbezogene Quecksilberausscheidung im Urin korrelierte im Niedrigdosisbereich unter 5”g/l am besten mit der tĂ€glich ausgeschiedenen absoluten Quecksilbermasse. Die bei den Probanden gemessenen Quecksilberspiegel im Blut und Urin erreichten in keinem Fall Konzentrationen, die derzeit auf der Basis der bekannten Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehungen als gesundheitsgefĂ€hrdend anzusehen sind. Wenige Probanden erreichten den oberen Referenzwert von 3”g/l fĂŒr beruflich nicht quecksilberexponierte Personen. Ein Einfluß der ErnĂ€hrungsgewohnheiten auf die Gesamtquecksilberbelastung ließ sich nicht belegen. AmalgamfĂŒllungen trugen signifikant zur Erhöhung der Urinquecksilberkonzentrationen bei, zu den Blutwerten bestand kein entsprechender Zusammenhang. AmalgamtrĂ€ger, die hĂ€ufiger ihre ZĂ€hne putzten, erreichten meßbar höhere Urinquecksilberkonzentrationen. ZusammenhĂ€nge zu anderen Faktoren, die das FĂŒllungsmaterial beanspruchten (z.B. Kaugummikauen), wurden nicht gefunden. Wenige Patienten erreichten nach dem Entfernen von mehreren AmalgamfĂŒllungen den oberen Referenzwert fĂŒr die Quecksilberkonzentration im Blut, nicht jedoch im Urin. Beim Arbeiten mit Amalgam kam es im einsemestrigen Phantomkurs zu einer meßbaren Quecksilberexposition der Studenten. Der BAT-Wert wurde sicher eingehalten. Die vom einzelnen Studenten verbrauchte Quecksilbermenge korrelierte nicht mit den Belastungsparametern. Der Abstand zu dem im Kursraum befindlichen Amalgamtriturator hatte fĂŒr die Exposition mit Quecksilber keine Relevanz. Beim anschließenden Behandlungskurs arbeiteten weniger Studenten gleichzeitig in einem Raum. Die Quecksilberkonzentrationen im Urin sanken daraufhin ohne Gabe eines Therapeutikums wieder ab. Die Applikation des Chelatkomplexbildners DMPS fĂŒhrte zu einem kurzzeitigen Anstieg der Quecksilberspiegel im Urin. Die Dauer der Sammelperiode war mitentscheidend fĂŒr die Höhe der Konzentration. Im Sammelurin ĂŒber 24 Stunden war die Wirkform (oral/intravenös) von DMPS nicht entscheidend. Die Quecksilberausscheidung nach Mobilisation mit DMPS korrelierte signifikant mit den Quecksilberspiegeln im zuvor erfaßten Spontanurin. Die Quecksilberkonzentration im Urin bezogen auf Kreatinin ist ein geeigneter Parameter zur Beurteilung der Quecksilberbelastung. Beim Umgang mit dem Dentalwerkstoff Amalgam kommt es sowohl beim Zahnarzt, als auch beim Patienten, zu einer meßbaren zusĂ€tzlichen Quecksilberbelastung. Arbeitsmedizinisch-toxikologisch relevante Konzentrationen werden jedoch nicht erreicht. DMPS erhöht kurzfristig die Quecksilberausscheidung im Urin. Die Anwendung von DMPS als Diagnostikum erbringt keine weitere Information, so daß diese Untersuchung in der Regel nicht indiziert ist

    Monitoring of Changes in Mechanical Properties of Chemical Protective Clothing under the Infl uence of Physical and Chemical Effects

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    PrĂ­spevok obsahuje porovnanie a analĂœzu zmien mechanickĂœch vlastnostĂ­ odevu (napr. napĂ€tie, sila pretrhnutia, modul pruĆŸnosti) pred testovanĂ­m a po testoch na prienik aerosĂłly nanočastĂ­c. Prienik je sledovanĂœ u jednotlivĂœch častĂ­ odevu, ako sĂș rukĂĄvy, nohavice a hruď. V ďalĆĄom kroku bolo vykonanĂ© sledovanie zmien časti odevu pri vystavenĂ­ vzoriek silnĂœm kyselinĂĄm (kyselina sĂ­rovĂĄ, kyselina dusičnĂĄ), peroxidu vodĂ­ka, organickej zlĂșčenine, vodnej pare, vplyvu teploty a UV ĆŸiarenia. V prĂ­spevku sa taktieĆŸ porovnĂĄvajĂș pocity pri teste v skĂșĆĄobnej komore s publikovanĂœmi Ășdajmi.An article includes a comparison and analysis of changes in clothing mechanical properties (e.g., tension, tear strength, elastic modulus) prior testing and after nanoparticle aerosol penetration tests. The breakthrough is observed in different parts of the garment, such as sleeves, trousers and chest. The next stop was to monitor changes in the garment when exposed to strong acids (sulfurid acid, nitric acid), hydrogen peroxide, organic compound, water vapor, temperature and UV radiation. An article also compares the test feelings in the test chambre with published data

    Arable weed flora in the Western Siberian grain belt

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    Between Ekaterinburg and Nowosibirsk, in the Western Siberian grain belt, spring wheat is grown on fertile Chernozem soils. Field and farm sizes are large but the land-use intensity per area is low compared to Central Europe. Fertilizers and pesticides are applied only in low to moderate quantities and yields range between 10 and 20 dt ha-1. We studied the arable weed flora in the northern forest steppe zone of Tyumen region using a randomized sampling design. Surprisingly, the species richness was only moderate, on average 9.8 ± 3.8 species per 100 mÂČ. Compared to weed communities of Bashkiria (Southern Ural) and less intensively used arable land of Central Europe these numbers are rather low. Moreover, most of the recorded species were cosmopolitans or widely distributed throughout the temperate zone. We suggest that the land use intensity was high enough to reduce the density of a number of weed species in a way that they were not registered by our random sampling design. The limited conservational value of the weed vegetation of large grain fields in Tyumen leads to the conclusion that if intensification of land use is unavoidable, it should be directed to arable land and not to ex-arable land or ancient grassland, which is of higher conservation value.Segetalvegetation des Westsibirischen GetreidegĂŒrtelsDie fruchtbaren Schwarzerden im Westsibirischen GetreidegĂŒrtel zwischen Jekaterinburg und Nowosibirsk werden großflĂ€chig mit Sommergetreide bestellt. Trotz des großen Anbaumaßstabes ist die LandnutzungsintensitĂ€t pro FlĂ€cheneinheit gering, wenn man sie mit Mitteleuropa vergleicht. Der Einsatz von DĂŒngemitteln und Pestiziden ist niedrig, und die ErtrĂ€ge liegen zwischen 10 und 20 dt ha-1. Die Verteilung der ProbenflĂ€chen erfolgte mittels eines randomisierten Samplingdesigns mit 99 ProbenflĂ€chen Ă  100 mÂČ im Tjumener Gebiet des GetreidegĂŒrtels. Überraschenderweise war der Artenreichtum mit einem Mittelwert von 9,8 ± 3,8 Arten niedriger, als bei der geringen LandnutzungsintensitĂ€t zu erwarten wĂ€re. Verglichen mit Ackergemeinschaften Baschkiriens (SĂŒdural) und extensiv bewirtschafteten FlĂ€chen in Mitteleuropa sind diese Artenzahlen gering. Außerdem waren die meisten erfassten Arten Kosmopoliten oder in großen Teilen der gemĂ€ĂŸigten Zone verbreitete Arten. Aus unseren Ergebnissen schlussfolgern wir, dass die LandnutzungsintensitĂ€t in Tjumen hoch genug ist, um die Dichten einer Reihe von Segetalarten so zu reduzieren, dass sie mit einem randomisierten Samplingdesign nicht mehr oder nur in geringen Stetigkeiten nachzuweisen sind. Die Unterschiede zum Artenreichtum MitteleuropĂ€ischer Äcker ergeben sich auch aufgrund des geringen Anteils von ArchĂ€ophyten in der Flora von Tjumen. Hieraus folgt, dass, wenn eine Steigerung der LandnutzungsintensitĂ€t im GetreidegĂŒrtel Westsibiriens unvermeidbar ist, sie auf AckerflĂ€chen stattfinden sollte und nicht auf Ackerbrachen oder GrĂŒnlandflĂ€chen, die einen höheren naturschutzfachlichen Wert besitzen
